Best Smart Scales

In a Hurry? Editors choice:
Test Winner: Yunmai
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When most people hear “scales,” they will automatically envision a device that measures their weight. But, nothing in the modern world of technology is that simple anymore. Now, the world is seeing more and smarter scales. While at their core, these still measure your current weight, they can be synced with external applications for even further weight metrics. Also, some are so intelligent that they are programmed to remember specific people and have sensors to determine who is who. Below we have listed the top ten smart scales on the market, and why they deserve a spot in your home.

Standout Picks

Fitbit Aria 2
Much like Garmin, Fitbit is probably not known for their smart scale. However, this is a little bit of a shame as even though it is not flawless, it manages to be as impressive as any smart scale on the market.
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Eufy Bodysense
As opposed to Wi-Fi scales, Bluetooth scales such as the Eufy BodySense do have their limitations. Despite this, it does include all the functionality you would expect from a Wi-Fi scale combined with the ability to pair up to 20 accounts.
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When people analyze and document the top smart scales on the market, this one tends to slip under the radar a bit. Yes, it is not the best but it certainly deserves its fair share of praise and accreditation.
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Greater Goods Bluetooth Body Fat
While it may not mean much at the surface, this scale has one of the best “looking” designs on the market. With a tempered glass makeup, a large LCD screen, and a black coating, this is not only a functional device but also a stylish one.
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Renpho Bluetooth Body Fat Scale
The Renpho Bluetooth Body Fat Scale is a great scale for those looking for a lot of data. It measures eleven different key body composition factors, including body weight, BMI, basal metabolism, body fat percentage, bone mass, and estimated body age.
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Nokia Body
Despite the fact that several users have taken issue with the accompanying app of the Nokia Body, it is still universally claimed as one of the best models available. Part of the reason for this is the high-functionality and advanced software.
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Withings Body Cardio
Sometimes, smart scales either have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi functionality. However, this smart scale actually has capabilities for both wireless technologies. In addition, even though users have stated it is not the best, the Body Cardio allows you to track your heart rate.
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Qardiobase 2
While most of these smart scales are close in competition, the QardioBase 2 edges out the rest of the pack. It does so because it does a superior job of combining the basics with advanced technology than any other smart scale in the world.
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Garmin Index
While Garmin is typically known for their GPS-enabled devices, they have also designed an impressive smart scale. One of its primary advantages is it has the capability of recognizing up to 16 people and sending the metrics to each Garmin Connect account accordingly.
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Tanita RD-901 Ironman
Yeah, this Ironman Scale looks like something that Tony Stark would manufacture. It has a visual design straight out of the 21st century but do not worry, it is highly capable for its integrated software, as well.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


It is important to understand that smart scales work in coordination with a specific application or applications. As such, the integrated software is merely referring to the capabilities of the scale as a whole and what metrics it can determine. Obviously, on the basis of every scale, they all will determine your current weight. But, smart scales go much further than that. They dive into metrics you may have never paid any mind to in the past; such as your body mass index (BMI), basal metabolic rate (BMR), muscle mass, bone mass, etc.


When it comes down to it, smart scales are either going to function via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Of course, some models will actually feature both which is a nice convenience. Question is, which one is better? To be honest, this could be a matter of opinion for some but, Wi-Fi is probably the better option. Here is the reality of the situation, as great as Bluetooth is, it oftentimes will not possess the range of a Wi-Fi signal. Of course, this means you must have an internet connection with a wireless router. Because of the increase in range that Wi-Fi has, it tends to have fewer connectivity issues than Bluetooth.

Depending on how advanced the Bluetooth technology is, the range can be as short as 30 feet. This is not a long distance and most of the time, you will need your smartphone in close proximity. But, there is always a flipside, Wi-Fi smart scales may be a bit more expensive than their Bluetooth counterparts. All in all, both wireless technologies work well but just know, Bluetooth (most of the time) does not have the range of a Wi-Fi signal.


A normal scale will measure your weight, and then you move on. However, as you have been exposed to already, smart scales offer so much more. Another area in which this is prevalent is in its internal memory. See, smart scales (in general) possess the ability to remember which individual is standing on top. So, if you had a family of five and all of you wanted to use the scale, you would not have to do a thing for the scale to distinguish who is who; it will do it for you. Now, each scale is different and the number of profiles it can hold will vary from model to model.

Ease of Use

If you have ever used a normal digital weight scale, it is as easy as it gets. All you need to do with those versions is to stand on the scale and after a few moments, your weight will be displayed. Things are not this simple with a smart scale and with any smart device, it never is. Clearly, the more exposed you are to the technology the easier it will be for you. But, no matter, the set-up should be simple, in addition to the user interface of the application. Typically, it is not rocket science to set smart scales up with your smartphone. With Bluetooth, all you need to do is sync the two devices with your smartphone. Meanwhile, the same goes for Wi-Fi but you will need to connect the device to your wireless router via the seller’s app or website.

Although, this is where syncing issues can come into play as it can negatively affect the overall experience. In addition to this, some applications are better than others and because the scale and the application are tied together, this is also important. Keeping the interface simple and easy to navigate through may be vital to you.

Top Ten Smart Scales

1. Fitbit Aria 2

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Fitbit Aria 2
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Much like Garmin, Fitbit is probably not known for their smart scale. However, this is a little bit of a shame as even though it is not flawless, it manages to be as impressive as any smart scale on the market.

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Integrated Software
All key metrics that people are accustomed to with smart scales are included in the Aria 2. Such as your weight, body fat percentage, and lean mass.

Wireless Capabilities
The Aria 2 automatically syncs your data to your Fitbit dashboard. To do so, it utilizes your Wi-Fi network and uses an encryption so you never have to record or remember any information. Although, it seems to have connectivity issues on some occasions.

Multiple Users
Fitbit designed their Aria 2 with the capability of storing up to eight different profiles of data. Even more so, each person’s stats are kept private as the Aria 2 knows who is stepping on the scale.

Besides the connectivity issues, which is more of an annoyance than anything difficult, the complexity seems to be reduced to a minimum here.

Physical Design
Both variations, white and black, are polished and have a sleek and appealing design.

If you can get past the Wi-Fi connectivity issues that are present, which can vary from time to time, then you can really enjoy what Fitbit provides for you with their Aria 2 Smart Scale.

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2. Eufy Bodysense

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Eufy Bodysense
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As opposed to Wi-Fi scales, Bluetooth scales such as the Eufy BodySense do have their limitations. Despite this, it does include all the functionality you would expect from a Wi-Fi scale combined with the ability to pair up to 20 accounts.

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Integrated Software
On the scale itself, your weight is displayed and that is all. All the other measurements will be calculated on the EufyLife app, which is certainly not a bad thing.

Wireless Capabilities
Because this scale is capable of syncing multiple devices at the same time, if you have more than one person who regularly uses it, the need for connecting and disconnecting is eliminated. But, the caveat of Bluetooth is each time you weigh yourself, the app needs to be paired and opened.

Multiple Users
Clearly, this is one of the main areas where the BodySense Smart Scale shines. With the capability of pairing with up to 20 accounts, it can track multiple users and everyone can have a distinct profile.

Bluetooth may have its limitations, but it is nice in the fact that a majority of the time, the set-up is very simple. Plus, with this being compatible with both iOS 8.0+ and Android 4.3+, both Android and iPhone users can enjoy.

Physical Design
Wow, that is all that needs to be said here. With a large LED display and a black coated exterior, the visual appeal is stunning and it certainly has a professional look.

Those who have used Wi-Fi Smart Scales in the past, this could get some getting used to. Several may feel it is a nuisance to open the app on their phone every time to track their progress, but it still displays your current weight on the scale.

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3. Yunmai

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When people analyze and document the top smart scales on the market, this one tends to slip under the radar a bit. Yes, it is not the best but it certainly deserves its fair share of praise and accreditation.

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Integrated Software
As soon as you stand on the scale, the magic begins. It has built-in software that can analyze 10 different metrics including muscle rate, water, bone mass, weight, body fat, protein, body age, and BMI.

Wireless Capabilities
Each time you step on, with the power of Bluetooth technology, the data this scale inquires is synced to the accompanying app. However, there is no Wi-Fi connectivity.

Multiple Users
Via cloud storage, you can store data for up to 16 different people. As with the other scales, it does feature automatic user-identification which means nothing needs to be done on your part.

The one key bonus to Bluetooth is how simple it is to connect to the app. Simply ensure that both devices have Bluetooth enabled and within minutes, all the data will be at your fingertips.

Physical Design
While this is not the widest scale you will ever see, it is made from a lightweight organic polymer and steel frame. All in all, it is an amazing two pounds and fairly durable for the weight.

It is time to give the Yunmai Smart Scale the recognition is truly deserves. Sure, would Wi-Fi connectivity have been nice? Absolutely, but it is not enough to claim it is incompetent.

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4. Greater Goods Bluetooth Body Fat

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Greater Goods Bluetooth Body Fat
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While it may not mean much at the surface, this scale has one of the best “looking” designs on the market. With a tempered glass makeup, a large LCD screen, and a black coating, this is not only a functional device but also a stylish one.

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Integrated Software
All the bare essentials that you come to expect, in terms of metrics, are measured with this scale. This includes your weight, BMI, body fat, lean mass and bone mass.

Wireless Capabilities
The app is designed for both Android and iOS users, but Bluetooth technology is also required from your device. While you need your smartphone to sync the device, you do not need it to view your results. Unfortunately, syncing issues have been present for some people.

Multiple Users
Not only can this auto-detect up to eight different users and their statistics, it does so without revealing them to someone else.

The users who griped about the simplicity, or lack thereof, did not do so for the app itself. But, they noted how the Bluetooth functionality can be a pain and sometimes hard to sync.

Physical Design
The backlit LCD display and large and tempered glass exterior is not only visually appealing but also able to hold up to 400 pounds.

Notwithstanding the issues with Bluetooth that are present from this smart scale, this is a high-quality device. It is probably not going to blow you away but from a buyer’s perspective, there is enough quality to consider an investment.

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5. Renpho Bluetooth Body Fat Scale

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Renpho Bluetooth Body Fat Scale
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The Renpho Bluetooth Body Fat Scale is a great scale for those looking for a lot of data. It measures eleven different key body composition factors, including body weight, BMI, basal metabolism, body fat percentage, bone mass, and estimated body age.

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Integrated Software
Not only can you analyze your body weight and BMI, you can also view graphs of your progress to view how you are doing. All of which can be done on your smart devices. It connects with popular fitness apps like Apple Health, Google Fit, or the Fitbit app.

Multiple Users
This is truly designed for your entire family and your friends. With an internal memory that can store up to 16 user profiles, everyone can get in on the fun of improving their health.

Overall, the set-up is rather hassle-free and not too many people have claimed otherwise.

Physical Design
In terms of appeal, this is rather bland but if that does not bother you, everything else about the physical design is good to great.

The Renpho Smart Scale is a great option for those looking to connect their scale to their favorite fitness app. This will keep all of your data stored in a local of your choice and help you reach your goals faster.

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6. Nokia Body

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Nokia Body
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Despite the fact that several users have taken issue with the accompanying app of the Nokia Body, it is still universally claimed as one of the best models available. Part of the reason for this is the high-functionality and advanced software.

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Integrated Software
With a weight trend screen of your previous weigh-ins, you can analyze your progress and see if you are losing or gaining weight. In addition to this, there is both a baby mode and a pregnancy mode for those who need it.

Wireless Capabilities
You can connect to the accompanying application, the Health Mate app, via Wi-Fi. It does so automatically and as a bonus, you can view a localized weather report of the upcoming day.

Multiple Users
With its intelligent technology, the Nokia Body Scale manages to automatically recognize each individual person who steps on the scale. Overall, it can store up weight history for up to eight different profiles.

Unfortunately, this is an area of concern. A few reviewers have brought to the user’s attention that the app can be awkward and annoying to set-up and use. One reviewer went as far as to call it poorly designed and almost useless.

Physical Design
Nokia gives you the option of selecting from either a black or white-colored version. Both of which are visually appealing.

Notwithstanding an accompanying app that many have come to take issue with, the Nokia Body remains a popular choice because of its diverse uses and Wi-Fi syncing capability.

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7. Withings Body Cardio

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Withings Body Cardio
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Sometimes, smart scales either have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi functionality. However, this smart scale actually has capabilities for both wireless technologies. In addition, even though users have stated it is not the best, the Body Cardio allows you to track your heart rate.

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Integrated Software
Besides informing you of your current and previous weights, this will also calculate your BMI, water percentage, total body fat, bone mass, and muscle mass. Plus, it is also capable of tracking your heart rate and has both a pregnancy mode and a baby mode.

Wireless Capabilities
Via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, you can automatically view what the Health Mate app displays for you.

Multiple Users
Up to eight users can have their own profiles and the Body Cardio will be able to automatically distinguish between all of them.

Not too many users have seemed to gripe about the app or it being a nuisance in any way. In this instance, not hearing anything is probably better than not.

Physical Design
As is a common theme with smart scales, you are provided with either a black or white-colored variation. Again, both are rather appealing and will not stand out with your current décor.

This is not a perfect device, nor is it trying to label itself as one. When you take everything into consideration, however, this is a highly capable smart scale and one that will make a fine addition to anyone’s home.

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8. Qardiobase 2

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Qardiobase 2
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While most of these smart scales are close in competition, the QardioBase 2 edges out the rest of the pack. It does so because it does a superior job of combining the basics with advanced technology than any other smart scale in the world.

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Integrated Software
This scale does it all, that is for sure. It will accurately measure your weight, calculate your BMI, and even monitor your body composition changes in body fat, water, and muscle. In addition, it also has an integrated pregnancy mode to track soon-to-be mothers’ progress.

Wireless Capabilities
The QardioBase 2 implements both Bluetooth and Wi-Fi technologies to sync your data with the Quardio App and it does so automatically (as long as it is connected).

Multiple Users
Now, this does have multi-person functionality and will recognize each family member’s data and keep it private. However, some users have reported it sometimes will forget who you are if you have drastic changes in your weight.

Both connecting to the app and utilizing it, and recharging the scale are pretty simple. You can set-up the app in mere seconds and with a micro-USB cable, it can easily be recharged.

Physical Design
Being sleek enough to fit into any décor and with the option for either volcanic black or arctic white, the design should appeal to everyone.

Even the best-of-the-best is not without their flaws. Although, keeping them minor is key and this scale manages to do just that. Plus, with its diverse functionality and visually appealing design, it is easy to see why this is number one.

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9. Garmin Index

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Garmin Index
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While Garmin is typically known for their GPS-enabled devices, they have also designed an impressive smart scale. One of its primary advantages is it has the capability of recognizing up to 16 people and sending the metrics to each Garmin Connect account accordingly.

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Integrated Software
The measurements that you care about, and the ones that you will aim to improve on, are all here such as your weight, body fat, muscle mass, bone mass, and water percentage.

Wireless Capabilities
As this is Garmin, this is used in conjunction with Garmin Connect. The minute you step on the scale, it will know who you are and automatically upload your data to your Garmin Connect account.

Multiple Users
Granted the user has a Garmin Connect account, it can upload all the body composition metrics for up to 16 people. Again, it will automatically be able to distinguish who is who.

There are actually a few ways you can go about setting up this device and all are fairly simple. Besides through your network, you can also invest in a Garmin USB Ant Stick for a simple connection.

Physical Design
Besides featuring a stellar black exterior, the screen has an incredibly large display. Thus, you will easily be able to see the data that is displayed at your feet.

Garmin proved with their Index Smart Scale that they indeed have the ability to design an above-average smart scale. Given the decoration of the company, this really should not come as a big surprise.

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10. Tanita RD-901 Ironman

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Tanita RD-901 Ironman
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Yeah, this Ironman Scale looks like something that Tony Stark would manufacture. It has a visual design straight out of the 21st century but do not worry, it is highly capable for its integrated software, as well.

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Integrated Software
The design is not the only aspect that is advanced, the software is too. It includes an in-depth analysis of 11 body composition readings including BMR, BMI, total body water, muscle mass, bone mass, body fat, weight, etc.

Wireless Capabilities
Instead of Wi-Fi technology, this scale utilizes radio wireless Bluetooth technology to transmit the data from one device to another. As such, you can connect with any compatible Bluetooth-enabled device.

Multiple Users
This does feature user recognition technology and when you step on the scale, it will remember who you are.

Setting-up the scale and app is not the real issue but as one user noted, some improved instructions would have been nice as some of the tables can be difficult to understand.

Physical Design
Of all the smart scales in the world, this may have the best physical design. At least, in terms of appeal with its futuristic makeup that Ironman would be proud of. However, some users have questioned its durability.

There is no doubt, the 11 body composition readings, futuristic appeal, and dual-frequency testing for improved accuracy all make this a worthy contender and a beast of a device.

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