Best Testosterone Boosters

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
You need to find a formula that is effective; as simple as it sounds.
For the record, it has been proven in the past that boosting your testosterone levels can have a positive effect on muscle growth, your energy, burning excess fat, etc. This is the main reason why buyers like yourself are looking to buy boosters. However, these types of supplements are unique in the fact that many of them implement different types of ingredients. And, there are several different ingredients that have been known and tested to boost your levels of testosterone so let’s go through a couple of them.
For starters, you have vitamin D and this is actually created by your skin when it is exposed to the sun. But, you often do not get enough sun exposure and may need to supplement with it (and it has been known to boost your levels). Another one is known as fenugreek and this is a herb-based ingredient that can reduce the enzymes that are responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen. Just to name a few more, you also have D-Aspartic acid, Zinc, Tribulus Terrestris, among others.
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Product Purity
This one is big as the option you choose needs to be processed with purity in mind.
Whenever you are taking a supplement of any kind, you always want to make sure you know what you are putting into your body. Do not just assume that all brands have been tested for quality and purity as that may not be the case. Thankfully, most manufacturers actually do care about their consumers and will do everything in their power to make the purest supplements possible. Okay, so when it comes to this type of supplement, what you really want to ensure is that each of the utilized ingredients has been tested for both quality and purity. Most of these will be based on scientific research, as well, so that is always nice.
In addition to this, you may also want to prioritize brands that have been produced in GMP certified facilities. If you have never heard of GMP, it is an acronym for Good Manufacturing Process and it is a system that is set forth to ensure that the products being produced are done so in accordance with the highest quality standards. Let’s just say that if a facility is GMP certified, you know that it is up-to-par when it comes to the quality.
Typically, when you find a brand you like, you stick with it, right?
Generally, when you are shopping for products of any kind, you always tend to go with brands that you have purchased before. This is just a natural habit and it makes sense, as to why would you not want to go with a brand that has served you well in the past? Then again, on the flip side, you may not want to return to a brand that has consistently disappointed you. The same concept applies here but you could say it is even more important as, again, it goes back to the fact that not all manufacturers out there care too much about your long-term health (as awful as it sounds). So, always research the history and reputation of a particular brand and also reference as many customer reviews as you can (though these do not always tell the full story).
What is also really nice is there are brands on the market (such as Evlution Nutrition and RSP Nutrition) that come in all sorts of different supplements. For example, you may see the same company who makes testosterone boosters also make CLA and BCAA supplements. Again, it goes back to knowing that a particular brand has worked for you in the past. Then again, you always need to start somewhere so you can always go with a “green” brand.
Most options will have right around the same capacities but there are always exceptions.
So, there may be a burning question that you have been dying to have answered. This is referring to how much of this stuff you need to take on a daily basis. Interestingly enough, if you search the web to find this very answer you will notice that a clear cut answer is not really available. The reality is everyone out there is different and may need different doses. Most of the time, manufacturers will specifically recommend a certain manner in which to consume their supplements. For example, you may see them advise you taking a serving roughly 30 minutes before you go to bed. Of course, you can also consult your doctor if you are completely unsure of how much your body really needs.
Turning the page, let’s take a look at how many capsules are typically offered from various brands. For the most part, most of them will come with 120 capsules. Now, serving sizes can vary from three to four but very rarely will one capsule equate to one serving. What this means is most bottles will offer anywhere from 30 to 40 servings (which should be right around a month’s worth).
For this section, keep in mind the pill size and possible side effects.
You probably noticed that there were no powders on this list and that is because most of the models on the market come in tablet-form. While these eliminate issues with bad taste, some of them can be downright hard to swallow depending on their size. And, some of the pills you will find are pretty darn large. Due to the fact that you can’t sample them yourself, also, you may want to look through user feedback to see what others have had to say. What you also need to remember is the fact that you will most likely need to take three to four capsules to get one serving (which means swallowing all of them).
Okay, so what about side effects? Well, just looking through user feedback on specific options, there are people who will experience them. For the most part, it is not a bad idea to reference said feedback but you sometimes can take it with a grain of salt. The reason for this is everyone’s body is different so the side effect that one person suffers from may not pertain to you.

When it comes to supplements of just about every kind, it seems as if Evlution Nutrition’s name always comes up. That is simply the reputation they have established and their EVL Test is proof of why.
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In addition to the fact that this uses eight active ingredients that are designed to support testosterone levels, vitamins are also included that help to optimize your sleep levels.
Product Purity
There is no need to worry about the purity of this supplement as it has been made in the United States in a facility that is both certified by GMP and also the FDA.
As mentioned, Evlution Nutrition is a tried-and-true brand that has proven itself time and time again in the world of supplements. Their EVL Test is highly rated and recommended for a reason.
This container comes with 120 tablets but it is worth noting that a serving size consists of four of them. What this means is the bottle really only comes with 30 servings.
One user noted that these pills are quite large while another one made mention of the fact that they emit a potent smell. In other words, pills are not perfect.
Granted you can consume larger pills and granted you do not hold on to the pills too long to allow the odor to linger on your hands, you should enjoy this option for its effectiveness and purity.


The thing about this brand is it is as effective as any other out there but it also is relatively new. Due to this, there may not be as much consumer feedback as you would desire.
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The main reason to choose TestRX is due to the unique ZMA formula. This is used by professional athletes and bodybuilders as it combines vitamin B6, magnesium, and zinc monomethionine aspartate.
Product Purity
All the ingredients that have been used for this formula are 100 percent natural so take comfort in knowing you are not consuming a ton of preservatives.
Now, as mentioned, this is a relatively new product so it can be more difficult to gauge the reputation of it. That said, the ingredients do represent the very best science has to offer.
Each container you buy comes with 120 capsules (with 30 servings in all) but the price is quite high. Thankfully, the formula warrants the higher price in a way.
Again, this is a newer product but it has been touted for not having any reports of major side effects. So, that is always a plus.
Is there a potential risk factor involved with this option due to the lack of an established reputation? Sure, you could say that but the formula is really, really good.


What makes Testogen click is the fact that it combines 11 different ingredients into one potent formula. Oh, and each and every one of these ingredients is safe and active.
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The cat was let out of the bag already as this formula combines 11 different ingredients that are all safe and active. This unique formula will give you the strength and stamina you crave.
Product Purity
To ensure that each of the included ingredients is safe for all their consumers, Testogen has thoroughly tested them for both quality and purity.
Now, it is worth noting that many review sites have ranked this particular option very high. Then again, the brand itself does not have as much recognition as several others.
With each container that you buy, you will be provided with 120 capsules. Again, though, there are only 30 servings as four capsules are required for one serving.
Even though these pills are not too difficult to get and keep down, there have been a few buyers who were disappointed when their containers arrived with broken capsules.
Can you see why this is one of “Amazon’s Choices”? Though you may not recognize the brand name, the formula that is utilized is about as good as it gets.


There are a few noteworthy aspects of this supplement. For starters, only one pill is needed to account for one serving. Secondly, the pills themselves are quite easy on the stomach.
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Based on user feedback, it seems that this option is good but not amazing. Some people think this type of supplement is going to make them lose 50 pounds in a week, though, so keep that in mind.
Product Purity
An interesting note is that this is formulated with a significant dose of shilajit that was obtained from steep rocks found in the Himalayas. It is one of the many ingredients found with the highest quality in mind.
MuscleTech is a fairly well-known supplement brand and so is their testosterone booster. However, there are other more reputable brands out there, for the record.
Not only is only one pill needed for a serving size but this container is also equipped with 90 capsules. What a value this is, huh?
One specific user did make mention of the fact that these pills are quite easy on the stomach, which is a nice reassurance.
From top to bottom, this is a great option. Now, just remember, that these are not miracle pills, either. Do not overhype your expectations and you should be fine.


This next addition is from a popular brand that you have already seen on our list, MuscleTech. It is made from pure and powerful ingredients, including Boron Citrate which increases the good levels and decreases the inhibitors.
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About half of the reviewers are blown away by this product for one reason or another. Some love it for their increased gains at the gym, others for the high energy it gives them, and others for the increased sex drive. The Boron Citrate smoothly and effectively increases active testosterone levels and decreases inhibiting agents.
Product Purity
The main ingredient list is quite impressive. You’ll find ingredients such as Broccoli Powder, Fenugreek Extract, and Zinc Gluconate to help you improve and maintain levels. The capsules themselves have gelatin, meaning that this is not a vegetarian-friendly product.
Do you remember Hydroxycut? MuscleTech was behind that popular product as well. As you can see, this brand has plenty of experience in the fitness and nutrition world.
In each bottle, you’ll find 120 capsules which translates to a 30-day supply. The instructions say to take two pills twice a day with a glass of water.
Speaking of the capsules, some reviewers say they are smooth and easy to swallow, while others claim that they have a bad smell and flavor.
As with most products, some people swear by this one and others despise it. A few things that we do appreciate are the pure ingredients, the price, and the positive outcomes we have seen.


RSP Nutrition is another one of those brands that you can easily put your trust into as they have proved themselves time and time again. Their Prime-T supplement has been tested and produced in a GMP certified facility, after all.
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As is noted in the product description, this formula has been scientifically created for effectiveness. Some of the notable ingredients included are D12, boron and vitamin B, D3, and D12, and also maca extract.
Product Purity
Do not question the purity of this option as each and every one of the ingredients have been tested for both quality and consistency at a GMP certified facility.
Yep, RSP Nutrition is not exactly a newcomer when it comes to this kind of stuff and you can always take comfort in a brand such as this.
This bottle comes packaged with 120 individual tablets but as you are getting used to by now, you need to take four of them to account for a full serving.
One reviewer went as far as to say that these tablets were the biggest that they had ever seen. Yeah, if you have trouble swallowing larger pills then you may want to look at other options.
While the pills could be a little smaller in size, you can’t go wrong with RSP Nutrition. Of course, it also helps that their testosterone booster is packed with all sorts of effective ingredients.


If you have any doubt about this next option right here, it is noted that it is not only trusted by professional athletes but also features ingredients that have been confirmed in research studies.
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The formula that is utilized here is featured with all sorts of common ingredients such as zinc, magnesium, fenugreek and Tribulus extract. All of which combine to create a pretty effective booster.
Product Purity
The biggest claim to fame that iSatori has is the fact that the ingredients that are used for their supplement have been backed by scientific research.
While not the most popular option on the market, this is noted to be trusted by both fitness experts and professional athletes around the world.
There is nothing out of the ordinary when it comes to the capacity of this container. You are provided with a total of 30 servings (with 120 capsules in total).
This appears to be a new formula as a few previous buyers have reported that this made their stomachs hurt more than the previous formula did.
When looking at this through subjective lenses, it is nice to know that all the ingredients have been backed by science. This alone provides credence to what others have to say about the supplement.


Two of the main ingredients that are included in this formula (KSM-66 and fenugreek) have been known for their testosterone boosting prowess. Oh, and this container also includes 40 servings instead of 30.
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As mentioned, both KSM-66 and fenugreek are the two primary ingredients utilized for this formula. However, there was one user who reported they noticed not a bit of difference after taking these pills for one month.
Product Purity
First off, this product is free of any fillers. Furthermore, the ingredients are also backed on research to prove they are high in quality.
When compared to other brands on the market, this one could end up getting lost in the fold. It is not that it is bad it is just its recognition is not the best.
While most containers out there come with 120 capsules requiring four of them per serving, this one only requires you to consume three capsules for a full serving (though the bottle still comes with 120 of them).
Based on some minimal feedback, some previous users have reported that they had not noticed any adverse side effects from taking these pills.
Overall, you would have to say that this is a pretty impressive supplement. What more could really be said?

9. TestoFuel

TestoFuel is a product from England that has gained the attention of some celebrities, such as Robby Robinson, Mr. America. Some reviewers suggest that this product is better suited for increase sexual activity, but the ingredients allow it to function for bodybuilding as well.
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TestoFuel is marketed towards bodybuilders but can also be a great option for older men who just want a general boost in testosterone. The Tribulus Terrestris ingredient is a natural stimulant for both sexuality and testosterone. The reviews go both ways where some reviewers claim this is the best product on the market, while others have seen no difference.
Product Purity
This ingredient list is quite impressive here. You’ll find vitamins D3, K2, B6, Magnesium, Zinc, D-Aspartic, Ginseng, Fenugreek, and Oyster Extract.
Less well known than some of our other options, this product comes from Roar Ambition LTD, manufactured in England. It is highly praised by many athletes, including Mr. America, Robby Robinson.
In each bottle, you’ll find 120 capsules. You are instructed to take four capsules a day with a meal or snack. In the end, one bottle will last you for one month.
There have been no documented complaints about the smell, texture, or size of these capsules. As mentioned above, you should take four a day with food.
Some articles suggest that TestoFuel is better used to increase sex drive than bodybuilding. However, the great ingredients list allows you to use it for both. We should warn you that this is quite an expensive product. However, if it works well for you, it may just be worth it.

10. Beast Super Test

Put your body to the test with this product from Beast. It has a great list of ingredients and includes body-detoxing and antioxidant agents. While some reviewers claim they only put on fat with this product, others think of it as the holy grail.
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As we have seen, what works for one person is not always ideal for the next person. Judging by the mixed reviews, this product is no different. One thing that is unique about this product is that it features four types of Arginine to increase nitric oxide and increase strength and endurance. It works alongside the naturally occurring testosterone in your body.
Product Purity
When looking at the bottle, you will see that the ingredients are listed and organized very clearly. It explains to the user exactly why each ingredient is included. We are happy to say that each ingredient is necessary and natural. Additionally, these capsules function as a body detox as well, including antioxidants to help clean the liver and kidney.
Since 1995, Beast Sports has been creating supplements to increase user's exercise and daily life regimes. They pride themselves on creating well-rounded and multi-use products.
This specific version is the bonus size of the regular bottle. It contains about forty more capsules for just a few dollars extra. This bottle will last you about one month, possibly longer.
While some reviewers take only four capsules a day, for optimal results, the manufacturer suggests taking 3-4 capsules before your first meal of the day and 3-4 before your last meal. There have been no complaints about the size, taste, or smell of the capsules.
While this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, we appreciate the addition of antioxidants and detoxing ingredients. This product is more expensive than others, but it features a great ingredients list.

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