20 Fun Things to Do While Camping!

Even in the heaviest, most misery-inducing rain, camping is pretty darn fun. Whether you’re putting up the tent, cooking over a real fire, or enjoying the peaceful sounds of nature, camping is cathartic.
But a little planning can help turn a boring trip into a fantastic one. Yes, it’s ok to plan your relaxation!
Check out the vast range of camping activities below, which plan to keep you, or the kids entertained.
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What do you play in a tent?
Having fun things to do in a tent can enhance your camping experience, especially when the rain pelts your tent or the children’s boredom mean they won’t leave you alone. So, get away from the blue lights and distractions of TV and mobile phones and try these activities instead.
- Play Games. Pack your boot or motor home with an array of your favorite board games, a pack of cards, or just some paper and pencils. Then, stand up and baffle your friends with a tough game of charades. Argue with the banker when playing Monopoly. Or practice your geography skills with a round of hangman. The possibilities are endless.
- Make Puppet Shadows. Talk about camping with entertainment! Kids will soon love you as you use a flashlight and your fingers to amaze and entertain. You can even use the light from a nearby bonfire or nearby RV as your stage.
- New Knots. Teach your children some new knots, or even learn some yourself.
- Enjoy Crafts. Crafts can be an absolute lifesaver for restless kids, whether at home or out in the wild. So, get everyone set up under a tarp or in the tent and let imaginations run wild. Why not use all the wonderful, natural, and free crafts around you (like acorns, twigs, leaves, nutshells) and make some camping-themed paintings or sculptures.
What is the best to do while camping?
- Explore The Local Area. What’s the point in camping if you’re not using the natural surroundings? Don your hiking boots and explore all the natural beauty around your campsite. Why not hike or bike around the trails and mountains of whichever beautiful country you find yourself in.
- Try Out Some Water Sports. As another perfect way to check out the local surroundings, having fun on the water is one of the most fun things to do while camping and an absolute must. Some of the best water activities for camping include kayaking, canoeing, tubing, paddleboarding or even wild swimming. Always make sure you always have the appropriate kit with you and know what you’re doing in the water. Water is fantastic but can be fatal when not taken seriously. Local nature towns often have local water sports experts, which you may use.
- Have a Campfire or Bonfire. Are you even really camping without a campfire or bonfire? Not only does creating your own fire may you feel at one with nature, but it also leaves you with lots more fun things to do while camping.
Things to do Around the Bonfire
Camping isn’t as much fun without the heat and novelty of a bonfire that provides some of the most fun things to do while camping at night. The best things you can do around a campfire include:
- Make some tasty S ’mores. Kids love this one.
- Tell ghost stories. The scarier, the better.
- Do some campfire cooking. You don’t need to be a gourmet chef to cook over a campfire. Anyone can cook some bacon, eggs or heat a can of beans. Try out campfire pizza or campfire curry if you’re feeling a little adventurous.
- Have a campfire sing-song.
- Make campfire popcorn. With several methods to follow, this is a fun and belly-filling activity.
How can I have fun camping alone?
If camping is your way to get away from the noise and agitation of everyday life, it’s entirely possible to have fun without company. Unwind and recharge before you head back into the real world, where you can try out some cathartic solo camping activities. These include:
- Use meditation or yoga as the perfect solo way to relax.
- Go bird watching. Grab your binoculars and head out for some quiet time while you watch out for some rare birds.
- Enjoy some me-time. Even the most simple things to do while camping as adults can be incredibly cathartic. Setting up your tent, sitting around the campfire, or just listening to the sounds of nature as you fall asleep can help you unwind and recharge.
- Read a book or two. The distractions of modern life can make it impossible to read that recent bestseller or pile of books that haunt your bedside table. Camping is the perfect chance to get stuck in a new written world.
What are Fun Things to Bring Camping?
- Pets. There is nothing more fun than bringing your pets camping. They join in the fun with hiking, frisbee games, or just being part of camping with entertainment. Plus, the kids will hate it if you leave their best friends at home.
- Supplies may sound boring, but you may have a very dull trip without these. Bring all the gear for a campfire or grill so you can make campfire pizza or S ‘mores. Don’t forget games and craft supplies to keep the kids entertained.
- Gear for water activities. Swimming costumes, paddleboards, surfboards, or kayaks are the best gear to bring to make the most of nearby lakes and beaches.
- Don’t forget your friends. Whether you want to hang out around the campfire, have a sing-along or enjoy some camping or outdoor activities, camping is undoubtedly more fun when you’re not alone.
So, there you have it, camping should be on your list of fun things to do next time you plan a trip!