Best Cat Hammocks

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Test Winner: CAT TREE KING
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Sure, it is always fun to look for a product for yourself but, sometimes, it is just as fun to do so for the ones you love. Yes, this darn sure includes the little feline (or felines) that are running around your home. While cats can typically get amusement from just about anything (and will sit comfortably just about anywhere), one item of interest that you can get them is a hammock. Now, this is not exactly like the hammock that humans would lie in. Instead, it is much smaller (clearly) and is typically suited for indoor use. And, though it may seem incredibly easy to buy a high-quality model, there are some key design features and factors that you need to assess beforehand. But, before you get there, take a look at some of the best options that are currently on the market.

Standout Picks

This is one of the most unique options on this list and it also happens to be one of the very best. It is unique because of its versatility as in addition to its hammocks, it also sports several other fun features.
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From one unique model to the next, this is almost a jungle gym of sorts that you install on your wall. While it seems a bit outlandish, you may be surprised how much fun your felines have on it.
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This option is a bit simpler than the other two and is actually a freestanding model. It sports a hammock on the top and also constructed poles that can act as scratching posts.
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AmazonBasics is not necessarily known for designing astounding products but they are always consistent. This is a strong example of that and is probably one of the better products that they have made.
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When comparing these to actual hammocks, this one right here is one of the most accurate resemblances. It literally looks like a shrunken model for your cat (which is essentially what it is).
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Now, this entry introduces an entirely different type of design. Thanks to the nut suction cups, this complex is designed to be installed on a window of your choosing.
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As with the last model, this bad boy installs right on your window. Of course, the difference with this design is the fact that it does not sport multiple levels.
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Arguably the most talked about feature about this next model is the fact that it can be folded down for quick storage. It also sports many features so it has that going for it, as well.
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Much like many other models on this list, this is more than just a hammock. It is also constructed with posts that are covered with sisal rope (giving your felines a place to scratch their claws).
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This is not a freestanding model nor does it need to be installed on a window. Instead, it is a very simple design and requires being hung by its attached straps.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


Look, the model you buy needs to be suitable for your furry little animal.

This section is going to be different for everyone because everyone is going to have a different sized cat or cats. And, above all else, you need to ensure that the model you buy will be suitable for the felines that you have. In order to do this, you need to assess how much weight any given model can handle. Additionally, you also need to make sure that the hammocks themselves are spacious enough for them. There are actually a few ways you can go about this and both of them are recommended (not just one or the other).
Firstly, most sellers will specifically state how much weight their model can hold and the exact dimensions of all the components. Now, for the former, this can range anywhere from 20 to 60 or more pounds. As you can see, some designs out there will be optimized for all cats while others just for smaller ones. Now, this leads to the second recommendation and that is to search through user feedback to see what other buyers have had to say. Some sellers may exaggerate their claims and if so, previous users will call them out on it., so to speak.


Yep, there are actually several different styles on the market and picking the one you prefer will be key.

Before this section gets started, understand that a later section will play directly off of this. As for this section, though, this is all about the design style. Would you be surprised to know that when it comes to cat hammocks, they come in various different shapes, styles, and forms? This is indeed the case and it means that you need to be educated on all (or at least most) of them. After all, they do differ quite a bit and may or may not be appealing to you.
For starters, you have your basic freestanding models. Some of these can be just hammocks while others will incorporate other elements (which will be touched on later). If you want something different, there are also models that are designed to be mounted to your windows. These give your felines a chance to relax and enjoy the view (and the sun). Even if these are not up your alley, there are also designs that simply mount to your wall and also those that can be hung from a chair. You see, there is a lot to choose from, is there not?


In addition to being long-lasting, your preferred model should also be soft enough for your felines.

As with anything else, you are going to want to look for models that are designed with high-quality materials. But, the thing is for a product such as this, you are not really in control as your cat is. As you know, felines can be pretty destructive (mostly due to their claws) and they may expose any materials that are poor and any craftsmanship that is, as well. Now, the design style you end up going with will dictate the materials you end up looking for. But, most models will feature durable main components (such as wood and metal) and comfortable materials (such as plush fabric) for comfort.
That last statement deserves a closer look because above all else, the cat hammock you end up going with should provide comfort for your furry little creature. This is why you will often see plush fabric utilized because when compared to cotton and fleece (other soft fabrics), it is actually softer.


This stems off the earlier section regarding the design style, for the record.

This right here is the section that plays off the “style” section that was already documented. You see, this is where it is a good time to talk about the additional features that you may see on certain models. One of the most prominent ones is a scratching post (or posts). How much of a pain is it when your cats want to scratch all your furniture? They can’t help it because if you do not give them a means to scratch, they are going to do it regardless. So, why not just get a model that allows them to do just that? With freestanding models, you will typically see the vertical poles covered in sisal rope (which is a very strong rope) and this is designed for scratching purposes.
In addition to this, you will also often see models equip pom-pom toys. Though these are really simple, they provide your felines with another way to cure their boredom. Of course, you can also look for designs that include additional seating areas. All these features can change the game completely.

Ease of Use

This merely comes down to the assembly process and how much effort you want to put forth.

How easy a model is going to be to assemble is really going to come down to just a few factors. The first of which is the actual design style itself. Due to the fact that some models will need to be mounted to your wall and others will need to be assembled as is, it can vary quite a bit. Of course, there are also models out there that will require little to no physical assembly. Styles such as window perch hammocks and cat towers, for example, will typically be easy enough for one person to assemble and install in a matter of minutes.
Of course, another factor is if there are any instructions included and if there are, how well they are written and explained. Several sellers will probably only provide pictures for you to reference and while nice, these can be insufficient if you are unfamiliar with the tools and hardware that you are working with. Just remember that you can always reference online videos if you get lost or confused.



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This is one of the most unique options on this list and it also happens to be one of the very best. It is unique because of its versatility as in addition to its hammocks, it also sports several other fun features.

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Size and Capacity
Now, this entire unit will hold up to 105 pounds. However, talking about the hammocks themselves, they are rated to hold up to 44 pounds (which is still fantastic).

Design Style
Yep, this has just about everything. The two hammocks it sports are just the start of it. However, as a few reviewers have noted, cats can struggle a bit getting from the 2nd level to the 3rd.

The quality here is simply excellent. Whether you want to point to the mega strong ABS of all the fixing parts or the high-quality plush at the bottom, the materials and craftsmanship are superb.

Okay, so in addition to the seating areas, this also sports poles that have been covered with sisal rope, an opening for your feline to crawl into, and additional seating area all the way at the top.

Granted you are familiar with picture-only instructions, you should be able to get this erected with few issues. Surprisingly, many reviewers claim it is just that; easy.

This is an all-in-one complex that some of you may not be interested in. But, if you want more than just cat hammocks, then you can get it all for your little felines.

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From one unique model to the next, this is almost a jungle gym of sorts that you install on your wall. While it seems a bit outlandish, you may be surprised how much fun your felines have on it.

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Size and Capacity
The wood structures are rated to hold up to 85 pounds. Meanwhile, the hammocks themselves can hold up to 62 pounds safely.

Design Style
What you will need for this model is space on your wall and also studs that are spaced 16 inches from one another. It is noted by the seller, though, that a custom unit can be sent if your stud spacing is different.

The combination of the solid wood shelving and the heavy canvas that is used for the hammocks provide reassurance to know that your felines will be safe.

Overall, this is a pretty simple complex but it also has a few noteworthy features such as the ladder that can be used for climbing and the hole that has been lined with sisal.

Not only is it recommended to have assistance when you assemble this but you also need to know the infrastructure of your home. The reason for this is this needs to be mounted in studs.

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This option is a bit simpler than the other two and is actually a freestanding model. It sports a hammock on the top and also constructed poles that can act as scratching posts.

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Size and Capacity
Though some users have felt this could have been a bit taller, it seems to hold cats of suitable size. One reviewer even reported that their 22-pound feline had not fallen through it yet (at the time of their review).

Design Style
As mentioned, this is indeed a freestanding model. In addition to the other features, the hammock rests right on top.

In addition to the high-quality plush material that has been integrated, there is also a metal rim that adds additional support.

The two vertical posts that hold this up are covered with sisal rope. So, your felines can scratch at them until their little hearts are content. Also, this comes equipped with a pom-pom toy.

If the included instruction were better the assembly process of this probably would not be as frustrating. The good news, at least, is an Allen wrench and all the bolts are included.

What is really nice about this option is it offers versatility while not taking up that much space. It is also designed with superb materials so that always helps.

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AmazonBasics is not necessarily known for designing astounding products but they are always consistent. This is a strong example of that and is probably one of the better products that they have made.

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Size and Capacity
To give you an idea of what this is capable of, one buyer noted that it held their 25-pound cat just fine. Then again, they also noted that it was hanging off the sides.

Design Style
Being almost a carbon copy of the previous model, you know what to expect here. Overall, this is a design that is implemented by several engineers around the world.

Due to the combination of the sturdy chipboard, plush carpeting, and natural jute fiber, this is built well.

Now, this is outfitted with poles that are covered with jute rope and also a pom-pom toy. Yet, this same toy is not attached very well and is certain to fall off eventually.

There are only five pieces that you need to put together. And, only five screws need to be used (which are included) making the installation quite simple.

If you can forgive the low-quality attachment system of the pom-pom toy then you should know that your cat is sure to love its brand new seating area.

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When comparing these to actual hammocks, this one right here is one of the most accurate resemblances. It literally looks like a shrunken model for your cat (which is essentially what it is).

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Size and Capacity
Overall, this is suited for smaller felines. It will comfortably and safely hold cats anywhere from 20 to 30 pounds (and lower, clearly).

Design Style
The brilliance of this design is the fact that you can place it anywhere (even outside). Of course, if you do that, then bring it inside when it starts raining.

In addition to the all-natural wood that is utilized, this is also equipped with carefully placed anchors that will mitigate the amount of swaying that persists.

As for the design itself, it is as basic as it gets and is devoid of any other features. However, that said, the seller does include a free cat toy with your purchase.

Though this comes with step-by-step instructions (there is also an instructional video online), the engineers did not align the legs with the screw openings very well.

If you merely want a simple cat hammock without all the bells and whistles of other models, you and your feline should love this. Then again, make sure they will fit comfortably.

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Now, this entry introduces an entirely different type of design. Thanks to the nut suction cups, this complex is designed to be installed on a window of your choosing.

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Size and Capacity
It is actually claimed that the nut suction cups can bear up to 55 pounds of weight. However, various reviewers have questioned this claim. Overall, it seems a bit exaggerated.

Design Style
Not only is this designed to be installed right onto your window but it also has two levels. Also, this utilizes nut suction cups which are much stronger than transparent PP suction cups.

In addition to the superior suction cups that are utilized, this is also built with a metal frame for added stability and durability.

Outside of the double layer design, you can also adjust the height between the two surfaces. This comes in handy if you have bigger cats.

Granted your window is larger than 17.8 inches (in width), this is going to work fine. Yet, a few buyers have claimed the included instructions are pretty much worthless.

This type of cat hammock is perfect if your feline loves to sit on the window sill as they will undoubtedly enjoy this. It utilizes superior suction technology so that is also nice.

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As with the last model, this bad boy installs right on your window. Of course, the difference with this design is the fact that it does not sport multiple levels.

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Size and Capacity
In theory, this should safely fit up to two felines at a combined weight of up to 60 pounds. Based on some user feedback, however, it does not seem like this is the case at all.

Design Style
As was mentioned, this is exactly like the other model in that it is a window perch hammock. It is not a double layered design, though, to reiterate.

All the materials that have been utilized are eco-friendly. This includes the PVC frame, steel wire, breathable placemat and PP suction cups.

About the only “feature” to speak of here is the fact that an additional suction cup is included with your purchase. Other than that, there is nothing noteworthy to speak of.

It is noted specifically in the product description that you need to clean both the window and the suction cups on this model before you mount it. Past this, the assembly should be fairly simple.

Yes, this is a lot like the last entry on this list except that it is only one level and it features inferior suction cups. Still, with that being said, this has earned “Amazon’s Choice” for a reason.

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Arguably the most talked about feature about this next model is the fact that it can be folded down for quick storage. It also sports many features so it has that going for it, as well.

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Size and Capacity
This is an absolutely fantastic tower…for the right cats. You see, it is optimized for kittens and this is due to the opening of the hole and also the weight that the hammock will hold.

Design Style
Yet another freestanding model, you can take this bad boy anywhere and place it anywhere. As mentioned, additionally, it comes with the bonus of being able to be folded down for storage.

Most everything is wrapped in soft plush fabric and overall, the quality is quite good. Then again, there have been a few naysayers out there who have experienced otherwise.

Most models merely have scratching posts but this actually has a full scratching surface for your kitten. Also, it comes equipped with two pom-pom toys.

Perhaps the best part about this model is that no assembly is required. This is thanks to its collapsible design, after all.

The best way to describe this product is in one word; convenient. Sure, it could have been built a little better but for the right felines, it will be a great addition to your home.

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Much like many other models on this list, this is more than just a hammock. It is also constructed with posts that are covered with sisal rope (giving your felines a place to scratch their claws).

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Size and Capacity
In all reality, the top portion (which contains the hammock) is really only suitable for kittens. Not only in regard to the weight but also because of the physical size, quite frankly.

Design Style
This is very similar to other freestanding models out there as it can be placed virtually anywhere and sports a few extra features for your furry little friends.

The main material used to construct this unit was pressed wood. This same wood is wrapped in faux fleece and as for the poles, they are wrapped in sisal rope.

Past the vertical posts that are wrapped in sisal rope for scratching, this also integrates a pom-pom toy for your feline to play with.

It is simply the scratching posts that need to be secured to the hammock and the bottom board. To do so, you fasten the four included screws in place (it is that simple).

As you can tell, a lot of these types are suitable for smaller cats and this is another one. It does not make this (or them) bad but you need to have the right feline.

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This is not a freestanding model nor does it need to be installed on a window. Instead, it is a very simple design and requires being hung by its attached straps.

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Size and Capacity
Both the clips and the holding straps are rated to handle up to 20 pounds. As is claimed, this really is suitable for smaller animals.

Design Style
Yes, this is a bit different. What you need to do is hang the straps from a pet cage, chair, or another piece of furniture. Of course, the engineers could have made the straps themselves longer.

The actual hammock is made of cotton canvas. But, do be aware that some buyers have experienced durability issues.

While this is not overloaded with features, it will fully collapse and this is very handy for storage and travel purposes.

The simplicity of this design is arguably its greatest advantage. Literally, no physical labor is required for installation as it just needs to hang from an appropriate structure.

One thing is for sure, this is completely unique to the other options on this list. That alone makes it compelling but for some of you, this will not be what the doctor ordered.

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