Best Pool Noodles

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It is one thing to go swimming but it is an entirely different experience when you add toys to the mix. And, one of the most popular swimming toys to this day remains the noodle (in specific, a pool noodle). You see, the allure of this device is the fact that it can be enjoyed by adults and kids alike. For adults, the best pool noodles will be able to effectively support their weight and be treated as floatation devices. Of course, at the same time, it is always a blast to use them as weapons for good old-fashioned fun (depending on what they are made of). Either way, most models out there will be suitable for both adults and children. Still, in spite of this, there will be some factors and variables that you will need to take into consideration.

Standout Picks

Some of you out there may be looking for a package of noodles for an upcoming party and if you are, then this option is not going to be for you. Instead, this is a singularity option and is the best in the business.
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This right here is actually very similar to the previous entry in that it does not sport interior spacing. It is also another option that does not come in packs but the quality is worth it for one.
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Oodles of Noodles may be the most well-known seller on the entire market (in this niche). They could have an entire list dedicated to their models and this set would top it.
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There are a few factors that make this option stand out. Firstly, each water worm you receive is made from high-strength vinyl. Secondly, you receive three straight and three curly worms with your purchase.
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Okay, so while the top option on this list is not suitable for large parties, this set most certainly is. With 35 noodles in total, you can plan ahead and be ready for your next pool adventure.
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Any football fans out there? If so, you will be digging this next option. Even though you can make the argument that there is nothing extraordinary about the noodles themselves, you receive three different styles from any NFL team you desire.
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For the record, no, these do not actually emit lighting. But, who does not enjoy lightsabers? Of course, as floatation devices, these are not the best but they can sure provide hours of fun regardless.
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If you thought things could not get more outlandish then you were wrong. After all, how do you top a noodle that is literally shaped and colored like a Smarties? Of course, you can also pick the Tootsie Roll as your candy of choice.
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In a way, you could consider this pack an ordinary run-of-the-mill set of noodles. But, they are going to provide both excitement and convenience while you or your little ones are in the pool.
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This list concludes with yet another solid set. And, while none of the noodles are going to survive through a war, they get the job done with flying colors (literally).
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


This one is easy. Why would you want to buy a cheap noodle (or noodles) that will last a few months?

It all depends on what you want to use pool noodles for when you go to assess the durability and build quality. Most of you out there will probably be looking for devices that you can rest on while you are in the water. In this sense, you will not abuse them too much. But, if you know your kids are going to get ahold of them and are going to roughhouse with them, then you want to ensure that the ones you get will not rip or tear easily. When it comes down to it, most models on the market will be made of foam. Yes, there are different types of foams out there but what you really need to look for is models with vinyl coatings. With bare foam, it is more likely that the foam will break apart. Yet, this all changes with a vinyl coating.
For the record, this is simply a coating (either made of synthetic resin or plastic) that is used to add protection to whatever surface it is applied to. In other words, it will make ripping and tearing up the foam much, much more difficult. Of course, there are also models out there that will be inflatable. And, this most likely means they will be made of PVC. This is fine but just note that when holes arise, they will not be able to hold air and will need to be patched.


Even though these are designed to keep you afloat, not all models will do so the same.

Clearly, if all you want one of these devices for is to play around in the pool and whack some of your friends, then you will not need to worry about the buoyancy they provide. Yet, for most of you, as previously mentioned, keeping you afloat in the water (or your kids) is the primary reason you even want one. The good news is pool noodles, in general, are designed to be better buoyancy tools in water. However, depending on the model, you may need more than one to keep you afloat. There are different factors that affect buoyancy and while your weight is not the only one, it will be one of them. If you are a larger individual, look for thicker and wider models.
But, the true joy in owning pool noodles is the variety of ways in which you can utilize them. And, this is not even referring to inside the water (as they can be used outside, as well). For other water activities, they can be used for swimming exercises and even in party games. Of course, many users have found uses for them around your home. You can really get creative with them.


There are many different style options on the market so keep your eyes wide open.

Whether you are in the market for these for you or for your children, the point remains that the styles and color options available are going to play a role. It really is a simple concept but as human beings, the more you like the “look” of something the more you will like it. And, as you can see from some of the entries on this list, some of the options on the market can offer anything from completely outlandish designs to more mundane color selections. The real question is what you or your children are after.
If you are simply looking for basic colors, then there are a plethora of options on the market for you. Of course, the best sellers will allow you to select the colors you prefer. Some manufacturers will merely provide you with an assortment of colors and not let you choose, so be aware of that. Then again, maybe you want noodles with some decal and logos. The good news is the niche for these styles are high, as well, as you can get team-designed, movie-inspired, and even candy-themed designs (among others).


This is more than just the price tag as you also need to take the quality and quantity into consideration.

All you need to do is buy the options that cost less. Okay, moving on. Clearly, this is sarcasm but it needs to be reiterated that the value of a product is much more than just its price tag. While that certainly does play a role, it is only one of the variables in the equation. You see, the other two are quantity and quality. Indeed, all three of these variables are equally important.
To elaborate, let’s look at an example. If you could buy one noodle that would last you several years or a pack of 30 that would last you less than a few years, which one would you buy. Along the same line, if a pack of three costs $50 and a pack of 15 costs $45 you would get the latter, right? Well, what if the latter set is only going to last a fifth of the time of the pack of three? Are you following this? Basically, just know that the value is defined by the quality of a product first and foremost.


The size of any given model can have some performance effects, so be wary of that.

Overall, you do not have to worry too much about this section. With that said, though, it can come into play. Most models will range from four to six feet in length and two to five inches in diameter. The length is not really going to play a huge role in the performance, admittedly. As for the diameter, thicker models could provide you with more buoyancy so that could be a plus.
Also, note that there are two types of pool noodles out there (ones that have holes and those that do not). For the most part, the major difference between the two is the manner in which they can be connected together. Although, it mostly comes down to your preferences.



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Some of you out there may be looking for a package of noodles for an upcoming party and if you are, then this option is not going to be for you. Instead, this is a singularity option and is the best in the business.

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Though a few previous buyers have questioned the construction, most will agree that this is built to last. This is thanks to the heavy-duty vinyl coating on top of the triple-dip vinyl. Oh yeah, this is also resistant to UV rays from the sun and also harsh chemicals.

The ribbed texture and the soft, luxurious foam is going to enhance your grip and better conform to your body. Also, this can effectively support users up to 250 pounds.

Style Options
There are a few different colors that you can choose from (blue, pacific blue, purple and red) and while this is not an amazing selection, it is solid.

Now, for the price, many of you may think it is absurd that you only receive one noodle. Yet, understand that this is top-of-the-line quality for this type of product.

Though the length is a bit short at only 46 inches, the width is a massive 5.5 inches. Oh yeah, there is also no center hole and this is merely one solid piece.

For most of you, it will simply not get much better than this. Sure, if you need several noodles for a specific reason then it will not. But, the quality can’t be overstated enough here.

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This right here is actually very similar to the previous entry in that it does not sport interior spacing. It is also another option that does not come in packs but the quality is worth it for one.

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Not only is this resistant to the weather but it is also crack-resistant and this is thanks to the vinyl coating. However, one user did feel that the overall construction was “cheap”.

It is claimed that this is never going to sink and in addition to that, it is soft and oversized and this allows it to effectively support you and keep you buoyant on water.

Style Options
This specific color is coral but if you glance around the web and on Amazon, you will find various other color options available for this exact noodle.

Much like with the top option, this is the only noodle you will receive. Once again, though, the sheer quality makes it worth the price of admission.

At 46 inches in length and 5.5 inches in width, this is going to work for most of you. Oh yeah, and as mentioned, this is also one piece and is devoid of a center hole.

California Sun’s model does not get quite as much love as the Wow Sports noodle but as you can see, it certainly deserves the admiration that it should be receiving.

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Oodles of Noodles may be the most well-known seller on the entire market (in this niche). They could have an entire list dedicated to their models and this set would top it.

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Being made from special proprietary foam, it is easy to see that the quality was not glossed over here. Yet, there have been some naysayers that have felt otherwise.

Now, this same proprietary foam is what makes each and every one of these noodles effective in the water. You see, the foam compound is denser than other foams and this enhances the buoyancy.

Style Options
The choice is yours from either a multicolored pack or a pack of specific colors. If you go with the latter, you will have several different color options to select from.

For the price and the quantity, the value really can’t be beaten here. You receive six individual noodles at an unbeatable price and you could even buy multiple packs of six if you wanted.

As opposed to the others, these here do sport center holes (which measure 2.5 inches in diameter). Additionally, each one is 52 inches long and has a one-inch core.

Several customers have spent their hard-earned money on Oodles for Noodles products for a reason. And, as a bonus, you even receive a noodle connector free of charge.

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There are a few factors that make this option stand out. Firstly, each water worm you receive is made from high-strength vinyl. Secondly, you receive three straight and three curly worms with your purchase.

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Each water worm is made from high-strength vinyl, as previously mentioned. A specific buyer, however, did leave a review stating the construction felt flimsy to them.

No matter what you intend to do with these water worms, they are sure to get the job done. Whether this is climbing, sitting, or riding on them, it really does not matter.

Style Options
While you physically do not get to choose the colors you receive, this set comes with an assortment of them including red, blue, and yellow.

All in all, this is a pack of six. As previously mentioned, however, you get three curly and three straight worms.

These are actually much longer than several of the other options on this list. At 72 inches (which works out to six feet), length is probably not going to be an issue for you.

When you think of pool noodles, these are probably not what is depicted in your mind. Due to their construction and curvature (with half of them), they are both unique and effective.

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Okay, so while the top option on this list is not suitable for large parties, this set most certainly is. With 35 noodles in total, you can plan ahead and be ready for your next pool adventure.

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For certain, there are much cheaper models available (in terms of quality). Yet, this is looking at the glass half-full as indeed, there are also superior options available.

Both you and your children can effectively use these as floatation devices. However, you will most likely need two of them to keep you buoyant.

Style Options
There are five different colors that you will receive and while you can’t pick between the ones you want, the red, blue, green, yellow, and purple colors offer excellent variety.

Wow, what a value this is. With your purchase, you will receive 35 (yes, 35) noodles. For the price of admission, some of you will think that you are stealing.

Admittedly, each noodle could have a larger diameter but with the length just under five feet, the sizes should suffice for most of you.

Whether you have schoolkid neighbors around that love your pool or you regularly host swimming parties, this set of pool noodles is going to do you wonders.

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Any football fans out there? If so, you will be digging this next option. Even though you can make the argument that there is nothing extraordinary about the noodles themselves, you receive three different styles from any NFL team you desire.

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It is worth noting that these are only ideal for the pool because the sleeves are sure to become filthy and dirt in lake and/or sea water. Also, each noodle comes with a removable and washable cover.

As for flotation, the diameter of each noodle is a bit smaller. So, you will more than likely need a few of them to hold you up in the water.

Style Options
Yep, this is the main reason to buy this option. If you are a fan of a particular NFL franchise, then you can show your fandom (or your child’s fandom) with this option. Also, you will receive three unique noodles for whichever team you pick (all 32 teams are available).

Indeed, as mentioned, you will receive three different models with your purchase. Some previous buyers have felt, however, that this is overpriced.

Each model you receive is 57 inches in length by three inches in width. Though the length is fine, the width is a bit narrow.

Quite honestly, if you and your children are not a fan of professional football then you may not have any interest in this. That is okay because for football fanatics, this will be a must buy.

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For the record, no, these do not actually emit lighting. But, who does not enjoy lightsabers? Of course, as floatation devices, these are not the best but they can sure provide hours of fun regardless.

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Though these are made of soft PU foam, the glue that is used to hold the foam padding wears too easily. Due to this, you may have to perform some patchwork from time to time.

These are more designed for entertainment in the pool (or anywhere else) rather than for flotation. Each one is well-padded so there is little worry about injuries.

Style Options
Both red and blue noodle lightsabers come with your purchase. Even though you can’t select between any color options, it is hard to go wrong with blue and red.

In spite of the issues with the glue, the value here is pretty good as you do receive six lightsabers. Sure, you may need to buy some glue but the value is still not bad.

The main reason these are not designed for flotation is due to their length. At 29 inches, these are optimal for handheld use (much like actual lightsabers).

If you are looking for pool noodles to kick back and relax in the water, you want to look elsewhere. However, if you want to have a blast with several other people while bringing out your inner child then this is the ticket.

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If you thought things could not get more outlandish then you were wrong. After all, how do you top a noodle that is literally shaped and colored like a Smarties? Of course, you can also pick the Tootsie Roll as your candy of choice.

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Here is the good news; this is made of vinyl and a patch kit is included. The bad news, although, is that the patch kit may be needed as this has been known to pop easily.

A few previous buyers have had some issues with keeping air in their model. When filled with air, this does have many uses and is great for flotation.

Style Options
BigMouth themselves is a company that relishes is making novelty items. So, it makes complete sense that they would make a pool noodle that resembles the exact look of Smarties and Tootsie Roll candies.

Even though you actually only get the one noodle with your purchase, it is worth it for the sheer fact of the outlandish design (and the quality).

The length is officially five feet. As for the diameter, you can tell from the photos that this is incredibly thick.

Do not think that this is merely a child’s toy as when it is fully inflated, it can act as an excellent floatation device in the water. Of course, the durability could be better (but at least you receive a patch kit).

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In a way, you could consider this pack an ordinary run-of-the-mill set of noodles. But, they are going to provide both excitement and convenience while you or your little ones are in the pool.

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For the most part, the quality provided here is quite good. Sure, you should not bend any of the noodles but if you treat them with care, they should last a good while.

Due to the smaller diameters, you will need more than one noodle to keep you afloat while you are relaxing in the pool (for the average adult that is).

Style Options
While there is no decal or outlandish designs in this set, you are provided with an assortment of colors including red, yellow, blue, and lime.

As the product title indicates, this is a pack of five. And, when you take into consideration the quality of each of them and the total price, the value as a whole is fantastic.

The 2.5-inch widths and the 52-inch lengths make each one of these rather small and narrow, quite honestly.

No, there really is not a “wow” factor with this pack. As opposed to others, it may not stand out as much. At the end of the day, this remains a stellar option.

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This list concludes with yet another solid set. And, while none of the noodles are going to survive through a war, they get the job done with flying colors (literally).

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The polyethylene foam construction makes each one of these both eco-friendly and lightweight. In spite of this, previous buyers have had longevity issues.

As with many other options, two noodles will most likely be needed to keep you buoyant on the water. Also, each one you get is both soft and flexible.

Style Options
There are a few packs available and each of them comes with different colored models. Two packs, for instance, give you a combination of either teal and blue or red and purple.

No doubt about it, the price is pretty steep here. The quality is good, for the most part, but the price should probably be reduced (though you can get packs of 6 or 18).

The 3.25-inch diameter and the 58-inch length of each of these are about what you would expect.

Do not get it twisted; this pack is a great option. It really comes down to whether or not you think the price of worth it, quite honestly.

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