Ohyo 1000ml Collapsible Bottle

  • Ohyo 1000ml Collapsible Bottle
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    The last time GWA let me loose with a bottle review, I revelled in the part it would play in my Zombie Apocalypse Survival Pack (ZASP).  This time, you'll be glad to know, is no different!

    ohyo bottle

    The Ohyo (originally launched as Aquatina) collapsable water bottles are moulded, BPA-free, dishwasher safe, items that Ohyo are hoping will reduce the dependance on bottled water. Mainly because the smaller version (500ml) will shrink down small enough to fit in your pocket!  Along with the findafountain app this means that you never need to buy (and then throw away) uneconomical water bottles.  Ohyo even claim that after only 2 uses,  the bottle is 'carbon-neutral'.  Good for the environment then!

    In use the Ohyo bottle is easy to pull open for use (assuming you've remembered to open the spout) and the large opening means it's very easy to fill from any source.  Drinking from it is just as easy, although I did find that the larger bottle - the new 1000ml  version with a built in carabiner and a pop-open lid - did tend to bonk me the nose slightly. With this one I found, for me, that it's easier to pour the drink out into a cup.

    We cleaned our sample bottles out well before using them, but there was still a whiff of plastic for the first few times we drank from them, but it soon faded and we're now happy to drink fresh, untainted water whenever and wherever we can find it, free!

    The main benefit, though, and the reason for the inclusion in my ZASP is the tiny size that the bottles will pack down to. The 500ml collapses down to the size of a badly crushed drinks can, and the new 1000ml Sport version is not much larger, but with it's built in carabiner it doesn't need to take up any space inside a rucksack, which also means that's is very easily to hand when water is found.

    ohyo cariberner

    Ohyo bottles are made in Sheffield, UK and we rather like that fact. We'd like to see the  findafountain app ported over to Android (surely coming soon) and possibly a slightly larger diameter hole in the spout to make it easier to suck on while running from the Zombies!

    I'll finish on a note from Mrs ZASP. If you are a frequent flyer, need to pack-light, cycle or motorbike, or own a caravan or camper, and have occasions where you need a water carrier and can get to a water source, then she feels this Ohyo bottle is just the ticket. She says that the smaller 500ml is a perfect size for everyday carrying around at work.

    We think they make a fantastic stocking filler, and are perfect for the more awkward 'don't know what to buy for them' family members who will no doubt grace you with their presence this holiday season.

    More: Ohyo

    Ohyo are offering GWA readers a 15% discount with the code: GEARWEARE (running until 24/12/14)