Best Prowler Sleds

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One of the greatest conditioning tools that you can add to your “repertoire” is a prowler sled. No, this is not for sliding down fast hills in the winter and, instead, is one of the most versatile training tools that you will ever use. Of course, the concept for one is incredibly simple as you merely stack weights on it and push it around. But, you can train a large variety of movements and this is what makes them so popular and effective. When you begin your search for the ideal model, though, you will begin to realize that there are many different types and variations out there. So, to better prepare yourself, you need to know exactly what to look for when you go to buy one. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you are here today so let's get started.

Standout Picks

This right here is a totally different type of prowler sled that is fantastic for on-the-go use. It includes three durable weight bags that can be filled with 10 pounds of sand.
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Though this is not quite as sturdy as commercial-quality sleds, it is still mightily impressive and can handle up to 400 pounds. The steel frame is also protected with a powder coating, which is nice.
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Now, this is a much more compact prowler sled but do not think that it will not test your limits. Its smaller footprint comes in handy if you are looking for a more portable unit.
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Boy, it did not take long for Titan Fitness to make another appearance on this list. This piece of equipment is highly versatile and can be pushed, pulled and dragged on virtually any surface.
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This is more of a prototypical prowler sled but right from the get-go, understand that it is not ideal for indoor use because footplates are not included. Still, this is very effective outdoors.
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The Titan Fitness is an absolute beast and, quite frankly, is nothing overly extravagant in its design. But, this can even test the most elite of athletes and fitness enthusiasts in the world.
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The heavy-duty design of this model combined with the versatility and the ability to break it down for transport all play a role in why this has ranked so high on this list.
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This is much different than the other OneFitWonder model on this list, for the record. As with the last one, it is much smaller and simpler than others. Also, pull straps are included with your purchase.
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Rep Fitness has a few different variants available and this is known as the power sled, for the record. It is built with heavy-duty steel and offers the option of adding a rope or harness for dragging.
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This wraps up this list and it is another compact, power model. It also comes equipped with a durable harness and secure clips. For sure, this is a total package.
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Criteria Used for Evaluation


It all starts with the materials that are utilized, so prioritize this section.

Most of the time, you will find that prowler sleds are made of steel. Now, there are always exceptions to the rule but your prototypical models will nine times out of ten implement this metal. It is no surprise as to why because steel itself, when constructed properly, is one of the most durable and long-lasting materials in the world. It is not flawless but it is a common engineering metal for fitness equipment, in specific, for a reason. Of course, different engineers may use different gauges of steel. As you have seen on this list, a common gauge is 11. Now, gauge itself is merely referencing the thickness of the metal. But, the higher the number, the thinner the metal is. So, a 7-gauge sheet of metal will be thicker than an 11-gauge sheet.
Of course, one of the issues with steel is it can corrode and rust. To help prevent this, look for frames that are finished with what is known as a powder coating. This type of coating is extremely durable, economical, and long-lasting and will make the surface it is applied to more resistant to chipping, wear, corrosion, fading, and scratches.


This is where prowler sleds are truly amazing but some will be more versatile than others.

As mentioned at the beginning of this guide, this is really where prowler sleds are extraordinary. With a typical model, you will be able to train in a variety of movements as you can pull, push, and run with it. This is also why you see so many different variants on the market. Again, prototypical models will sport integrated handles that you can use to push or pull the units. However, with one small feature integrated, you can alter the entire experience. This feature is referring to an integrated opening that allows the use of harnesses and straps. With a harness, you can then drag the sled by merely walking in the opposite direction. And, with straps, you can pull the unit from a greater distance.
But, there is also something else that makes these pieces of equipment versatile and that is their ability to be pulled or pushed on different surfaces. Yet, not all models will be designed the same so not all of them will be fit to be dragged on the same types of surfaces (and this is important). Sellers will typically list off the surfaces they recommend their unit to be slid on. And, even if the model you have your eyes on will get damaged if dragged over concrete or asphalt, you can always make modifications to the design.


Really, this all comes down your preferences but it is important.

Here is the deal; this next section will really come down to you and your preferences. You see, prowler sleds will come in all different shapes and sizes. Some of them will be fairly large while others will be compact. In regard to performance and effectiveness, a specific size is not going to play that much of a role. Sure, naturally, a larger unit may add more additional weight but you can always add more bumper plates to intensify the workout. In this sense, you can get as much out of a smaller model as you will with a larger one.
But, perhaps you do not want to deal with a larger piece of equipment. If so, as seen on this list, there are countless other options available for you. Plus, you may have a limited amount of storage space and may not be able to afford to hassle with a larger unit.


You may want to take your unit outside or to another location and if so, if it is portable it will be much, much easier.

Truth be told, this plays off a lot of what was just documented in the previous section. Yes, the footprint of any given prowler sled is going to play a vital role in its portability. While more compact models are naturally going to be easier to transport, what about beefier ones? For the record, not all these types will be immovable as some of them will be collapsible (and this is the key). Certain designers and engineers will allow you to conveniently detach and collapse their specific model. In all honesty, you could disassemble and reassemble your unit every single time you move it but this would be beyond monotonous and time-consuming.
Of course, why should you even care about this? Well, a lot of times you will not have a sufficient amount of space indoors to pull or push your sled. But, in a wide field or in a gymnasium you may have a lot more space to deal with. Naturally, though, this will require you to move your unit (whether this is in your backyard or even at your local gym) and this will be much easier if it is portable.


Ensure you get a model that will work with your weight plates and one that will hold as much weight as you desire.

Really, this is the joining of both the compatibility and the capacity of any given model. To start with the capacity, you need to be fully aware that each sled out there will only be engineered to handle so much weight. Most of the time, the sellers will inform you of what this amount is. And, it can range from 200 to 1000 pounds (and sometimes even less or more). Truth be told, you can get your butt kicked with 100 to 200 pounds easy. But, if you are a hardcore user, you may want to test your limits a bit more (and this is fair).
Now, you also need to ensure that the model you pick will fit the current weight plates you have (if you have any that is). Two common types of plates, in specific, are standard and Olympic variants. The most noticeable difference between the two is the size of the openings. Olympic plates will have two-inch diameters while standard plates will have one-inch diameters. So, ensure that the diameters of the vertical poles will work for you.



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This right here is a totally different type of prowler sled that is fantastic for on-the-go use. It includes three durable weight bags that can be filled with 10 pounds of sand.

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Indeed, this is a completely different design and instead of steel, this utilizes a bag (and it sports a very durable shell). Yet, the bag does have mesh material on the sides for some odd reason.

Whether you want to use this on turf, grass or even wood surfaces you can safely. Also, the leash is adjustable so you can tailor the length to your preferences.

The footprint of this model is really not important as it is just the bag. But, for specifics, the bag does measure 7.9 by 7.1 by 2 inches.

For certain, this is as optimal as it gets for portability. In addition to the bag, you also receive three individual weight bags that can all be filled with sand. Either way, none of this is hard to transport.

Everything you need, besides the sand, is here for you to get started. So, you will not need to worry about owning compatible weights (as this does not utilize them).

No, this is not your prototypical model and it is one that many of you will have zero interest in buying. But, it really applies the same design concept as heavy-duty steel sleds, when you think about it.

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Though this is not quite as sturdy as commercial-quality sleds, it is still mightily impressive and can handle up to 400 pounds. The steel frame is also protected with a powder coating, which is nice.

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Do not think that just because lighter grade steel was used this can’t withstand some abuse. What helps protect the steel, furthermore, is the gloss black powder coated finish.

Over a wide variety of surfaces, this is going to work smoothly (such as artificial turf). Also, the mounting bracket allows you to use a harness with this model (though the harness itself is not included).

As mentioned, the footprint was made lighter due to the lighter grade of steel. This will also help with the assembly, quite frankly.

Though the entire unit does not fold down for storage, the handles are removable. Also, the entire thing weighs only 40 pounds (which is pretty light, all things considered).

Now, for the record, this only works with Olympic plates. As for the maximum capacity, it can handle up to 400 pounds.

It goes without saying that this is not going to be for everyone. Some of you out there will simply require a unit capable of handling more weight and that is fair. If not, though, keep this one in mind.

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Now, this is a much more compact prowler sled but do not think that it will not test your limits. Its smaller footprint comes in handy if you are looking for a more portable unit.

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Due to the combination of the heavy-duty 11-gauge steel and the welded construction, it is safe to say that it will take a lot to beat up this bad boy.

While you can bend down and access the U-shaped handle, you can also load up a harness via the multi-point integrated harness attachment. Also, this was designed to be used on grass or indoor turf (doing so on concrete will scratch up the bottom).

At 38 by 24 by 12 inches, this is noticeably more compact than some of the other models on this list.

Without any weights loaded, it will not be very challenging to store this and to transport this to different locations. Again, this is due to the compact nature of it.

What is really nice is this will accept both Olympic and standard plates. For those of you who do not own the former, this will be a huge feature.

Two things, if you are looking for a model that can be used on tougher terrain and one that is larger, then this is not for you. For backyard use (on the grass) with a harness, though, this is superb.

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Boy, it did not take long for Titan Fitness to make another appearance on this list. This piece of equipment is highly versatile and can be pushed, pulled and dragged on virtually any surface.

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In addition to the 11-gauge steel frame, this is also equipped with UHMW plastic ski liners and these add further protection. Yet, with this being said, a few users have had quality control issues.

This really is as versatile as it gets, folks. First off, as mentioned, it can work as a pull, drag, and a push sled. Secondly, additional accessories can be purchased to completely transform the design. And, lastly, the unit can safely be used on surfaces such as grass, concrete, turf, and asphalt.

At 24 by 40 inches, this is not the smallest or the largest unit available on the market. Instead, it is right in the middle in regard to its footprint.

Truth be told, granted you have a helper, this will not be too tricky to transport. Ideally, though, you will need either a trailer, truck bed, or van to transport it effectively.

Because each of the vertical poles measures 1.9 inches in diameter, this is only going to work for Olympic plates (as they measure two inches in diameter).

If they had not already provided their expertise with the first entry on this list, this further proves that Titan Fitness is a trusted brand. What makes this model stand out, specifically, is its versatility and build quality.

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This is more of a prototypical prowler sled but right from the get-go, understand that it is not ideal for indoor use because footplates are not included. Still, this is very effective outdoors.

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There is nothing out of the ordinary here as this sled is designed with 11-gauge steel that has been powder coated for protection against rust and corrosion.

Whether you want to utilize the built-in handles or attach a rope or harness with the integrated loop, the choice is yours. And, although this is suitable for use on concrete and asphalt, it will not slide well on most interior flooring.

At 40 inches long by 46 inches wide, this is one of the larger models on this list. However, the footprint does not make this impossible to use, either.

The weight itself, which is between 35 and 45 pounds when this is stripped down, makes for decent portability. Due to the shape, however, it may be easier to transport with two people.

One specific buyer noted that they used over 200 pounds of plates and this handled it effectively. You could easily get away with more weight, though.

About the only “problem” with this option is it is not the best for indoor use. If your intentions are to utilize your new prowler sled outdoors, however, then this could be the ticket.

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The Titan Fitness is an absolute beast and, quite frankly, is nothing overly extravagant in its design. But, this can even test the most elite of athletes and fitness enthusiasts in the world.

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The frame has been made of heavy-duty 11-gauge steel for supreme durability. However, what protects the steel is a durable black powder coating.

Thanks to the metal skids that are integrated, this can smoothly be used on a wide variety of surfaces (such as artificial turf). Also, you can use the pull handles or utilize a strap (with the integrated hook).

This is not exactly a small unit and comes in at 46 by 30.5 by 36 inches in size. Wherever you use it, ensure you will have an adequate amount of space to account for it.

Even though this is a bit larger, it is made portable due to its collapsible design. Indeed, this can be broken down rather easily and this makes transporting it much, much easier.

All in all, you can load up to 600 pounds on this bad boy. Even for the toughest of you, this will be a capacity that can wear you down quickly.

If you know common fitness equipment brands then right from the start, you should have expected greatness with this design. Titan Fitness just has a knack for their craft that is for sure.

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The heavy-duty design of this model combined with the versatility and the ability to break it down for transport all play a role in why this has ranked so high on this list.

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Heavy-duty steel was used to construct the frame of this model. And, for the record, the skis are actually replaceable if they become worn out over time.

There are two ways of operating this sled. Firstly, you can use the integrated handles to work on your power. Or, with the addition of a strap, you can use the eyelets for running exercises. Also, this can safely be used on cement, black tops, dirt, and artificial turf.

No, this is not a compact prowler sled and does have a fairly large footprint. The specific dimensions are 46 by 30.5 by 36 inches (for the record).

If need be, you can break this unit down for transport. While not required to move it, this will make things much easier in tight spaces.

Even hardcore users will probably never think about eclipsing the maximum weight capacity allotted (which is a startling 1000 pounds).

When it comes down to it, this hits the nail on the head in virtually every area you could ask for. This alone should make this an extremely compelling option.

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This is much different than the other OneFitWonder model on this list, for the record. As with the last one, it is much smaller and simpler than others. Also, pull straps are included with your purchase.

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Not only was steel used to construct this model but it has also been protected with a durable powder coating. Indeed, this is built to last.

Yes, pull straps are included with your purchase (16 feet in total length) and they connect right into the integrated slot. Also, this will accept a harness if you want to go with that route.

This is as low-profile as it gets and may be the most compact option on this entire list, quite frankly.

The included 12-inch weight pin is actually removable. But, even without this feature, this will be the easiest prowler sled you will ever transport, count on it.

Being equipped to handle both iron and rubber Olympic plates, this can hold 225 pounds bumper plates (or 400 pounds of iron).

Without question, this is an example of a model that is dependent on the straps. This is an element that you may or may not want to deal with. So, keep this in mind.

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Rep Fitness has a few different variants available and this is known as the power sled, for the record. It is built with heavy-duty steel and offers the option of adding a rope or harness for dragging.

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With a combination of 11-gauge and 7-gauge steel, Rep Fitness crafted their model. Also, they made the ski pads replaceable so when they begin to wear down, you can get new ones.

With both the high and low push handles and the integrated eyelets (which can account for a rope or a harness), there are a few ways to operate this unit. As for the terrain, it is recommended to stick with turf or grass surfaces.

If you insert the vertical poles, then this has a footprint of 35 by 33 by 42 inches. If you remove the poles, though, the height will drop down to 23 inches (which is 42 inches with them inserted).

Indeed, the two vertical poles actually remove and this makes transport a little bit easier. This is still a load at 68 pounds (without any additional plates), however.

All in all, this can handle up to 600 pounds of bumper plates. Of course, you can’t place standard plates on the bars due to the larger diameters of the bars themselves.

At the end of the day, many of you will admire this design. Sure, the addition of skid pads would have been nice for protection on rougher surfaces but that will only be a minor omission for some of you.

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This wraps up this list and it is another compact, power model. It also comes equipped with a durable harness and secure clips. For sure, this is a total package.

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Though the steel utilized is not the highest grade out there, it is effective and creates a durable and strong core.

Both secure clips and a durable harness come with your purchase so that is nice. Also, avoid sliding this on concrete or asphalt unless you want to scratch off the paint.

As you can see from the photos, this is a more compact unit and sports a smaller footprint of 23.5 by 15 inches.

Due to the minimal footprint and the weight (without additional plates loaded on), transporting this model should not be difficult.

The vertical rod has a diameter of one inch. That means this can fit standard and also Olympic plates.

Overall, this really is a nice option. It may not blow you away or be overly impressive but it is effective and that is the main thing.

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