Best Sewing Kits

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Test Winner: EVERSEWN
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What is really nice about owning a sewing kit is it can become useful in a wide range of situations and scenarios. Whether you need some patchwork done or simply want to create something new, you can do so with the help of sewing kits like these (and also prior knowledge of what you are doing and an actual sewing machine, of course).

And, most sewing kits on the market will be optimized for travel (meaning you can easily take them with you on the go). But, what makes a particular kit good? Well, that is a loaded question but with the help of this guide, you should be able to come up with a legitimate and worthwhile answer to that very question.

Standout Picks

EVERSEWN sewing kit
While there are sets on the market that features close to or over 100 individual items, this kit actually only includes 14. Yet, it is the quality of each of the items that put this one over the top.
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SEWKIT sewing kits
Now, this is a sewing kit but the best aspect of it is probably the basket. It is made out of solid wood and comes in an array of different color combinations that are all visually pleasing to sewing enthusiasts.
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SINGER VINTAGE sewing kits
This is another option that comes with a stylishly-designed basket that offers a vintage appeal. Of course, the contents inside the basket are plentiful and really nice to have.
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COQUIMBO sewing kit
At the end of the day, this set provides you with everything you will need for basic repairs. While it may not be sufficient for weekend warriors, it is perfect for those just starting out.
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ARTIKA sewing kit
As a starter sewing kit, it does not get much better than this. However, keep that word “starter” in mind as this kit really is optimized for light and casual sewing needs.
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VELLOSTAR kits for sewing
In a way, you could look at this as a cliché sewing kit as it is about what you would expect from an option at this price point. For the right buyers, this will be sufficient in spurts for sure.
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Though the prefix “professional” is a bit of a stretch, this is still another solid choice. All in all, it is packed with nearly 100 items and for the price of admission that is incredible.
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Out of all the kits on the market, this is one of those that really stand out in a lot of ways. So, if you are looking to avoid the “same old thing”, you may want to take a closer look at this.
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EMBROIDEX sewing kits
No, the sheer quality of this option is not going to astound anyone but that is not the point, either. What will astound just about anyone, though, is the value you are provided with.
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Though this is not the most comprehensive kit on this list, it comes with several sewing accessories to perform a wide range of tasks. Of course, do be aware that this product does contain a chemical that has been linked to cancer.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


It is all about the accessories, is it not? They are the bread and butter of any kit.

It really goes without saying that a sewing kit needs to be based on the accessories that it includes. That is why the term “kit” is there after all, right? Anyway, when you get down to it, most options on the market will come with a boatload of accessories (for the record, in sewing, these will also be called notions). And, though not every single kit will come with the exact same notions, most of them will feature many of the same. To just give you an idea of the plethora of items that you will often see in some of them, we have detailed some below.

Most all kits will come with an abundance of thread and this is what you need to repair rips and tears in your clothing and other such items. Also, many will come with thimbles that can make your life easier and a seam ripper to finish off the seam or seams on your clothing that is already ripping. Of course, you may also see measuring tapes, needles, buttons, safety pins, and scissors. And, quite frankly, these are just some of the notions that will come with most kits.


The value can refer to a lot of things but no matter, it should be high.

When you see the word value, how many of you automatically link it to price? That is okay if you do because the price of any product does play a direct role in its value. But, it is far from the only criterion. The reality of the situation is you also need to take into consideration the quality and quantity of any given product. And, when you talk about sewing kits, all three of these factors are enormous.

When you compare kits on the market, you will find that some of them are larger and come with more notions. Does this mean that these are superior in value to the ones that offer less bang for your buck? No, and that is because you also can’t forget about the quality (which will be detailed even further later) of each of the items. Even if a specific kit offers more items if a smaller option comes with superior crafted notions that will last longer, which one really offers more value? Then again, at the same time, even if an option comes with only semi-decent thread, you can always double or triple up the thread. And, this is made easier if the specific option comes with a boatload of it (often in different colors).


Most of these kits will be ideal for travel and that is good as you may need to make repairs on the fly.

It is not just the individual notions that you need to account for as you may also want to pay attention to the sellers that package their kit in a special basket or case. If you end up buying an option that does not come with such packaging, you will need to either buy a case separately or do something else if you want to travel with it. Thankfully, however, most of the options on the market are optimized for traveling and will come with a dedicated basket or leather case.

As you saw on this list, some sellers will go all-out and design a full-fledged basket for all the notions. Not only can these be nice in regard to keeping all the items organized but they can also be an absolute joy to look at. Oh, and these types of baskets may also even be equipped with collapsible handles for even more convenience. Of course, other kits will come with some sort of artificial leather case. For the most part, this is one of the most common packaging methods. These cases are typically designed with elastic straps to keep everything organized, in addition to being compact and lightweight to carry around with you. Either way, both of these storage containers will make it much easier to travel with your sewing kit.


While most of the notions will not be masterfully designed, they should at least be competent.

Generally speaking, most sewing kits are not going to be complete with premium and top-notch notions (at least not every single one of them). These kits are mostly designed for convenience in order for you to be able to perform some patch-up work when you need to (though they can still be used for fun too). At the same time, however, it does not mean you need to settle for options that are pathetically crafted. What you really want are items that are competent and those that can, at the very least, get what you need doing. And, from time to time, there may be notions that surprise you (in regard to their quality) in a specific kit.

For example, though cheaply priced, some sets will come with high-quality scissors and needles that actually feel like they were not taken from a dollar store. Of course, this section would not be complete without talking about the thread. Out of all the other sewing accessories, the thread is typically most infamously criticized in most kits. This is arguably why most of them will come with an absolute abundance of it. The good thing about this, though, is you can use as much thread as necessary to get the job done. Oh, and as for the case or container that comes with your purchase, this should also not be cheap in its design and fray or wear down within a few weeks.


This is about the color and any other seller options available, quite frankly.

This section is really just addressing if any additional seller options are available for you. No, this is not mandatory or anything like that but sometimes it is nice to have a little variety in your selection. Now, it needs to be said that you will generally never be wowed by the amount of buying options that a particular seller provided to you. At the same time, there are some sellers out there who will offer different sets and colors for their cases.
Indeed, certain sellers will make more than one kit and if something is missing in one of them, it could be included in the other one. As for the color options, this very rarely happens but on occasion, you may see different visual options for a specific case or storage box.



Where to buy
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EVERSEWN sewing kit
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While there are sets on the market that features close to or over 100 individual items, this kit actually only includes 14. Yet, it is the quality of each of the items that put this one over the top.

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Indeed, this set only includes 14 items but they are all great. Some of the most prominent items include a scratch-resistant mat, titanium black scissors, heart-shape safety pins, a seam gauge ruler and fabric clips.


Sure, this set is a little pricey and the mat is on the small side. But, taking into consideration the individual quality of each notion, this is an excellent value overall.


It appears as if this comes with a cardboard box (which is nothing fancy but is pretty cool). Also, for whatever reason, each and every one of the notions has been individually packaged in plastic.


The item for item, you would be hard-pressed to find a better-crafted kit at this price range. Of course, with that said, the included measuring tape is rather thin and stiff.

Seller Options

There are actually no additional seller options to speak of here. What you see in the photos is what you get.


What really makes this kit stand out is the individual quality of the accessories and the unique variety that you receive. That alone makes the value of this purchase very, very good.

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Where to buy
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SEWKIT sewing kits
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Now, this is a sewing kit but the best aspect of it is probably the basket. It is made out of solid wood and comes in an array of different color combinations that are all visually pleasing to sewing enthusiasts.

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Just to give you a short little glimpse of what is included in this magnificent set, you get several needles, a seam ripper, tomato pin cushion, measuring tape, sewing thread, and buttons.


For the record, this is the large version of this set. Yet, the general consensus is that this is smaller than advertised. The value is still pretty good, though.


Indeed, the basket this comes with could be the best part. It offers an incredibly spacious interior to hold all the notions and comes equipped with an ergonomic handle for carrying.


The basket itself is wonderfully crafted and sports a durable wood core and soft polyester lining for comfort. However, some of the individual accessories are a bit cheap looking.

Seller Options

If you are not a fan of the yellow dotted pattern, you can choose between several other style options. And, each and every one of them is optimized for sewing lovers.


Though this is far from perfect, everyone can appreciate the fact that all the great sewing notions included can be transported and stored in the fantastic basket.

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Where to buy
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SINGER VINTAGE sewing kits
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This is another option that comes with a stylishly-designed basket that offers a vintage appeal. Of course, the contents inside the basket are plentiful and really nice to have.

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Despite the fact that this is not the most comprehensive kit on the market, it comes with some key essentials such as a thimble, measuring tape, seam ripper, thread spools, and dressmaker pins.


For beginners and those who have not accumulated that many accessories, this is a great value. But, it is rather small and does not come packed with a breathtaking amount of notions.


Yep, as mentioned, this comes with a basket and it is well-designed. Not only does it come with a tray insert for an improved organization but also equipped is a collapsible handle.


The basket is well-made but many buyers have not felt the same about the notions. They are not heavy-duty or anything like that, so do keep that in mind.

Seller Options

There are two style options you can pick from (vintage and tan) with the vintage option offering a wonderful classic and cute aesthetic.


While some of you may question a kit of this stature landing so high on this list, it really deserves it. Sure, the notions could be better but you can say that about a ton of kits on the market.

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Where to buy
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COQUIMBO sewing kit
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At the end of the day, this set provides you with everything you will need for basic repairs. While it may not be sufficient for weekend warriors, it is perfect for those just starting out.

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Right here is another sewing kit that includes enough notions to account for just about any basic repair (and this includes threads, scissors, needles, buttons, etc.).


For the price, it is really tough to beat the value of this set. Sure, each accessory is not utterly amazing but when looking at the totality of this kit, it is impressive.


In addition to the fact that everything is neatly packaged in the included case, the needles are individually packaged in a closed container for safety. Also, the case is equipped with elastic bands.


Most of this set is well-crafted, admittedly. But, there are some negatives that need to be pointed out. For instance, the zipper can be a pain and the thread is pretty weak overall.

Seller Options

If you wanted a few more accessories included, you could buy the large version of this set (as a small set is also available).


All things considered, it is easy to see why so many buyers have been happy with this sewing kit. After all, can you really beat the value for the price?

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Where to buy
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ARTIKA sewing kit
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As a starter sewing kit, it does not get much better than this. However, keep that word “starter” in mind as this kit really is optimized for light and casual sewing needs.

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All in all, this comes packaged with over 120 individual pieces. While you are provided with several of the same notions, this is still an excellent collection overall.


This is a kit that can be used without an actual sewing machine, for the record. However, most of the needles and spools are only optimized for minor sewing and such.


This is one of the most common kit styles, so to speak, on the market currently. Everything comes packaged in a neatly organized case that is equipped with elastic straps. Also, this same case is travel-sized.


Even though the included thread could be a lot better (in terms of quality), the scissors and leather case both stand out in the quality department (both in a good way).

Seller Options

From this specific seller, it appears as if there are a few different sets that are available if you are interested in something a little different.


As with most of these kits, this is as ideal as it will get for beginners. At the same time, you probably will upgrade some of the components over time (and that is okay).

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Where to buy
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VELLOSTAR kits for sewing
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In a way, you could look at this as a cliché sewing kit as it is about what you would expect from an option at this price point. For the right buyers, this will be sufficient in spurts for sure.

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This is an excellent option for quick sewing jobs as it literally includes just about everything you will need for such (such as thimbles, needles, thread, and scissors).


The selection of thread colors is really nice but, overall, this is a somewhat cheap set (both in price and quality).


The zippered case is really nice to have as it keeps everything neatly organized. Additionally, it is lightweight and compact enough to fit into a variety of packs.


What is nice (outside of the zipper) is the case is well crafted. Now, for the notions, let’s just say you should not expect any miracles from them.

Seller Options

In addition to the fact that there are a few different colors available (various combinations of black and red), you can also buy this in multiple packs if you want to.


If you understand what you are getting then you should be incredibly satisfied with this set. Then again, if you expect top-notch quality and premium notions then you will be disappointed.

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Where to buy
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Though the prefix “professional” is a bit of a stretch, this is still another solid choice. All in all, it is packed with nearly 100 items and for the price of admission that is incredible.

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All in all, 98 items are included in this set. While not all of them will be listed, the assortment of supplies provided allows you to tackle most sewing emergencies.


Again, when taking everything into consideration, this is a great value. Above everything else, it makes this a recommended set to buy.


Not only does the faux leather case hold most of the notions included but it is also very compact and can be carried in several different types of bags and sacks.


Most of the quality issues seem to be associated with the included thread (which is quite thin). But, everything else seems to be competent at least.

Seller Options

What you see is what you get here as there are no other seller options to speak of.


It is pretty incredible to sit back and analyze just how much bang for your buck you get here. For a lot of you, that alone is going to sell you.

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Where to buy
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Out of all the kits on the market, this is one of those that really stand out in a lot of ways. So, if you are looking to avoid the “same old thing”, you may want to take a closer look at this.

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Yep, as you can see from the photos, you get some special accessories with this kit. Some of them include a bonus CD, five yards of polymesh, three yards of water-soluble and five yards of cutaway stabilizer.


With your Embroidery machine, this is an excellent starter kit making the value good overall. Yet, for everyone else, this set may not offer the best value out there.


Unlike other kits, this does not come with special packaging or anything like that. Instead, everything comes in a box. So, if you want something special you will need to buy it separately.


Out of everything else, the scissors and thread have received the most criticism from reviewers. Both of which seem to be on the cheaper side, so keep that in mind.

Seller Options

Nothing special to report here as there are no other seller options to speak of.


Let’s just say that this option is not going to be for everyone. As vague as that sounds, it really is the truth as this is virtually perfect for those of you who just got your new Embroidery machine.

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Where to buy
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EMBROIDEX sewing kits
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No, the sheer quality of this option is not going to astound anyone but that is not the point, either. What will astound just about anyone, though, is the value you are provided with.

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If you have analyzed similar kits then you know what to expect from this option. Nothing should be too shocking, let’s just say that.


As with most of the sewing kits on the market, the value here is above-average (even though the quality is not).


The compact size and organization of the included PU leather case make for an excellent travel kit.


If you are a professional then you may actually laugh at the individual components that are included in this kit. But, that is not the demographic in which this was designed for.

Seller Options

Due to the lack of variety (in regard to seller options) if you do not like this set then you should just move on from it.


It seems like a broken record but this is perfect for beginners and those who need a kit for traveling. For this demographic of users, this is a good and compelling option.

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Where to buy
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Though this is not the most comprehensive kit on this list, it comes with several sewing accessories to perform a wide range of tasks. Of course, do be aware that this product does contain a chemical that has been linked to cancer.

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A strong assortment of items are included here but what really makes this option worth it is the included scissors, measuring tape, seam ripper and seam gauge.


Not too many of you will complain about the value of this set. And, the icing on the cake is it is presented by a high-quality brand.


Admittedly, this is the worst aspect of this kit. Not only is the storage box not very competent but it also contains a chemical that has been known to cause cancer.


The best way to describe most of the components of this kit is just “okay”. Of course, whatever chemical that was used could have been avoided.

Seller Options

If you wanted to buy a larger set, you could also go with the sewing box kit that is also sold by Dritz.


It is completely understandable if there are those of you who will want to avoid this kit for the mere fact it uses a chemical that has been linked to cancer. But, just know that it is well-designed as a whole.

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  1. Janet Wickell, What's Allowed in a TSA Sewing Kit?, Article
  2. Site Staff, Sewing Kit Buying Guide, Review
  3. Site Staff, Best Sewing Kits, Review
  4. Camryn Rabideau , The 9 Best Sewing Kits in 2019, Review