Best Bike Bell

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Test Winner: Firmstrong
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There's no scientific evidence to back up these claims, but we feel that people are just far happier to move out of your way when they hear the pleasant jingle of a bike bell. These devices are designed to make everyone safer when out on the roads and the trails- and that includes yourself! Cars are equipped with a lot of devices that allow you to somewhat communicate with other drivers out on the roadway, and these devices work much in the same way. Sure, you could announce that you are coming up on someone’s left, but if you are in a crowded city or roadway, your voice may be lost. These devices have a much higher decibel level than the human voice, so everyone will hear you coming! In this guide, we have compiled a list of some of the best.

Standout Picks

REKATA Aluminum Bike Bell
The reason we placed this design from REKATA at the top of our list was that it offers a simple and classic design that makes for a simple install, it is available in a ton of fun color options to add a little sass to your ride, and it comes in at a really affordable price point.
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Firmstrong Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell
This design from Firmstrong is another really great option because it is simple to install, offers great sound quality without stirring pedestrians into a panic, and is offered in a lot of sharp colors.
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Mirrycle Incredibell Adjustabell 2 Bike Bell
If you are worried about not being able to find the right size for your handlebars, this option from Mirrycle Incredibell is going to be an excellent solution. It is able to affix to most handlebars without the need of cracking your toolbox open.
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BONMIXC Bike Bell Brass Mini
This option from BONMIXC has a simple and easy mount to your handlebars, and it has small frames that aren’t going to stick out too much. While it isn’t offered in a wide range of colors, users love the affordable price point.
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TIMBER! Mountain Bike Bell
This design from TIMBER! Is quite different than your traditional designs. Instead of a simple trigger to pull when you are coming up behind someone, this design continuously makes noise the faster you pedal, or the bumpier the road. Don’t worry, it also has a silence feature when you have the road to yourself.
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Kickstand Cycleworks Classic Bicycle Bell
This design from Kickstand Cycle Works is the perfect marriage of both style and practicality. Users love this design because it looks great on their handlebars, and it makes for a quick and easy install.
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Crane E-ne Bicycle Bell
If you live in a town next to an airport where everyone's a little hard of hearing- this is going to be your best bet! The one thing that users love about this design is that it is incredibly loud, so you will be able to alert semi-trucks that you are a half a mile away.
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Lion Bellworks Retro Brass Bicycle Bell
If you are looking for a dependable retro-style bell that reminds our grandparents of the good old days, the Lion Bellwork is a great option. It is made in England and the company has been said to have great customer service. The “musical” chime is eloquent and long-lasting.
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TOPTREK Bicycle Bell
Perhaps you are a tech junkie, and you gravitate to all products that have a USB port. If you don’t like the idea of an antiquated bell, this electric and rechargeable design is going to speak to you.
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Trigger Bike Bell
This model is the fourth generation of the Trigger Bell. It has been tweaked and improved to provide you with a safe ride. The most admired feature of this bell is the fact that you don’t need to take your hands off the bars or your eyes off the road to use it. It is meant to be positioned under the handlebars and easily flicked with your thumb.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


The good news here is that there are a ton of different styles, designs, and colors out there on the market to suit just about everyone’s needs. If you are rocking a Schwinn Beach Cruiser with the wicker basket, you probably want something that is a little retro. There were quite a few companies that not only offered vintage styles but also offered vintage colors such as seafoam and vanilla to match your ride.

If you are sporting a top of the line modern bicycle, you probably want something that is a little more up to date. If that’s the case, you may be more interested in the matte black alloy design from Crane. We also wanted to select styles that were a little bit smaller so that they didn’t stick out from your handlebars as much, and were, therefore, a little bit easier to use.

Ease of Use

Generally speaking, almost all of the designs out there on the market are pretty easy to install. The more difficult designs that require the use of a Phillips head screwdriver are still easy enough for even those that aren’t very handy to install without instructions. To install these to your handlebars, most designs slip up and over your handlebars, and it is up to you to decide where they will go that will be the easiest for you to access.

Once you find the right spot, the simple designs will just require you to pull it tight and secure it by hand. Other designs come with 1 or 2 screws that will need to be threaded through a loop and then tightened with the use of a Phillips head screwdriver. We noticed that there were even some companies that provide users with the exact tools that they would need to properly secure it into place.


Do you know why most musical instruments are made from brass? It is because brass is an excellent conductor of sound. Therefore, when you are shopping around for a product that you want to deliver a clear and crisp ring, brass is going to be the way to go. While it may seem like brass domes are going to be expensive, they are no more expensive than their aluminum, copper, or metal cousins. Plus, brass is just a little bit more durable than many of the other alloys, so you won’t have to worry about falls.

For the base, the preferred material is going to be a matter of personal preference. ABS plastic is great because you won’t have to worry about it scratching the paint on your handlebars, and it is also lightweight and rustproof. The only downside to plastic is that it is prone to cracking, and it generally cannot be fastened to be as tight as metal. Metal is great because you can really create a strong and secure hold on your bike, but you run the risk of scratching your paint, and it doesn’t stand up to raining weather conditions as well as plastic in the long run.

Sound Quality

You may think that the louder the sound, the better the product- but this isn’t the case. Loud rings are going to be more effective in alerting travelers of your whereabouts, but they can be a little bit startling to those that are out for a nice and relaxing hike in the woods. For these products, we wanted to select something the walked the line between being loud enough where people would be able to hear you, but not so loud that people would nearly jump out of their skin as you approach.

A good quality device is going to have a few volumes between ‘polite’, and ‘melt your eardrums’. Users generally responded well to devices that would allow them to pull back slightly on the trigger for a polite ring, and be able to pull it back all the way in busy and noisy conditions.


The good news about these devices is that the average priced options are quite affordable, and they are going to set you back about as much money as you would spend on a nice lunch. On the lower end of the spectrum are designs that are priced so low that they may even cost less than your morning cup of coffee.

What we found about these designs, however, is that they often aren’t as loud as some of the more expensive designs. On the higher end of the price scale are designs that have a style and function that is a little bit different, and that is going to make your life a little bit easier. These options usually cost double of what the average priced designs sell for- which is still fairly reasonable.

Top 10 Picks


Where to buy
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REKATA Aluminum Bike Bell
REKATA Aluminum Bike Bell
REKATA Aluminum Bike Bell
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The reason we placed this design from REKATA at the top of our list was that it offers a simple and classic design that makes for a simple install, it is available in a ton of fun color options to add a little sass to your ride, and it comes in at a really affordable price point.

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Users will have the option to select from a ton of bright and shiny colors that include fire engine red, blue, green, silver, black, pink, purple, and gold. It has a classic rounded shape but it is small enough not to stick out too much on your handlebars.

Ease of use

Another thing that users really appreciate about this model is that it is a snap to install. The base has a rounded ring that slips over your handlebars, and it comes with just one screw that you will use to tighten it into place (and you will have to dig into your toolbox for a Phillips head screwdriver to tighten it).


The main compartment (the part responsible for sound production) is a high-quality aluminum alloy. The parts that fasten to your handlebars are made from a high-quality plastic ABS, which means you won’t have to worry about it scratching your pant.

Sound quality

Once rung, this unit makes the classic ring-ring sound that you would expect, and there are many users that feel that this unit is loud enough to alert pedestrians even in crowded cities without startling them.


The best thing about this design is that it comes in at one of the most affordable prices points out there on the market. This will likely set you back about the same amount that you spent on your morning cup of coffee.


If you are looking for something that comes in a lot of fun colors and is going to be a cinch to install even if you aren’t very mechanically inclined, this is going to be one of your best options in our option without breaking the bank.

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2. Firmstrong

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Firmstrong Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell
Firmstrong Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell
Firmstrong Classic Beach Cruiser Bicycle Bell
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This design from Firmstrong is another really great option because it is simple to install, offers great sound quality without stirring pedestrians into a panic, and is offered in a lot of sharp colors.

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Users will have the choice between a lot of fun and shiny colors that include basic white, black, light blue, royal blue, pink, red, and vanilla. It has a classic rounded shape and a low profile base that doesn’t stick up from your handlebars too much.

Ease of use

Installing this design on your handlebars is simple and easy. You will just need to employ the use of a Phillips head screwdriver to tighten the two bolts on either side of the handlebars. Fitting is going to be slightly more limiting, however, as it only fits handlebars that measure slightly over 1 inch in diameter.


There are zero plastic components on this design. The base is made from a durable metal, which is going to be incredibly sturdy but may scratch your paint if you aren’t careful. The top portion is made from the same quality of metal and is finished with a shiny powder coat finish.

Sound quality

This design makes the classic ring-ring that you would expect, and from what we have read from previous users it is just loud enough to alert other riders on the trail without being so loud that it will knock the helmet clear off of their head.


The cost of this unit is just slightly more expensive than some of the more affordable options out there on the market, but we feel that the quality of materials used makes it well worth the slightly higher price point.


If you want something that offers a lot of styles, while still being functional and easy to install, this design from Firmstrong is going to be a really great choice.

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3. Mirrycle Incredibell Adjustabell

Where to buy
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Mirrycle Incredibell Adjustabell 2 Bike Bell
Mirrycle Incredibell Adjustabell 2 Bike Bell
Mirrycle Incredibell Adjustabell 2 Bike Bell
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If you are worried about not being able to find the right size for your handlebars, this option from Mirrycle Incredibell is going to be an excellent solution. It is able to affix to most handlebars without the need of cracking your toolbox open.

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Colors options are just a little bit more limited to this design. Users will have the option of selecting between a basic black or silver design, and each option has a black base. Overall, the frame of this unit is slightly smaller than many of the other designs, and it doesn’t stick up as much either.

Ease of use

Like we mentioned before, you won’t need to fish out any tools from your toolbox to install this design. It simply fits up over your handlebars, and then users will need to tighten the plastic buckle into place and then fasten it down into place.


The entire unit is made from an incredibly lightweight alloy. This means that you will be able to get caught in the rain on your rides and won’t have to worry about it rusting. The button used for ringing is from high-quality plastic.

Sound quality

Pressing the button down once creates a single ding. From what we have read from previous users, it is just loud enough to alert other people around you without scaring them.


One of the best features about this design is that it comes in at a really affordable price point that won’t break the bank. It will likely set you back about the same amount of money that you would spend on a morning cup of coffee.


If you are looking for something that is simple and easy to use and comes in at a really reasonable price point, this design is going to be an excellent choice.

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Where to buy
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BONMIXC Bike Bell Brass Mini
BONMIXC Bike Bell Brass Mini
BONMIXC Bike Bell Brass Mini
Amazon Link

This option from BONMIXC has a simple and easy mount to your handlebars, and it has small frames that aren’t going to stick out too much. While it isn’t offered in a wide range of colors, users love the affordable price point.

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Users are only going to have the option to select from two different color choices that include silver and gold. The size of this unit is much smaller than many of the other options that we have seen, which means it isn’t going to stick up too much off of your handlebars.

Ease of use

You are going to need to employ the use of a screwdriver in order to fasten this unit around your handlebars. To install, simply slip it down into position, and then use a screwdriver to fasten it securely into place.


The top of this design is made from a brass dome that is an excellent conductor of sound, and the base is made from a sturdy plastic material that isn’t going to scratch or scuff up your paint job.

Sound quality

Since brass is an excellent conductor of sound, the ring from this unit is quite loud, but it isn’t so loud that it is going to startle any pedestrians. There were some users, however, that found that it isn’t as loud as some of the other designs out there on the market.


One of the best features about this design is that it comes in at a really affordable price point, and the value increases when you buy a pack of 2.


If you wanted something that was going to be easy to install and comes in at an affordable price point, this is a really great decision in our option.

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Where to buy
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TIMBER! Mountain Bike Bell
TIMBER! Mountain Bike Bell
TIMBER! Mountain Bike Bell
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This design from TIMBER! Is quite different than your traditional designs. Instead of a simple trigger to pull when you are coming up behind someone, this design continuously makes noise the faster you pedal, or the bumpier the road. Don’t worry, it also has a silence feature when you have the road to yourself.

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There aren’t any color options to select from with this model, but that is kind of the point. This design is meant to blend into the handlebars on your ride, so it isn’t even going to look like you have anything there. It is small and compact and has a small button that can be pulled with your thumb to silence it.

Ease of use

From what we have read from previous users, this unit is incredibly easy to mount to your handlebars. Simply slip it out over the handle, and find a place that you will be able to access easily. Once you have it in the place that you like, simply tighten the straps.


The dome of this device is made from brass, but the rest of the components are made from a high- quality plastic so you won’t have to worry about it breaking on spills or rusting in the rain.

Sound quality

This is where this design is a little different. It constantly makes noise when you are out of the trail, but many users have been complemented by the pleasant sound that this device makes. Plus, if you are alone and want to turn it off, there is a silencing mode as well.


Due to the fact that this design is a little bit different, it comes in at a much higher price point than many of the other basic models out there on the market. However, when you look at all of the positive reviews for this device, we feel that it is well worth the slightly padded price tag.


If you are looking for something that is a little bit different that doesn’t require you to ring a device whenever you see another rider (which can become a full-time job on crowded trails), this is going to be one of your better options.

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6. Kickstand Cycle Works

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Kickstand Cycleworks Classic Bicycle Bell
Kickstand Cycleworks Classic Bicycle Bell
Kickstand Cycleworks Classic Bicycle Bell
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This design from Kickstand Cycle Works is the perfect marriage of both style and practicality. Users love this design because it looks great on their handlebars, and it makes for a quick and easy install.

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Users love the vintage style of this product that looks like something right out of the 1960s. It is offered in fun and unique colors that you may not find anywhere else, and include options such as seafoam, coral, blue, purple, red, orange, matte black, green, as well as a few others.

Ease of use

To install this unit on your handlebars (that measure to be under 22.2mm), you are going to need to dig out your Phillips head out of your toolbox. Place the unit where you would like on your handlebars, and use the two screws included with purchase to tighten it securely into place.


The dome, as well as the mounting base, are all made of a high-quality metal material. Due to the fact that it uses metal to mount it to your handlebars, you will need to be extra careful when mounting so you don’t scratch your paint.

Sound quality

Users love the classic ring-ring of this device. It is loud enough for people on the trail to be able to hear you, but it isn’t so loud that it is going to knock people off of their seats.


The cost of this design runs in the middle of the road in terms of price. It isn’t the most expensive design that we have seen, but it is far from being the least expensive.


If you want something that is going to offer a little bit of retro style to your ride while still being highly functional as well as easy to install, you are bound to love this option from Kickstand Cycle Works.

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7. Crane E-ne

Where to buy
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Crane E-ne Bicycle Bell
Crane E-ne Bicycle Bell
Crane E-ne Bicycle Bell
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If you live in a town next to an airport where everyone's a little hard of hearing- this is going to be your best bet! The one thing that users love about this design is that it is incredibly loud, so you will be able to alert semi-trucks that you are a half a mile away.

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The very first thing that we noticed about this option was it’s a very modern design. This doesn’t look like something you would find on your toddlers' tricycle, this is a product for grown-ups. User can select from three sleek color choices that include matte black, brass, or polished copper.

Ease of use

Users have found that installing this unit on their handlebars is quick and easy. Simply loop it through and place it into the position that you want, and then fasten it into place by hand.


Depending on the color that you select, the material is going to vary. Material choices include copper, brass, or alloy for the domes. All of the mounts are made from a single piece of high-quality metal that is resistant to bending or breaking.

Sound quality

This is where this product really shines. If you want something that is going to be able to get incredibly loud- this is going to be your best option. Plus, you can opt to give the trigger a half pull to make a quieter ding.


The downside to this design is that it comes in at a much higher price point than most, and might be one of the most expensive designs out there on the market. However, considering the high-quality materials used, this is going to be well worth the price tag in our option.


For those that want something that is really going to be able to sing, this design from Crane E-ne is going to be your best bet if you need something to be loud that will announce to everyone that you are coming up behind them.

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8. Lion Bellworks

Where to buy
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Lion Bellworks Retro Brass Bicycle Bell
Lion Bellworks Retro Brass Bicycle Bell
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If you are looking for a dependable retro-style bell that reminds our grandparents of the good old days, the Lion Bellwork is a great option. It is made in England and the company has been said to have great customer service. The “musical” chime is eloquent and long-lasting.

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This retro-style bell goes way back in time, before the fun colored bells. It is only available in one style, which is gold on top with silver hardware underneath. If you prefer to keep it shiny, you can polish the bell. If not, over time it will develop a unique patina. Each bell is also finished with the simple “Lion England” logo.

Ease of Use

With just a couple of screws, you’ll have this bell in place. It is designed to fit bike bars ranging in size from twenty-two to twenty-six millimeters.


This is a sold bell. There are no plastic pieces integrated and it is built to last. The top, dome piece is made from 55mm polished brass which is specifically shaped for great sound. The underside of the bell, where the mounting hardware lives, is made from stainless steel.

Sound Quality

This retro bell is easily sounded with the flick of the spring. It creates a loud and long-lasting simple charm that has been described by many as “musical.” Lion features a ten-second clip of the ring on their website and reviews claim that the chime lasts up to thirty seconds.


This bell is priced higher than many of our options. However, it is an old-time tried and true product that will last you for many years. It has a unique and beautiful chime that eloquently warns people of your presence.

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Where to buy
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TOPTREK Bicycle Bell
TOPTREK Bicycle Bell
TOPTREK Bicycle Bell
Amazon Link

Perhaps you are a tech junkie, and you gravitate to all products that have a USB port. If you don’t like the idea of an antiquated bell, this electric and rechargeable design is going to speak to you.

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Users will only have the option to select from a simple black design. However, one thing that we noticed that was quite unique about this product is that there is a wired spiral cord between the speaker and the button. This means that you can place the speaker in the center of your handlebars, and then run the activation button to the hand you are most comfortable using.

Ease of use

Installation for this product is going to take mere seconds. The silica gel circle is placed over the handlebars where you find that it will work best, and then you can simply tighten it by hand. Due to the fact that you will need to recharge it every 2,500 rings, it needs to be easy to mount and dismount.


The entirety of this unit is made from a high-quality plastic material, which means that the uses will not have to worry about it rusting if they get caught in the rain.

Sound quality

This is where this product really shines. It is able to reach about 120 decibels, which is about as loud as a clap of thunder or a chainsaw (that should get their attention!). It has three different sound settings, which include a whistle, a horn (which sounds like a clown horn), or an alarm. Users typically like to use the horn because while it may startle pedestrians, it is also going to make them laugh.


You may assume that because it is rechargeable that it is going to come in at a much higher price point- but you would be mistaken! The cost of this design runs to be pretty average when you compare it to other simple domed designs.


For all those tech junkies that cannot resist a product with a USB port, this design is going to be right up your alley. However, if you don’t want to deal with a product that you are going to need to charge every so often, you may be better off with a basic option.

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10. Trigger

Where to buy
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Trigger Bike Bell
Trigger Bike Bell
Trigger Bike Bell
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This model is the fourth generation of the Trigger Bell. It has been tweaked and improved to provide you with a safe ride. The most admired feature of this bell is the fact that you don’t need to take your hands off the bars or your eyes off the road to use it. It is meant to be positioned under the handlebars and easily flicked with your thumb.

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Just by looking at it, you can see that this isn’t your traditional bell. It is designed for ultimate safety with many different styles of bikes. It is only available in black and is quite inconspicuous. It is meant to be positioned near your brakes, meaning that you don’t need to shift your hands or take your eyes off the road to ping the device when braking, turning or changing gears.

Ease of Use

Attaching this bell to your bike is simple. The most difficult part is deciding exactly where to place it. It is meant to be placed under the handlebar and near the brakes. It fits more or less all bikes. It can be adjusted to fit handlebars from 22mm to 45mm.


The bell portion of this product is made from brass. The fitting is made from polymer and the adjusting screw is made from aircraft-grade aluminum. It has been tested to continually function over 50,000 pings. A few customers have had a polymer piece brake off after a couple of years, but still, feel like they got their money’s worth out of the bell.

Sound Quality

The sound quality is decent but might not give enough warning in a busy or loud area. Depending on how you install the bell, you either push down or up to ping it. You give it a light flick of the thumb to release the chime.


This bell is fairly inexpensive. It has been tested to ring over 50,000 times without issue. For such an innovative and safety-inspiring design, we think this is a great investment. To make it even better, it comes with a two-year warranty.

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  1. Chris Tackett, Why every bike needs a bell, Blog
  2. David Hembrow , Testing and recording bicycle bells, Blog
  3. Cycling Plus, Six of the best: bicycle bells, Buying Guide