Best Protein Bars

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
Different protein bars offer different types of features depending on the manufacturer and the type of bar you select. Features help explain what each bar can offer and do for you based on what ingredients are in each protein bar.
Of course, protein is the major ingredient offered in each product, but the amount and types of protein can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. Some of these bars offer ten grams of protein while others offer twenty. Typically, bars with more protein in them also have more calories in them as well, so there is a tradeoff if you go with more protein. The real question is whether or not you need it. So, is it better to get a bar that provides you with more protein?
The recommended dose of protein each day that your body really needs is between fifty to 175 grams of protein each day. Many of us get protein from the foods we eat as well, so depending on your diet, you might not really need protein bars with 20 grams of protein. Basically, if you are trying to eat more of these bars to get more protein, your body probably won’t use it and might not need it.
However, you do need to heavily consider your diet when you make this decision. If you already eat food that has protein in it, then ten grams may be enough for you after a workout. However, if you don’t, then going for twenty is probably better.
Other features to consider with these bars are vitamins, energy, carbs, calories, and any other benefits. Some of these bars feature ingredients that help give you natural energy, and some of them have varying degrees of carbs and calories. Carbs can provide energy like vitamins, but then you are dealing with more sugar in your bar. So, you need to figure out if you want any type of energy boost and how you want to get it, through vitamins or carbs, and how many calories you want in the bar.
These bars offer different types of ingredients, and of course, all of them start with protein. There are different ways to get protein into these bars using different types of protein. Protein types usually include whey, soy, and sometimes something else. Many of the bars feature a combination of several protein sources, while others do not. So, is one type of protein better than the other?
The answer is not necessarily. If your body needs the protein, it can use and digest any type of protein. So, protein is basically protein no matter what, and the source it comes from doesn’t provide any real benefit.
You’ll also notice some of these bars have either vitamins or carbs in them to give you more natural energy. Carbs work for some people and not others because carbs automatically involve more sugar in the bar. A, B, and C vitamins are sometimes placed in the bars as an energy substitute. So, if you want the energy, you have a choice between those two sources.
The effectiveness of these bars usually depends on how your body can digest these products, and a lot of that has to do with the types of ingredients in the bars. Some of these bars are made to be slow-digesting, and others are not. However, these types of bars overall are effective at providing the muscle recovery your body needs, since the protein will help you recover more quickly and build up lean muscle faster so that you can achieve your strength and endurance training goals faster.
Also, with energy, some bars offer ingredients to help with that and others do not. There are usually two natural sources of energy, carbs or vitamins. Carbs will provide you with sugars, while vitamins are usually A, B, and C vitamins that provide energy. Both are effective at helping give you a boost, so which one you prefer is up to you.
The value of each type of bar does mean how affordable the price of the bar is, but that is not the only option to consider with value. For example, the types of ingredients and how effective the bar is overall also plays a part. So, when looking at value, make sure you check out exactly what you are getting for the price.
Top Ten Protein Bars
1. RBar Energy Bar

A snack bar made with as little as 3 ingredients that anyone would actually want to eat? YES! The fact that they are kosher, vegan, non-gmo, and budget-friendly is even better. Their size is convenient too. They easily fit in a lunch box, backpack, purse, gym bag, hydration vest, and even the cup holder of the car. These go anywhere!
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When watching what you eat, you often have to decide between convenience and nutrition. Convenient meals and snacks are bogged down with artificial sweeteners and preservatives, and healthy snacks require time and preparation. RBars are a perfect blend of whole ingredients and convenience.
What makes the RBar stand in the dense market of energy bars is not what is found in the bars, but what is left out. Many of these bars only contain three simple ingredients that taste impossibly fresh. Many bars pack in ingredients that we often don’t recognize or am even able to pronounce. The Peanut Butter and Jelly bar, for instance, only contains peanuts, dates, and raisins.
These bars offer the same level of pure nutrition as fresh fruits and vegetables in a small and convenient package. Most bars provide just shy of 200 calories per bar, and their energy bars also provide around 4 grams of protein per serving.
By utilizing nuts and fruit, you get high-end nutrition in a small package that you can toss into a gym bag or tote to ensure that your hunger monster doesn’t spiral out of control.
RBars are made for those that want to fuel their bodies with convenient and high-quality ingredients. If you find yourself reaching for not-so-healthy snacks between meals, these bars are an excellent alternative. If you want the convenience of processed foods with the simple ingredients of a homemade snack, this is one of your very best options.

2. Quest Bars

If you want to opt for a popular protein bar option that seems to work great for everybody, then you might want to consider the Quest Bar. This bar is the bestselling bar in American, and it is so popular because it is also quite effective. You’ll wind up with a wide variety of flavor choices, and you’ll wind up with all the nutrition and protein you need to help aid in muscle recovery.
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One thing that we like about these bars is that they don’t come with sugar added in them, and the only carbs you get are natural and healthy. You’ll also get a dose of both whey milk protein isolates, which will build up your endurance as you train. Plus, these bars are made to give you the best nutritional profile to speed up your muscle recovery and help you become stronger.
These bars are packed with great, all-natural ingredients that will aid you in your endurance training and help build your muscles so you get to the strength levels you want to achieve. You’ll get twenty grams of protein, which will aid you in muscle recovery. You’ll also get four grams of healthy carbs, which will provide you energy and also give your body some assistance with recovery. There are also plenty of fibers in them, and they come both gluten and soy-free.
One of the ways you can tell how effective a product is would be to understand how popular it is. Considering this is the bestselling bar in America, you’re getting something that works. You’ll get the proteins you need and a healthy dose of muscle recovery so that you can build up your endurance.
These protein bars do run a bit on the expensive end of things, but they are also extremely popular because they are effective. They also come in a wide variety of flavors and are packed with all of the important things you need to help your muscles recover as you train, including good carbs, fibers, and a lot of protein. They are also so popular because they work, so if you can afford them, they are an excellent option.

3. RX Bar

If you are looking for a protein bar with a great reputation, then you’ll love RX Bar’s products. They are very popular and pack in excellent ingredients that will help you with your post-workout recovery process. You’ll wind up with a product that features real food, has no added sugar, and also offers a lot of protein for recovery. You’ll get plenty of nutrients, and you’ll be able to train more since you’ll feel great when you use these bars.
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These bars come with a nice combination of very healthy and effective ingredients that all come from real food. That is something we really like, and we also like that you get some nutrients like potassium and magnesium with this product. Plus, you’ll wind up with a bar that will help you build up your endurance while you train, and replace some of the important nutrients and minerals you lose when you sweat and workout. With 15 different flavors available, you're bound to find one that you love.
These bars are made out of twelve grams of egg white protein and also feature four grams of fiber. In them, you get some nutrients you’d want to have post-workout since you’d be sweating them out and would need to replace them. That includes magnesium and potassium. Plus, these bars don't contain sugar, soy, gluten, or dairy. They are also non-GMO.
These bars are quite effective because they are comprised out of real food ingredients, including sea salt, cashews, cacao, egg whites, almonds, and dates. That makes it very healthy, and no sugar is added to the product. It’s made to give you very natural ingredients which will provide you with what you need to get great muscle recovery, and reach your endurance goals.
RX Bars do run on the expensive side of things for these types of bars, but there is a bit of an understandable reason for this. They give you a high-quality bar that is made out of real foods, and that makes the bar a bit more to manufacture. Also, you’ll get a bar that is so popular and effective, many people keep buying it. So, it is still a great value.

4. NuGo Protein Bar

NuGo is a well-known manufacturer of high-quality, healthy bars that feature a lot of wholesome and healthy ingredients. NuGo’s Bar, packed with protein, gives you the nutrition that you need after a workout so that your body will recover quickly and you’ll be able to continue to train harder and build up your endurance faster. Plus, you’ll get a very low amount of sugar in these bars, and a lot of great, healthy ingredients.
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We really like that these bars are easy to digest, and the carbs that come in them are low glycemic carbs so that they digest slowly and won’t spike your blood sugar. That way, you are able to retain effective energy levels for longer, which will help you build up your endurance. Also, you get a very effective bar that is low in sugar, and very healthy.
NuGo’s Bar packs in sixteen grams of protein, and that means it’s quite effective as a post-workout muscle recovery aid. You’ll also get vitamins packed into the bar, as well as low glycemic carbohydrates which you can digest slowly so your blood sugar doesn’t spike. The bar is non-GMO and very healthy, and only has three grams of sugar in it.
This is a very effective bar that is easy for your body to digest and absorb and will give you what you need to boost your energy. The protein in this bar will help your muscles recover faster, and with faster recovery comes more intensive workouts. Also, with your muscles getting the protein they need to gain more endurance, you’ll get stronger faster because your muscles will have everything they need.
NuGo’s Bar is priced very affordably and that makes this a very nice option if you don’t want to spend too much money on bars like this. You’ll get a very healthy combination of non-GMO ingredients that are made to be natural and healthy. Plus, they’ll give your body the protein and nutrients you need to recover well and train hard, making them a nice value option

5. Think Thin Bars

If you are trying to avoid sugars in your bar, then you might want to consider this product. Think Thin offers you a product that is packed with protein and also made to give you fiber and carbs as well. It is also made to be both sugar-free and gluten-free, which means it is very healthy. Plus, it’s very affordable, which makes it a nice option if you are shopping on a budget. You’ll get all the ingredients you need to aid yourself with muscle recovery, which will help you achieve your endurance goals.
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These bars will give you a very effective dose of protein and fiber, and the protein and fiber will both help build your muscles back up after you’ve worked out for a long period of time. Since you’ll recover faster, you’ll feel better, and you’ll be able to keep up your routine so you get stronger faster.
These bars are packed with high-quality ingredients, and designed to be digested by your body slowly over time so that your blood sugar changes slowly instead of quickly. This bar is made to be all-natural and is gluten-free, sugar-free, and GMO-free. You’ll get ten to twenty grams of protein depending on what flavor you pick, and three grams of fiber. Both the protein and the fiber will give your body what it needs to speed up the recovery process after you finish your training.
Since these protein bars are made to be slowly digested so that your blood sugar doesn’t spike, they are quite effective. They deliver a very healthy, all-natural source of both protein and fibers, which will allow your body to get what you need as you are strength training. You’ll be able to build up muscle faster, and you’ll also feel much better as you are doing it.
One thing we like about this product is it is packed with great ingredients, healthy, and very affordable. You’ll get what you need to help boost your endurance and allow your body to recover from your workouts without having to spend too much money. That makes this a good value product.

6. BSN Protein Crisp by Syntha-6

BSN Protein Crisp Bars focus on quality nutrition, as well as plenty of protein to allow the active athlete everything he or she needs to keep building strength and endurance with training. These bars are made to help provide you with the fuel you need to keep working out to build up endurance, as well as the protein you’ll want to repair your muscles after your workouts. With a decent price tag and plenty of great-tasting ingredients, this is an excellent product option.
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These bars will give you plenty of great ingredients that will aid you with muscle recovery after exercise, as well as building up lean muscle for more endurance. With 240 calories in each bar, you’ll get twenty grams of premium protein to help keep you feeling energetic. Eating the right type of bar, just like eating the right type of food, can help keep you healthy, and also help you gain more strength more quickly. There are fourteen delectable flavors available.
These bars offer you twenty grams of protein per bar, one gram of fiber, and two to four grams of sugar. They are also gluten-free. The protein in this bar is made from whey protein and soy protein. There are no added vitamins to this protein bar, but there are naturally occurring vitamins, such as vitamin D, calcium, iron, and amino acids.
With so many great ingredients packed into this bar, you’ll get an effective, healthy energy boost as well as all of the protein you need to allow your muscles to recover from your workouts. BSN specifically designed these bars for people with active lifestyles and athletes, and they will help your body develop lean muscle faster and give you the right ingredients to help you keep going with your workouts as you build up your endurance.
Considering all of the great ingredients packed into these bars, you will get a great value if you decide to purchase them. They are very affordable and offer you plenty of great ingredients to help you recover from your workouts, build lean muscle faster, and provide you with energy.

7. Tanka Gluten Free Meat Bar

Tanka's Gluten-Free Meat Bar offers you a very popular bar that not only is packed with great ingredients that include a variety of hormone-free meats depending on which flavor you pick, it also packs in the protein to help you build up your strength and endurance. We picked their buffalo/cranberry flavor, which is the most popular product primarily because it tastes fantastic. You’ll get plenty of protein from the buffalo meat, and the boost you need to build up your strength.
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Tanka's Meat Bar brings you a lot of nice features, including excellent packaging so you know you are getting a fresh bar. Also, you’ll get a large serving of prairie-raised buffalo, providing a total of seven grams of lean protein to help your muscles recover after your workouts. The cranberries in the bar help to give you the vitamins for a nice energy boost as well.
Epic’s All-Natural Meat Bar offers some great ingredients, including prairie-raised buffalo, cranberries, lactic acid, and a few common seasonings. You’ll get plenty of protein with a full seven grams of lean protein in it, and a nice energy boost from the ingredients. There are six grams of sugar in this bar, which we wish was lower, but otherwise, the ingredients are great.
While we wish there was less sugar in this bar, because you are getting about six grams, this is still an effective product. The ingredients are amazing otherwise, and you do get an energy boost from the fruits in the bar as well as a lot of protein. The protein will help your muscles recover more quickly and let you workout harder and stronger.
These bars run on the expensive end of things and cost more than many of the other products on our list. However, they offer a lot of protein from the meat packed into them as well as an effective energy boost. You get some excellent ingredients as well that will help you build up your endurance as you train.

8. ONE Protein Bar

One's Protein Bar is a high-quality manufacturer known for creating nutritional products that taste excellent. They produce many nutritional supplements as well as shakes and bars, and everything they make has protein in it. All of their products are manufactured to help you with your training goals, including building strength and endurance. There are 12 flavors available.
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ONE offers you a nice bar that will help your muscles recover after all of your workouts. After you complete your exercises, it’s suggested that you eat one bar, and that will help you get back the materials that you lost from training. You’ll be able to build muscle more quickly and increase your endurance.
These bars come with a nice mix of protein that features whey protein isolate, milk protein isolate, maltitol, soy lecithin, palm kernel oil, calcium carbonate, tapioca starch, and non-fat dry milk. Those ingredients will help you build muscle more easily so that your body has the protein it needs to recover after a workout.
These bars feature a lot of protein, and that protein is made to help you do several things that will help build up your strength. By eating one protein bar after you work out, you are helping your body get the protein it needs to recover and build muscle, and that will help you build more muscle and increase your endurance quickly. Also, if you are training to lose weight and gain strength and endurance, these bars also work very well as meal replacement bars and will help you reach your weight loss goals.
ONE bar runs on the expensive side of things when you compare them to some of our other bars, but they are an excellent option if you want to build muscle after training. They also work well if you are trying to lose weight since they are also a meal replacement bar. The protein in this product is designed to help your muscles repair themselves, so you will gain strength and endurance quickly.

9. Optimum Nutrition Opti-Bar

Optimum Nutrition is a well-known manufacturer of fitness bars that has increased in popularity in recent years because of the quality of their products. This bar is becoming more and more recognized as a great protein bar, and the increase in popularity has a lot to do with how effective the product is, and its excellent ingredients. This bar will give you will provide you with twenty grams of protein per bar, and a lot of fiber. Although it is a bit more expensive than some other options, it’s still a great product to consider.
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Optimum Nutrition’s Opti-Bar provides will provide you with a bevy of ingredients that will help your muscles recover after your hardcore workouts. With both milk protein isolates and whey protein isolates, you get a bar that is easy to digest and will help you build up your strength more quickly. You’ll also get a product that is great for lactose sensitivity issues.
Optimum Nutrition’s Opti-Bar comes with about 250 calories per bar and offers you twenty grams of protein per bar. There are about seven to ten grams of fat in each bar, and twenty to twenty-four grams of carbs depending on the bar’s flavor that you buy. Plus, you get vitamins and minerals as well in each bar.
Optimum Nutrition’s Opti-Bar offers you a lot of great flavor options that actually do taste great, including chocolate brownie, chocolate chip cookie dough, white chocolate raspberry, and cinnamon pecan. If you like sweet tastes, these bars will be great for you. Not only are they easy to eat, but they are also easy to digest, and they are designed for hardcore athletes that need to utilize the protein to build up their strength and endurance.
These bars are a bit more expensive when compared to some other products on our list, but they do have a lot to offer. If you like sweet flavors, then these bars will taste great and be easy for you to eat. Also, they are packed with a lot of protein and made for bodybuilding and endurance training, so they will help keep you going as you build up your strength.

10. Tiger's Milk

Tiger's Milk Protein Bars have been around since the 1960s and hold the claim of being one of the very first energy bars. However, this does not make them old fashioned. They are packed with vitamins and minerals and 9-10 grams of protein. You’ll get ingredients that are designed to help with inflammation and soreness, and that will also provide you with a nice energy boost. Plus, you’ll get a lot of calcium for bone and joint health, and you’ll have an effective product.
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These bars work great if you are looking to refuel and energize quickly, and will help your body get enough protein to recover from intensive training. They’ll help you build up more endurance and strength, and you’ll get a nice burst of energy from the 10-grams of protein. With a lot of great nutrients, you’ll meet your endurance goals more quickly, and also feel ready to go.
One downfall, for some, to these bars is the fact that they contain milk, peanuts, and soy. If this isn't an issue for you, you will appreciate the B vitamins, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, and magnesium, just to name a few. There are zero trans-fats in these bars and the king-size bar packs in 9-10-grams of protein.
There is a reason that Tiger's Milk Protein Bars are still popular, sixty years after their first production. One could argue that the reason these are so exceptionally popular is for the taste. They are undeniably delicious and made with carob in place of cocoa powder. These are convenient if you are in a rush and need a quick meal replacement or to give you an extra boost of energy, whether it be to run errands or a pre or post-exercise routine.
Tiger's Milk Protein Bars are of great value. When bought in a pack of 24, the price per bars comes out to under one dollar. Combining great taste and a lot of benefits at a great value price, this is an excellent option.

- Best Protein Bars For Runners, Informational Fitness Website ,
- Best Protein Bars – Top 10 Products for 2018, Informational Fitness Website ,
- Ranking the best protein bars of 2018, Informational Fitness Website ,