Best Fish Tanks for Beginners

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
MarineLand Glass LED
Test Winner: MarineLand Glass LED
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A colorful, well-maintained fish tank will always be a welcome addition to any room of the house. There is always a fascination in seeing fishes swim, even in a controlled environment such as an aquarium, which can also add an overall soothing feeling to the space that you are in. However, there is a lot that goes in on having one, which makes it a tad bit more challenging that owning and taking care of other pets. From the type of fishes that you will have, to the size and filtration systems that you will use, it can be a costly and quite demanding thing to venture into. If you are still reading this, then you must be welcoming all of these possible challenges that come with owning your personal aquarium.

Standout Picks

MarineLand Glass LED
MarineLand has once again released a product that would not only irradiate any room but would also provide a healthy environment for your fishes to live in. This was done through the Portrait Glass LED Aquarium Kit.
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Penn Plax
Betta fish owners would be ecstatic about this aquarium kit. It is the perfect-sized and functioning tank that is best-suited for any space, which also makes for an applicable aquarium for beginners.
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As the name itself suggests, this aquarium is structured like a small building, similar to a medium-rise hotel. If aesthetics is a big consideration for your purchase, this definitely would be a good buy for you.
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Another small to a medium-sized tank that will be a good fit for your desk or table in any room of your home or office would be this aquarium kit. And since it comes with all the basic features for an aquarium to function, this brand would work well for beginners.
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Tetra LED
For beginner aquarium owners who are looking for a glass and acrylic tank for them to start with, Tetra has another variant that can very well fulfill your needs. The aquarium would be the brand to go for, especially if you are just planning to own a smaller set of pets.
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Another good tank that would be suitable for table-top or desktop use would be the Fluval Spec III Aquarium Kit. With its 2.6-gallon capacity, it is decent sized enough to store two small fishes, which is a good starting point for beginners who have little knowledge about maintaining aquariums and caring for fishes as pets.
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Aqueon 10 Gallon
For those in search of the classic, minimalist aquarium that can fit a good handful of fishes, this one would be a good one to look at. It is straightforward and nonsensical, perfect for those who simply want a large enough tank for them to enjoy.
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Tetra Half Moon Betta
As stated in its name, this aquarium is a bit compact in its structure. But if you are literally on day one of owning your very own aquarium and pet fishes, this is a brand that could be very suitable and favorable for you.
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Aqueon Starter Kit
Very similar to the previous item, this is a five-gallon tank that is powered by Blue LED lights that emanate a colorful brightness that can instantly make any room vibrant. Another key takeaway is that this is available in a starter kit that can be greatly helpful for beginners.
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If you are looking to begin your venture into owning a pet fish while adding some color to the overall environment of your space, your best choice would be this aquarium kit. Built from excellent quality plastic, this crescent-shaped tank that can store five gallons of water this setup will be perfect to brighten up your room at home, or even your workspace.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


These two variables go hand-in-hand with each other, which is why they belong to one criterion. Of course, the size of your aquarium will be dependent on the space you have at home. But another important thing to consider is the type of fish that you plan to pet. Goldfish, for example, can grow up to 12 inches in length, which is exactly one foot. If you are looking at having a small school to pet, the normal fishbowls will definitely not suffice.

In terms of the type of fish, you must also consider those that can harmoniously co-exist with one another. You would not want to have a one big pet fish that could easily prey on the smaller ones, or bully them around the tank. Like humans and any other living creatures on this Earth, they will need a habitable environment to live in.


This item is still connected to the previous one. The type of fish, of course, would vary in price, and this is not yet counting the amount you will spend on the tank itself. Of course, the bigger, and more elaborate the tank is, the higher it goes up the price ladder.

Maintaining the aforementioned would rightfully cost more, given the electricity, amount of water, filtering systems, and chemicals you will use for the water. Keeping an aquarium and your fishes in top condition can be more difficult than, say, owning a dog or pet bird since you will need to put heavy consideration on the fish’s environment as well. Money and finances can be the biggest factor to consider, which can be the basis for your decision to get an aquarium, in the first place.


You may think that we are going a bit too scientific and complicated here, but the nitrogen cycle of your tank should also be on the top of the list to consider when you are a beginner in this venture. Simply put, the nitrogen cycle is the natural process in which a form of good bacteria disintegrates the ammonia that fishes secrete, which can be harmful to them and their environment. It is the same chemical that dead fish ooze out from its decaying body, which adds up to the tank’s ammonia levels.

In order to keep the overall process of maintaining enough bacteria levels to keep your tank and fishes healthy, one way would be to constantly change the water supply. In addition, it will also take a lot of time to properly cycle the tank, so you will need to be patient about it.


While the nitrogen cycle helps filter out the unwanted bacteria on your tank, it is not enough to get the job done. That is why you will also need the help of an effective filtration system that can further flush out all those toxins and ensure that you have a healthy aquarium under your watch.

If you want to go deeper into it, you can choose between either mechanical or chemical filtration. Mechanical filtration deals with the removal of scraps from the fish such as uneaten fish food, excrements, and even dust particles from the room it is situated in. Using this filtration system, the water passes through a mechanical filter as the particles are sifted and strained out.

Chemical filtration, on the other hand, does the job that the mechanical filtration was not able to. The difference is that the water that passes through the chemical filter then bonds chemically with some of the waste molecules, subsequently removing them from the entire tank. Whichever system you may find applicable; most tanks are of today are equipped with filtration systems that are capable of doing both.

Top 10 Picks

1. MarineLand Glass LED

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MarineLand Glass LED
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MarineLand has once again released a product that would not only irradiate any room but would also provide a healthy environment for your fishes to live in. This was done through the Portrait Glass LED Aquarium Kit.

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Size/Type of Fish
With its 11.8 x 11.6 x 17 inches and five-gallon water capacity, beginner tank owners will be able to store a handful of small fishes for them to pet. It makes for the attractive and soothing desktop aquarium that can be added into any room of any space.

Filtration System
The filtration system of this particular brand is also something to look forward to if you are planning this purchase. It is equipped with a three-stage back panel filtration that is hidden in plain sight, along with an adjustable flow filter pump to ensure its cleanliness and its water.

The built-in lighting system of this tank could be its best feature yet. If blue LED lights are not enough, this brand is also equipped with white LED lights that give off a more glistening effect on the water. This definitely adds more value, in terms of aesthetics.

Cost and Affordability
Like the previous MarineLand tank in this list, this one is also a bit on the pricey end. However, you will be paying for its top of the line features and lighting system, which justifies its cost.

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2. Penn Plax

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Penn Plax
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Betta fish owners would be ecstatic about this aquarium kit. It is the perfect-sized and functioning tank that is best-suited for any space, which also makes for an applicable aquarium for beginners.

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Size/Type of Fish
Through the name itself, it is already established that this brand is pretty much made for betta fish. It is 9.5 inches in height, 8.5 inches in width, and 6 inches in depth, which can hold up to a gallon and a half of water. With its plastic structure and removable lid, it is very easy to maintain and clean.

Filtration System
With the Penn Plax Betta Fish Tank, you will not have to worry about nitrates and the buildup of other pollutants. This aquarium is backed up with chemical, biological, and mechanical filtration, as well as a carbon filter media. This guarantees the cleanliness and freshness of the water for your fishes to live in.

Lighting is also not an issue with this brand, because, like all the other good brands that are mentioned in this list, it is also equipped with an LED lighting system. The bulbs are bright yet operate under a low voltage, which can also be factored into the total expenses for upkeep.

Cost and Affordability
Another great take away from this brand is its affordability. When purchased through Amazon, it falls right below the $30 price range, which is a good purchase for beginners. Not to mention the low-maintenance qualities and you have a great bargain in front of you.

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3. Umbra

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As the name itself suggests, this aquarium is structured like a small building, similar to a medium-rise hotel. If aesthetics is a big consideration for your purchase, this definitely would be a good buy for you.

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Size/Type of Fish
This brand is 7.5-inches wide x 7.5-inches deep x 8-inches high and can hold up to a gallon and a half of water. It can fit two fishes at the most, as each one occupies a floor level, but its compact size may be a bit too small for them to move around freely. If you are looking to store smaller kinds such as the standard goldfish, this should not be an issue.

Filtration System
Because of its size and stature, only the most basic filtration systems would work for this tank. It may not be suitable for other types of fish that may require a more elaborate system for them to live.

This tank is not built with any lighting system, so it would mainly depend on natural lighting. Given that condition, it would be best placed in a well-lit room, but still far from being exposed to the direct heat of the sun.

Cost and Affordability
For its size and aesthetic value, this brand also falls under the more affordable range in the price scale. If you are a beginner with almost zero knowledge about owning a fish, this could be a good brand to start with.

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4. MarineLand

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Amazon Link

Another small to a medium-sized tank that will be a good fit for your desk or table in any room of your home or office would be this aquarium kit. And since it comes with all the basic features for an aquarium to function, this brand would work well for beginners.

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Size/Type of Fish
This tank can very well fall under the medium-sized variation, as it can hold up to three gallons of water. Following the size-to-gallon fish-to-water ratio, you can fit three small fishes of your choosing, whether it’s a clownfish, goldfish, betta fishes, or swordtails.

Filtration System
You will not have to worry about filtration with this particular brand, as it is equipped with a three-step filtration system. You can also fully utilize its adjustable flow filter pump for your water cleaning and filtering needs.

One thing you can expect from this brand is that it can illuminate your room and its entire environment. Using both moonlight and LED light settings, you can adjust the mood and color of your tank, depending on how much light there is in the room.

Cost and Affordability
Unlike the previous brands that are a part of this list, this specific tank falls under the pricier and of the scale. If you are just starting out with your aquarium owning venture and are on a tight budget, this may not be the brand for you.

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5. Tetra LED

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Tetra LED
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For beginner aquarium owners who are looking for a glass and acrylic tank for them to start with, Tetra has another variant that can very well fulfill your needs. The aquarium would be the brand to go for, especially if you are just planning to own a smaller set of pets.

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Size/Type of Fish
This is another good example of a tank that can be placed in a table-top in your office, family den, or bedroom, given its 10" D x 10"W x 10.512"H size. The three-gallon water capacity allows you to store any small tropical fish of your preference, as well as the classic staple that is goldfish.

Filtration System
This is another brand that is equipped with a top of the line filtration system. Given Tetra’s reputation for having above average filters, this specific tank is powered by the 3i filter to ensure the cleanliness of the water, as well as the habitability of the environment for your pet fishes.

The lighting system of this tank is powered by LED bulbs, which means you will not have to worry about placing it in dimly-lit rooms. The LED bulbs also help enhance the visibility of your pets.

Cost and Affordability
This specific brand is cheaper than some of the aforementioned in this list, which once again makes it a solid purchase for those who are just starting out. For the price that it is advertised on Amazon, you can already enjoy a basic aquarium set-up.

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6. Fluval

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Amazon Link

Another good tank that would be suitable for table-top or desktop use would be the Fluval Spec III Aquarium Kit. With its 2.6-gallon capacity, it is decent sized enough to store two small fishes, which is a good starting point for beginners who have little knowledge about maintaining aquariums and caring for fishes as pets.

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Size/Type of Fish
Given the water capacity and size (11.8 x 10.8 x 8.7 Inches) the one-inch to the one-gallon ratio of fish to water must be followed. But since this would be the ideal tabletop add-on, you will not need that much big fish, anyway. The regular Danios and clownfishes should work for this kind of setup.

Filtration System
If there is one key takeaway about this product, it is that it has a super filtration system. It operates with a 3-stage biological, mechanical and chemical filtration system that would ensure your aquarium water will be as clean and habitable as possible for your pet fishes. The brand also has its Carbon Filter Media that you can add on for more effective cleaning and filtration.

It may not be as colorful as other aquariums that use Blue LED lights, but this tank is powered with LED bulbs, nonetheless. It is still perfect for placing in a dimly-lit room to add more value to the environment.

Cost and Affordability
The monetary value for this tank falls under the affordable price range, which is good news for beginners and long-time pet fish owners alike. When purchased through Amazon, it comes with BioMax bio rings, as well as activated carbon and a foam block.

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7. Aqueon 10 Gallon

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Aqueon 10 Gallon
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For those in search of the classic, minimalist aquarium that can fit a good handful of fishes, this one would be a good one to look at. It is straightforward and nonsensical, perfect for those who simply want a large enough tank for them to enjoy.

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Size/Type of Fish
This tank measures 20-1/4" x 10-1/2" x 12-9/16", which means that it has quite a lot of space. It can still work as a starter tank for beginners, with a little help from more experienced ones. This can also be used to house both freshwater and saltwater fishes.

Filtration System
Since this is a very simple tank that operates with the basic functionalities, finding a good filtration system for this would not be a problem. It can easily be plugged into the tank to get the job done efficiently and with no noise.

This tank is clear enough to not need that much light, and unlike all the other items that preceded it, it does not have the same color hue to it. You can enjoy it under natural light, but of course, remember not to expose it under too much direct sunlight.

Cost and Affordability
Given its simplicity, the tank itself lies within the cheaper range in the price scale. But since it is a bigger tank compared to the other aforementioned ones, it can be a bit pricier to maintain. Of course, it will still depend on how elaborate you intend your set-up to be.

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8. Tetra Half Moon Betta

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Tetra Half Moon Betta
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As stated in its name, this aquarium is a bit compact in its structure. But if you are literally on day one of owning your very own aquarium and pet fishes, this is a brand that could be very suitable and favorable for you.

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Size/Type of Fish
We have already established that this is a small tank that would likely be best placed by your work desk. With its total size being 4.6 x 9.1 x 9.9 inches, you can likely store two fishes in here. Since it is very low maintenance, this could work well for beginners.

Filtration System
Given the brand’s filtration products that are of great quality, the same can be said for the filters that will be used for this tank. It not only gets the job done with utmost efficiency, but it also does so with no unnecessary noise.

Cost and Affordability
If the low-maintenance quality is already a treat for beginner fish tank owners, the overall price of the product is also something to be amazed at. When purchased over Amazon, it falls under the $15 range. It is definitely a good buy that despite its small size, can still make a room livelier and more effervescent.

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9. Aqueon Starter Kit

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Aqueon Starter Kit
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Very similar to the previous item, this is a five-gallon tank that is powered by Blue LED lights that emanate a colorful brightness that can instantly make any room vibrant. Another key takeaway is that this is available in a starter kit that can be greatly helpful for beginners.

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Size/Type of Fish
Because it is a small tank, it would be suggested that the one-inch to one-gallon ration would be followed with this tank. So if you are planning to pet a tiger shark, this obviously would not be the right size for it. You can still fill it with the smaller ones like clownfishes and have your little Nemos.

Filtration System
This tank is equipped with basic filtration systems such as its very own mini bow filter that comes with a cartridge. It is what one would expect from a small tank, having basic more basic features. Consumers who have brought the product have acknowledged its quietness, as well.

As mentioned, the lighting of this tank is similar to the first time, in that it is also powered by blue LED lights. What makes it more interesting is that it is equipped with multi-colored gravel, which turns into a funky-colored surface once hit by light.

Cost and Affordability
The price of is tank is just a few dollars more than the previous item, but it is still within the affordable range. For its size and functionality, it can get the job done if you are just looking for a nice fish tank to add to your environment. But for this price, the entire packaging comes with the gravel and plants.

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10. GloFish

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Amazon Link

If you are looking to begin your venture into owning a pet fish while adding some color to the overall environment of your space, your best choice would be this aquarium kit. Built from excellent quality plastic, this crescent-shaped tank that can store five gallons of water this setup will be perfect to brighten up your room at home, or even your workspace.

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Size/Type of Fish
As mentioned, this tank can hold up to five gallons of water, which is pretty much the standard size of a normal home aquarium. With that said, you will be better off storing smaller fish in here. Consumers who have personally tried the product recommend having three fishes at the most.

Filtration System
This brand is powered by the Marina S10 Power Filter, which has also been met with favorable reviews from consumers. It is equipped with a placement for Bio-Carb and Bio-Clear cartridges, which are suitable for tropical fish and goldfish, respectively. The Glo-fish that is suitable for this tank is a tropical fish, which works well with the filtration system.

The bright and colorful hue that this tank can bring into any room is mainly because of its superb lighting system. It is equipped with a total of 15 Blue LED lights that help enhance and magnify the vibrant colors of the fish and the tank itself. It definitely can be a trippy experience just staring at this tank.

Cost and Affordability
In terms of price, this tank lies within the more affordable range in the market. The amount you will be paying is definitely worth the quality that you will get, and how it can easily liven up your room.

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