Best Outdoor Clubs, Races, Activities
Camping Clubs
Name City Website Duncans Mills Camping Club Duncans Mills duncanscampclub Pacific Trailer Club Pomona pacifictrailerclub Loners on Wheels Death Valley lonersonwheels Pioneer Camping Club San Jose pioneercampingclub About Camping Clubs
Why not join a community of fellow campers, many who share the same degree of love for the outdoors, to share in the experience and trade knowledge to sharpen your skills.
Camping is great solo, but sometimes it is even better when you can soak in the environment and even share a campfire with others who share the same respect for nature. There are actually a ton of camping clubs, which are private to members only. Most are RV clubs, but there are also some for tent camping as well.
We routinely take a look at each state, to see what new clubs are popping up, and how well they are rated by members or those who have checked them out. Any camping club out there that is worth a mention, we'll find it and share it with you.
Hiking Clubs
Name City Website OC Hiking Club Irvine oc-hiking Sierra Club Angeles Chapter Hikes Los Angeles sierraclub Outdoor Adventure Club San Francisco outdooradventureclub Desert Trails Hiking Club Palm Desert deserttrailshiking About Hiking Clubs
Are you into hiking, but really wish you had someone to go along who enjoys it as much as you do? There are actually hiking clubs that serve that very purpose.
Check out our list of clubs, which we are continuously looking to update with new and deserving clubs, to see if the current members fit with what you are looking for in a trail partner. Some travel and some stay close to home. You can take a closer look to see if any fit your style of hiking.
There are a ton of hiking clubs out there, many in each of the 50 states. However, some are better than others. We look into each one that catches our eye for one reason or another. The clubs we list have been rated the highest among members and others who are in the know.
We will be peeking in from time to time, to see what other existing or new clubs capture our interest enough to share here.
Hunting Clubs
Name City Website High Desert Hunt Club Los Angeles highdeserthunt Woodland's Hunt Club Imperial whuntclub Lone Pine Pheasant Club Lone Pine lonepinepheasantclub Valley Waterfowl Lodi valleywaterfowl About Hunting Clubs
Experience hunting with others who put as much into as you do. You could go out on your own, which many love to do, or you can find a community of people who are just as into honing their tracking, hiding, accuracy and field dressing skills as you are. Let's face it some experiences are better when you have someone to reminisce with who was actually there. Perhaps consider joining a hunting club.
Many of the club organize trips, competitions, courses, ranges, and even people who have been doing it longer, who might know some tricks that you don't.
We have listed some great hunting clubs located in state of California. These are private membership clubs that will ensure only people who are serious about the hunt will be allowed.
We will be watching closely to see what other great clubs we can find, then of course we will share it with all of you.
Fishing Clubs
Name City Website Golden State Flycasters San Diego Golden State Flycasters 17/90 Bass Club Modesto 17/90 Bass Club Balboa Angling Club Balboa Balboa Angling Club California Bass Federation Campbell California Bass Federation About Fishing Clubs
Test your skills and learn from other experienced anglers, by giving a fishing club a try. Many geared toward specific types of fishing, you can find groups targeted at fly fishing, ponds, lakes, and even open water fishing.
California is huge, so finding a fishing club for you should be pretty easy. From super expensive to reasonably affordable, there are groups and clubs that fit different budgets and levels of skill.
There are many that also host classes and outings aimed at improving skill, as well as building more overall knowledge, making you a better angler.
Archery Clubs
Name City Website Black Mountain Bowmen San Jose Black Mountain Bowmen Nevada County Sportsmen Nevada City Nevada County Sportsmen Santa Cruz Archery Santa Cruz Santa Cruz Archers West Valley Bowhunters Orland West Valley Bowhunters Ishi Archery Club Red Bluff Ishi Archery Club Inc. About Archery Clubs
For experienced archers and those who are just getting started, sometimes finding others involved in the same sport can only motivate to be better, learn more, and even enjoy it more.
Like hunting clubs, there are a ton of archery clubs scattered throughout the U.S., but finding the best, or simply the right one for you can be a challenge, as there are just so many.
California is huge, so there are bound to be a lot of anything you may be interested in. For archers, locating a solid club that fits their budget, interests and of course skill level can take a little researching.
Our plan is to keep our eyes peeled for great clubs to add here. We'll be paying attention to what current and even former members have to say, then we'll decide whether or not a club is worthy of mention, or a bust.
Travel Clubs
Name City Website Valley Travel Club El Monte valleytravelclub Elks Travel Club Santa Ana elkstravelclub Pacific Trailer Club California pacifictrailerclub About Travel Clubs
From road trips to group journeys abroad, travel clubs are a great way to experience the travels you really want to, but with other people who are interested in similar destinations and types of trips, whether historical, guided tours, or pure leisure and relaxation.
Yep, these clubs really exist. Some are set up to work for members on different budgets, so if you search, you're bound to find one that's best fit for you and what you're looking for.
In a state as large as California, there are tons of different clubs, that includes those for people who really love to travel.
We will be searching regularly to see what new clubs pop up, or even older and more established clubs are around that have solid membership benefits and worthwhile programs to consider.
Mountain Climbing Clubs
Name City Website Southern California Mountaineers Association Southern California Mountaineers Association California Mountaineering Club Thousand Oaks CMC Sierra Mountaineering Club Sierra Mountaineering Club About Mountain Climbing Clubs
Climbing might seem like a somewhat solo type of activity, and it is for some, But, there are actually a lot of clubs all over, which stay local if you're in the right region, or pack up and head out to various spots around the globe.
And of course, California is a huge state, so there are bound to be a few of these clubs located around the Golden State.
Scuba Diving Clubs
Name City Website Tri-Valley Dive Club Pleasanton Tri-Valley Dive Club Barbary Coast Divers San Fransisco Bay Area Barbary Coast Divers Blue Water Divers Orange County Blue Water Divers San Diego Dive Club San Diego San Diego Dive Club Deep Blue Dive Club Long Beach Deep Blue Dive Club About Scuba Diving Clubs
Dive clubs are awesome. You can find one that travels locally, around to surrounding states, and even a club that sets up unforgettable dive trips to exotic places that are a diver's heaven.
Find a reputable club that heads over to the Med, or Caribbean Islands. Or stick around closer to home, diving cool spots around your own state or region. Most sponsor, or even host, different types of dive event, certification courses, safety training, etc. There are even clubs that are affiliated with brands or dive shops, which sometimes offer bargains on new gear.
Whether you want to stay close to home or dive the world over, there are plenty of good and reputable clubs throughout the state of California, especially near to coast.
We will be keeping our eye open for clubs worth mentioning, so we can share them here with all of you.
Biking Clubs
Name City Website Bicycle Club of Irvine Irvine Bicycle Club of Irvine Orange County Wheelmen Tustin Orange County Wheelmen L.A. Wheelmen Los Angeles L.A. Wheelmen Channel Island Bicycle Club Oxnard Channel Island Bicycle Club Diablo Cyclists Walnut Creek Diablo Cyclists About Biking Clubs
Solo is good, but it's also nice, and sometimes safer, to ride in a group. Safety in numbers they say.
There are a ton of cycling groups and clubs, all over the United States, so finding one is rather easy if you are willing to really check it out, to see if one is truly a good fit for you. Certainly you will find that members may differ some in experience and ability, but that is also a great benefit of clubs or groups like these. You'll find friendly competition that will help build your own performance.
Yacht Club
Name City Website Alameda Yacht Club Alameda Alameda Yacht Club Andreas Cove Yacht Club Isleton Andreas Cove Yacht Club Discovery Bay Yacht Club Discovery Bay Discovery Bay Yacht Club Barbary Coast Boating Club San Francisco Barbary Coast Boating Club Delta Yacht Club Stockton Delta Yacht Club About Yacht Club
Mostly along the coast, but also inland around larger bodies of water, yacht clubs are another thing you'll see in abundance up and down the Golden State.
We'll be taking a good look at what Cali has to offer, with both overall experience and benefits. There are some that are more exclusive, then there are others that tend to be more affordable, yet deserving of attention.
Whether you have a luxury yacht, a small day-sailer or cabin cruiser, there is a club you can call home. The hard part is comparing the options, so we will go through and see what we can find to share here.
Mountain Bike Clubs
Name City Website Bicyclists of Nevada City Nevada City Bicyclists of Nevada City Foothill Trail Hounds Jackson Foothill Trail Hounds Chico Velo Cycling Club Chico Chico Velo Cycling Club San Diego Mountain Biking Association San Diego sdmba Girlz Gone Riding San Diego girlzgoneriding About Mountain Bike Clubs
Here is something you can find all over California, mountain bike clubs. Cali has all the terrain you could ask for as an off-road biker. Joining a club is a really good way to meet others and hit the trails, shares tips, bike and gear suggestions, and improve your own performance.
We will be checking regularly to see what new or already established mountain bike clubs need to be mentioned. We will be looking at the entire state, to share clubs that cover different areas and types of terrain.
Learn also about advocacy groups that are working in your area to make trails better for everyone. Join a trail work day or other volunteer opportunity with your cycling advocacy organization.
Trail Running Clubs
Name City Website Folsom Trail Runners Folsom Folsom Trail Runners San Diego Trail Running Club San Diego Dirt Devil Racing Orange County Trail Runners Meet around Orange County OC Trail Runners About Trail Running Clubs
There are different breeds of runners. Some like the hardtop, while others favor running off-road. Trail running clubs are an awesome way to meet fellow runners who also share the combined love for running and the outdoors.
There are so many running groups and clubs in California. There are groups that cover the full spectrum. Then, there are clubs that stick to the trails. A great way to improve performance, gain endurance, and overall, stay motivated.
Cycling Clubs
Name City Website Alto Velo Cycling Club Silicon Valley altovelo About Cycling Clubs
Here is something you can find all over California, cycling clubs. Joining a club is a really good way to meet others and hit the trails, shares tips, bike and gear suggestions, and improve your own performance.
We will be checking regularly to see what new or already established cycling clubs need to be mentioned. We will be looking at the entire state, to share clubs that cover different areas and types of terrain.