How to get ready for ski season?

How to get ready for ski season How to get ready for ski season?

Whether you’re new to the world of skiing or you’re an expert, it’s good to keep in mind crucial points so you can make this upcoming ski season better than ever. So, before you start skiing you might first want to be completely prepared for that. To put it simply, there are two things that you should focus on:

Being in a shape


Needless to say, being in a shape is the most important part, unless you want to spend your ski holiday lying in bed while your friends are having fun. Let me be clear, if you think that working out twice a week will prepare you for the ski season, you can forget about that. You’ll need to put more effort and focus if you want your skiing to be both safe and fun.

Cardio training

If you want to get the maximum out of the upcoming season, you’ll have to be able to keep up with demanding ski routes. So, you’d better find at least 30 minutes every day for running, hiking, cycling, or whatever else you might think of that will increase your endurance.


During skiing, the whole body is active thus increased flexibility contributes a lot to our safety. As you already know, there are various styles of yoga and all of them have a magical effect on our body. However, what you actually need is yoga for flexibility that will bring your muscles to life and prepare them for demanding positions that you’ll encounter while skiing. Here you have a nice routine that is a perfect way to start the preparation process.

Strength training

As a skier, your body needs a lot of strength in your core, legs, and arms so the sooner you start working out, the better. Some of best exercises for both core and arms strength are planks (both low plank and high plank, it’s up to you to choose what suits you best) so each day you should do at least 3 repetitions. Lower focus exercises that will help you in gaining strength are definitely squats and lunges.

The Equipment

Is your equipment safe, durable, and comfortable? This is the question that you should ask yourself before packing your skis, boots, and clothes.


Trust me, the last thing you want to do is to find out in the middle of skiing that your skis aren’t as good as before. Needless to say, that can be pretty dangerous. So, keep in mind that your skis need to work for you rather than against you.


Before the season starts, you have to check whether they’re safe enough and the best way to do that is to ask an expert rather than to try to figure it out on your own. Moreover, your skis will need sharpening of the edges and waxing of the bases, so you can easily and smoothly enjoy the skiing with a smile on your face.


In case you’re a beginner, you might want to consider buying the boots before buying the skis. Having a nice pair of ski boots that will give you both comfort and warmth, will definitely make your way down the slope more fun and enjoyable. Furthermore, the ski boots should give you optimal support so you can move without feeling constraints.


What better way to enjoy your ski holiday than to go skiing in a stylish and comfortable ski clothes? Finding the ones that fit you in a perfect way can be challenging and that’s why we want to point out that you should find comfortable clothes, that give you an optimal warmth and that are breathable enough so you don’t have to worry about catching a cold.

Layered Ski Clothes

It’s not a secret that in the world of skiing, you have to wear layered ski clothes that keep your body’s temperature at an optimal level. For example, polyester undergarments are way better than cotton because the cotton will stick to your skin and you’ll probably end up being sick. Moreover, wearing layered clothes is convenient since the weather can change in the blink of an eye.

There are three types of layers that you should wear:


Basic Layer

This one is meant to keep your skin dry and to reduce sweating. Make sure that you choose wisely (we recommend wool, polypropylene, and polyester), and that you always have extra shirts and underpants in your suitcase, because you never know when you might need them.

Insulating Layer

Like the name suggests this layer prevents the loss of heat due to the stretchable design of ski clothes. Thanks to the material used, you’ll be able to move in an easy and confident way.

Outer Layer

This layer includes ski jacket and ski pants, and its purpose is to allow your body to breath while it protects you from rain, snow, and wind.

Now that you have this straight-to-the-point guide on how to get ready for the upcoming ski season, it’s time to make a new schedule that includes working out every day and to buy new ski clothes.