Best CLA Supplements

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
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Fat. Something we typically want to lose from our bodies and cut out of our diet. However, it is important to realize there are GOOD fats and BAD fats. Good fats, such as Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) are often found in meat and dairy and have been linked to studies showing that they improve heart health, aid in body sculpting and weight loss, and boost immunity. With CLA supplements being one of the most popular current trends, distinguishing the real-deal from the knock-offs can be a daunting task. You always want to make sure you can see exactly how much of this fat in your supplement and that it is fresh. It has been said that three to four grams a day is a healthy dosage. To take the guesswork out of the research, we have gone ahead and rounded up our top ten picks for you here.

Standout Picks

In spite of the fact that there have been a few naysayers to speak against the effectiveness of this option, from top to bottom, it is the best on the market right now.
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NATUREWISE CLA 1250 Best CLA Supplement
For popularity alone, this supplement deserves recognition. After all, if enough people are praising the effectiveness and design of any one particular product, eventually, you start buying into the hype too.
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Evlution Nutrition Best CLA Supplements
Brand recognition is often an important buying factor of any product and when it comes to supplements, Evlution Nutrition is one of those brands that you know you can trust.
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MP Essentials Best CLA Supplements
Again, you can never go wrong with a trusted brand. If there is one thing you can take to the bank with Muscle Pharm (MP) supplements, it is that they are all formulated with the highest quality and purity in mind.
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BRONSON 3000 Best CLA Supplement
Even though you could argue that other options on the market offer better value, very few of you will be disappointed if you choose this option over the rest.
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One of the benefits of a BulkSupplements is they often sell their formulas in massive packages. With this specific option, you can buy a package with an astonishing 6000 soft gels inside.
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HORBAACH Best CLA Supplements
Even though this may be one of the least recognizable brands on the market, this formula is about as good as it gets. You will also not find too many options with a higher potency on a per-serving-basis.
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Sports Research Plant Based CLA Supplement
Hey vegans! Vegetarians! Over here! This plant-based formula is a great way for you to reap the benefits of this great supplement! This product has a very short ingredient list and each capsule contains 1000mg of Conjugated Linoleic Acid. With the exception of a possibly unpleasant after taste, there’s not much more to complain about.
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While most options on the market are formulated to deliver 1000 milligrams of this fatty acid per serving, this one promotes 2000 milligrams (which multiplies the potency).
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NOW Best CLA Supplements
From an overall perspective, this is another well-designed formula here. Then again, some users have had some minor gripes that you may want to be aware of.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


Though most options will be in the same ballpark, the potency can still vary.

We have alluded to this a few times already but one of the main reasons for taking CLA is for weight loss. In fact, it has been known as one of the best fat burners available on the market. However, it all depends on how much of the fatty acid that you are consuming. The question then becomes, though, how much is this? It is worth noting that studies in the past have used doses of anywhere from 3.2 to 6.4 grams per day. Around three grams daily are needed for weight loss but taking up to six grams per day has not been shown to have adverse side effects, as well.

When it comes to choosing a supplement (with so many of them available on the market), the potency then becomes a good starting point. Of course, this is where things can get a little tricky. On the product label of any model on the market, you will find how much CLA is offered per serving. However, not all of this will be fatty acid as some of it will be safflower or sunflower oil. Ideally, look for formulas that use 80 percent of the fatty acid. In general, you will typically either see formulas with 1250 or 1000 milligrams of CLA blend (which includes the oil).

Product Purity

This is as important as any other section in this guide without question.

When it comes to the purity of any type of dietary supplement, there are a number of different layers that come into the fold and that is certainly no different here. The first “layer” is assessing where a particular formula was processed and manufactured. Ideally, look for options that have been done so in facilities that are GMP certified. You have probably heard of GMP before but if you have not, it is an acronym for Good Manufacturing Process and it is a system that is set out to ensure that products are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards (especially when it comes to any type of pharmaceutical production).

Moving on, the second “layer” is to see if any third-party testing has been conducted. If you ever see options that have been, it simply means that an independent organization has reviewed the product and deemed that it complies with specific standards set out for performance, quality, and safety. Oh, and you can also look for options that have been banned-substance tested. Typically being certified by Informed-Choice, supplements with this certification have been tested for banned substances by LGC’s anti-doping lab.

Ease of Use

Most models will come in soft gels and will not be too hard to swallow. Of course, look out for some side effects.

As you noticed from this list, many of the best options on the market come in soft gel form. For the record, soft gel pills are different than capsules even though they look very similar. These actually consist of a gelatin-based shell that surrounds a liquid fill. The shell is essentially there to offer protection from product degradation and also oxidation. Of course, you never want to chew into them as the resulting flavor will not be very pleasant in the slightest. So, this means you need to swallow them. In general, they tend to be easier to swallow than tablets or capsules. Then again, some soft gel CLA supplements are downright enormous in size so take that into consideration.

Okay, so there is something else that needs to be discussed here. As with most pills and medicines, there are possibilities of side effects when you supplement this fatty acid. If you look through reviews, you may notice users criticize a particular option for upsetting their stomach or causing “fish-like” burps afterward. Then again, everyone’s body may react differently to this kind of stuff so you may not experience the side effects that others do.


Though you may just want the largest option out there, you may want to think twice.

Alright, so how many of you out there really did not like math when you were in school? Or, better yet, how many of you still despise it to this day? Why are these two questions even relevant right now? It is quite simple, really; when it comes to the capacity you need to keep a certain amount of variables into mind.

The first, of course, is the capacity of the actual bottle. In other words, assess how many pills are inside. Now, you would think that the more there are the better, right? For the right people, this concept will apply but it will not do so for everyone. Really, you may want to look for a variety to have a few different capacity options at your disposal.

Let’s dive into some other variables, shall we? How about the serving size as some options will require only one soft gel per serving (while others will require two). This becomes important because if a bottle has 300 soft gels but you need to take two for a serving, it essentially only provides you with 150 uses. Also, the potency comes back into play. Remember that you need to consume at least three grams of this fatty acid daily for worthwhile results. So, if one serving provides 1000 milligrams (which is quite common) then you would theoretically need to take at least three servings a day (and this is a minimum).


Yes, this is a byproduct of the capacity but it is also just as important.

Truth be told, this section is really a byproduct of the last section (the capacity). But, it is important in and of itself and deserves its own section. You may be thinking to yourself what the point of this section is as you can just assess the value by looking at the price, right? Well, it is not that simple even though the price is still one of the variables to keep in mind. The reality is one option may be initially cheaper but if it is not as potent or does not contain as many soft gels as another option, you could end up saving money in the long run by switching to the other option.

For the most part, most sellers tend to sell their largest bottles to have the best value. And, Amazon itself has a really neat feature that you can use to assess this. For most options listed on the online shopping website, there will be the base price and the price-per-soft gel listed in parentheses (which is typically between 1 to 20 cents).



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In spite of the fact that there have been a few naysayers to speak against the effectiveness of this option, from top to bottom, it is the best on the market right now.

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The safe and comprehensive formula used here contains a 1000-milligram blend of the fatty acid per each serving.

Product Purity

It is claimed that this is 100 percent tested and GMP certified. What this means is all the ingredients have been scientifically tested and researched. Also, it means that each batch is produced in a laboratory that has been GMP certified.

Ease of Use

At Âľ inches in size, these pills are not exactly small and you may have trouble getting them down. What is nice, however, is they will not hurt your stomach when you digest them.


There are two options you can go with here. The choice is yours between 90 or 180 soft gels.


Typically, the larger of the two containers offers a better value and that is the case here. However, the 180-count bottle (though always subject to change) is actually offered at a cheaper price than the 90-count bottle.


With a product such as this, there are always going to be critics. But, as you can see, this option provides superb value, good potency, and excellent purity and quality.

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NATUREWISE CLA 1250 Best CLA Supplement
NATUREWISE CLA 1250 Best CLA Supplement
NATUREWISE CLA 1250 Best CLA Supplement
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For popularity alone, this supplement deserves recognition. After all, if enough people are praising the effectiveness and design of any one particular product, eventually, you start buying into the hype too.

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In addition to the fact that the fatty acid comes from pure and certified sources, each soft gel you ingest will provide you a 1250-milligram blend of the fatty acid.

Product Purity

To ensure that each pill you ingest is as pure as it can be, each batch that is produced is tested by third-party laboratories for chemical, physical, and microbial contamination.

Ease of Use

In spite of the fact that the soft gels are fairly large in size, they are easy to digest thanks to their non-chalky texture. But, they are pretty big so be wary of that.


Most sellers typically provide you with a few capacity options and NatureWise is no different. The choice is yours from either a 90 or 180-count container.


Both of the options offer pretty good values but the 180-count is the better of the two. Unless you want to test the waters here, go with this option.


A lot of you will prefer to stick to formulas that have been tried and tested by both independent sources and consumers alike. In this regard, this option is fantastic.

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Where to buy
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Evlution Nutrition Best CLA Supplements
Evlution Nutrition Best CLA Supplements
Evlution Nutrition Best CLA Supplements
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Brand recognition is often an important buying factor of any product and when it comes to supplements, Evlution Nutrition is one of those brands that you know you can trust.

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Evlution Nutrition is one of the many manufacturers that has made a CLA supplement that provides a 1000-milligram blend of the fatty acid per every serving you take.

Product Purity

When it comes to Evlution Nutrition, there is no need to question their quality or purity. They produce and manufacture all their batches with premium ingredients and in state-of-the-art laboratories.

Ease of Use

These gel capsules have a reputation of being easy to swallow and easy on the stomach. However, if you glance through user feedback, you will notice that a few consumers have experienced some minor side effects (including heartburn and excessive pooping).


With the 90-count bottle that is offered, you get 90 servings, which is pretty good. But, if you want to buy in bulk, you will need to simply buy multiple 90-count containers.


There are cheaper options on the market but in conjunction with the potency and quality, the value provided from Evlution Nutrition is still admirable.


Just to note, you may not experience some of the side effects that others have. This is important because you need to know that this option truly can be fantastic for several of you.

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MP Essentials Best CLA Supplements
MP Essentials Best CLA Supplements
MP Essentials Best CLA Supplements
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Again, you can never go wrong with a trusted brand. If there is one thing you can take to the bank with Muscle Pharm (MP) supplements, it is that they are all formulated with the highest quality and purity in mind.

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Per serving, each pill you take features a nice blend of extra-virgin olive oil, avocado oil, and CLA (totaling 1000 milligrams).

Product Purity

Looking past the fact that this is formulated with the highest quality in mind, it has also been banned-substance tested. As such, it has been certified by Informed-Choice.

Ease of Use

Despite the fact that it seems these pills are pretty easy to swallow, oil-like burps can persist afterward. This makes sense when you factor in the ingredients.


If you did not want the 180-count bottle then you could opt for either the 90 or 270-count options. Having this variety is simple yet really nice.


Each of the available options offers fantastic value but the 270-count bottle is the best of the three (and is the one that is the most recommended).


Look, no one enjoys burping up fish oil but that is simply one of the possible side effects to taking this option. The potency and purity make up for it, though.

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5. BRONSON 3000

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BRONSON 3000 Best CLA Supplement
BRONSON 3000 Best CLA Supplement
BRONSON 3000 Best CLA Supplement
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Even though you could argue that other options on the market offer better value, very few of you will be disappointed if you choose this option over the rest.

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Each serving you take is going to require two pills but each of them accounts for 1125 milligrams of active CLA (which is actually a bit higher than you normally see).

Product Purity

First off, the ingredients utilized here are top-notch and high in quality. As for the manufacturing process, each batch created is done so in a GMP certified facility.

Ease of Use

For such large pills (and these are pretty massive being one inch in size), these are actually not too difficult to get down. But, that does not change the fact that they are huge. As usual, some reviewers experienced slight stomach discomfort after taking these pills.


There are two size options at your disposal. You can opt for the smaller of the two (which offers 120 pills) or the larger of the two (which offers 300 pills).


No matter which way you go, the value is good. But, the serving size is two so take that into consideration.


One important aspect of this brand that has not even been discussed yet is the warranty. Even if this proves to be ineffective for you, it is backed by a 365-day money-back guarantee. So, what is the risk?

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One of the benefits of a BulkSupplements is they often sell their formulas in massive packages. With this specific option, you can buy a package with an astonishing 6000 soft gels inside.

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For the record, the serving size here is two and the total milligram count is 1589. This means that each pill offers less than 1000 milligrams of the fatty acid.

Product Purity

Past the fact that there are no added fillers with this formula, it has also been lab-tested to ensure maximum purity and quality.

Ease of Use

As one reviewer noted, a rather potent synthetic oil aftertaste can persist here. As far as consumption itself is concerned, the pills will not be anything you are not used to.


Yes, you can actually buy a 6000-count of this supplement. If this is out of your ballpark, however, there are also options that come with 100 and 300 pills.


In regard to saving money in the long run, the 6000-count package arguably offers the best value on the entire market. The others are not too shabby in this regard, either.


BulkSupplements has a very appropriate name, do they not? Buying in bulk is what they are known for so this product should not surprise you too much.

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HORBAACH Best CLA Supplements
HORBAACH Best CLA Supplements
HORBAACH Best CLA Supplements
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Even though this may be one of the least recognizable brands on the market, this formula is about as good as it gets. You will also not find too many options with a higher potency on a per-serving-basis.

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Indeed, each serving delivers as high potency as you will ever see (3000 milligrams). Then again, the serving size is three so this begins to make a little more sense.

Product Purity

In addition to being non-GMO, each soft gel is also free of any artificial sweeteners, wheat, lactose, or soy.

Ease of Use

Though you may want to consume these pills with a glass of water, they should not be too tricky to get down so that is a plus. As far as side effects, there haven't been many negative comments.


If you choose to go with this option then you will receive a bottle with 300 soft gels. Again, remember that for each serving, you will need to take three (so there are 100 servings in the bottle).


In relation to the price and the quality, the value is quite good here. Actually, it is really good when you take all the factors into the fold.


Okay, so you may not want to take three pills each time you want a serving. But, remember that each serving provides 3000 milligrams of potency (which is higher than usual) making this a compelling option.

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Sports Research Plant Based CLA Supplement
Sports Research Plant Based CLA Supplement
Sports Research Plant Based CLA Supplement
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Hey vegans! Vegetarians! Over here! This plant-based formula is a great way for you to reap the benefits of this great supplement! This product has a very short ingredient list and each capsule contains 1000mg of Conjugated Linoleic Acid. With the exception of a possibly unpleasant after taste, there’s not much more to complain about.

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In each capsule, you’ll receive at least 80% Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Each one contains 1250mg of Safflower oil, 1000mg of which translates to Conjugated Linoleic Acid. When taking the recommended three capsules a day, you’ll end up with a 3000mg dose per day.

Product Purity

This is a vegan product. All of the ingredients are non-GMO and the vegan capsule contains organic lemon for hopes of a better taste. There is no caffeine or extra unnecessary ingredients. It is also an allergen-friendly option. This product is not manufactured with any shellfish, nuts, wheat, gluten, milk, eggs, or fish.

Ease of Use

Sports Research suggests taking one capsule three times a day. This capsule should be taken thirty minutes before a meal. There hasn’t been a lot of negative comments about the side effects of this product. A few have experienced minor stomach discomfort and others noticed a decrease in appetite. A couple of points that almost all of the reviewers agree with is that the capsules are fairly easy to swallow and that they tend to leave an unpleasant oily taste behind.


This product is only offered in one capacity, of 180 soft gels. Considering that you will consume three per day, this gives you about a two-month supply. Some reviewers took things into their own hands and upped their dosage to four a day.


This is an affordable option. What makes it even better is that the manufacturer offers a 90-day satisfaction guarantee.


For vegans, vegetarians, sensitive stomachs, or someone with allergies, this is a great option. It has plenty of benefits and minimal reports of side effects. It comes in at an affordable price point without sacrificing the integrity of its ingredients.

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While most options on the market are formulated to deliver 1000 milligrams of this fatty acid per serving, this one promotes 2000 milligrams (which multiplies the potency).

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This is another option that requires more than one soft gel (two) for one serving’s worth of CLA. As for the potency of the serving, as mentioned, it is 2000 milligrams (which is really good).

Product Purity

There is no need to worry about contamination or poor quality with this option as it has been manufactured and processed in a facility that is GMP certified.

Ease of Use

The pills themselves are quite easy to swallow but be aware that a few previous buyers have noted they received pounding headaches after taking them.


In the bottle you receive with your purchase, there are 120 soft gels. Keep in mind, however, that the serving size is two (meaning there are actually 60 servings in the bottle).


Good price and good value overall but you also can’t say that this has the best value on the market.


Sometimes, it is fun to take a chance on a new brand. Sure, there is a slight risk factor involved but even if this turned out to do nothing for you, the cost is not very high.

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10. NOW

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NOW Best CLA Supplements
NOW Best CLA Supplements
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From an overall perspective, this is another well-designed formula here. Then again, some users have had some minor gripes that you may want to be aware of.

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Each soft gel you consume provides you with 800 milligrams of the fatty acid. While a little lower than other options, this is still not bad.

Product Purity

The one thing about NOW is you know their supplements are formulated with great quality and care. This is proven due to the state-of-the-art laboratories that they utilize.

Ease of Use

In spite of the fact that a few users have noted this has upset their stomach, the pills (though large) are pretty easy to swallow.


The 180-count bottle is right in the middle in terms of large and small capacities. It could even be seen as the perfect amount of soft gels, quite frankly.


When you factor in how much you are paying for each individual soft gel and its potency, you draw the conclusion that the value is above-average.


At the end of the day, you really can’t go wrong with NOW products. Need more be said here?

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  1. Editing Team, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Informational Article
  2. Kris Gunnars, CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid): A Detailed Review, Informational Article
  3. Jake Forsling, The complete guide to CLA supplement, Guide
  4. Editing Team, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA), Article
  5. Editing Team, BEST CLA SUPPLEMENT FOR 2019, Guide