Best Reel Cleaning Kits Reviewed & Tested

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
After you have chosen the different oils, greases and inhibitors you want for your reel kit, you then have to think if there are any other accessories you would like. One of the most common items which come with any kit is a carrying case. This will help ensure you have all of your items needed for your cleaning in one convenient spot. Although it is not necessary, it can be very helpful from an efficiency point of view.
The next item you should look at is the type of screwdriver that will come with the kit. Most kits come with either a Phillips or a flat head, and some come with a head that can be swapped. Most screwdrivers are the same, but the grip is very important to think about there, as the screw will not be easy to get out or to tighten. If you want to go with a hand screwdriver, make sure it looks like it’ll be one that will be comfortable. There has been some movement towards using a powered screwdriver, which will make it much easier to tighten and loosen the screws. You need to make sure that the powered screwdriver has a long enough tip to reach the screws; otherwise, it won’t do you any good. No matter how you go about it, make sure you have the right screwdriver head for the reel you have on your fishing pole.
Some kits will come with a cleaning cloth. Normally, it is some sort of microfiber or cotton cloth. These are known for their effectiveness, their flexibility and how easy they are to wash (you should always check the cloth that comes with the kit and see if it can be washed before putting it in the washing machine). You don’t have to use the cloth which comes with the kit, but if you do not currently have a cloth you use, then it’s not a bad idea to take the one they give you so you have an idea of what kind of cloth is used. Eventually, you will need to buy more clothes, as they will be one of the first things that get used entirely. Cloths are one of the easiest things to find at any store, just make sure you purchase one that will be effective for your cleaning project.
Another item which might be included is some sort of cotton swab. These are very helpful to clean the areas in and around the reel which are not easily accessible using your fingers or cloth. These do not have a very long life, so even if your kit comes with the cotton swabs, you will need to purchase more of these and have them ready for when you clean. There may not be a more frustrating aspect than when you need to clean your reel and realize you don’t have all of the necessary parts to do so.
The next items to think about are the type of cleaners you will need or want for your fishing line and reel cleaner. There is a wide variety of them out in the marketplace, and they each perform something a little different.
Butter Oil – This is an oil that is comprised of dairy product, one that is produced from cows which primarily graze on primarily on groves which have fast-growing grasses. Although butter oil is mostly known for its dietary properties, the fats within the oil actually allow you to use it to efficiently clean the reel, while also allowing you to use it as grease to help reel continue to run turn and operate smoothly.
Butter Grease – Compared to the oil, butter grease is made from the same type of material, but has more fats in it compared to the oil, making it less soluble and will last a little bit longer than the oil will. If you fish often, going with grease compared to oil is a better choice from the standpoint of not having to clean it as often.
Corrosion Inhibitor – This will be a necessity, especially if you fish along with sea venues. This inhibitor will make sure that as water contacts your reel, that it won’t do any damage to the reel. Your reel more than likely already has some waterproof capabilities on it, but as with everything, over time it will wear down and out. By providing an extra inhibitor you can be assured that you will protect your reel for even longer use and life.
Synthetic Oil – Having oil that is refined in a way where it helps prevent items from corroding and gumming up. Synthetic oil is produced in a manner which helps prolong the life of the items it touches, and a reel is no different. By having this kind of oil, it will mean you will have to grease it less often, allowing the oil to last longer and ensuring your reel will always function as needed.
Ease of Use
Thе cleaning kit you сhоѕе should come wіth еаѕу to fоllоw dіrесtіоnѕ. Thаt іѕ, it ѕhоuld bе a ѕtrаіghtfоrwаrd package thаt gіvеѕ you a gооd іdеа whаt each tооl dоеѕ by just looking аt thеm.
Imаgіnе being іn thе mіddlе of a busy fіѕhіng day аnd your rееl nееdѕ ѕоmе сlеаnіng? If the kіt уоu’rе eyeing is еаѕу tо uѕе, you’ll do ѕоmе fіеld cleaning in an mаttеr оf ѕесоndѕ аnd bring your reel to life аgаіn!
Thе рrісіng fасtоr should аlѕо gо hаnd іn hand wіth the cleaning tооl уоu’rе planning tо buу. Because you don’t want tо wаѕtе уоur саѕh on аn іnfеrіоr сlеаnіng kіt that dоеѕ nоt wоrk as аdvеrtіѕеd, spend ѕоmе tіmе rеѕеаrсhіng on thе соmроnеntѕ thаt соmе wіth thе kit. Lооk fоr thе compatibility оf аll thеѕе items.
Abоvе аll, еnѕurе thе kіt has the mоѕt efficient cleaning еlеmеntѕ. If it mееtѕ аll your expectations, thеn thе расkаgе іѕ wоrth іnvеѕtіng іn.
Top Ten Reel Cleaning Kits
1. Ardent Reel Kleen

This kit, which is specifically for those who fish in salt water conditions, is geared towards preventing rust and corrosion for your reel and pole. Within this kit, you will receive four bottles of product. This includes a 2-ounce bottle of degreaser and a 2-ounce bottle of corrosion preventer. In addition to this, you will receive 1-ounce bottles of butter oil and butter grease, which also have rust and corrosion prevention properties.
Read moreAlong with all of this, you will see a cleaning brush and clean swabs, which will help ensure you have the correct amount of strength and delicateness needed to fully clean out your reel. Lastly, within the case, you will receive a multi-purpose screwdriver, which will work with a large variety of different tips.

2. Ardent Reel

This fishing reel cleaning pack from Ardent easily breaks down for you the steps you need to take clean your equipment. The first step is the reel cleaner, which acts as a degreaser and will help you clean off your reel and the areas around it. The second step consists of using the 1-ounce bottles of butter oil and butter grease, each of which has a precise tip on them so you can apply the right amount to the area you need to.
Read moreLastly, the third step is the line butter conditioner, which will help ensure the line on your fishing pole and reel doesn’t ever crack or become brittle. These three steps will ensure your reel and pole stay properly greased up so you can enjoy a long-lasting and durable fishing pole.

3. Bottle of Ardent

When you are looking to refill your Degreaser within your kit, Ardent has this solution available for you. This reel cleaner comes in a 16-ounce bottle and is made from materials where it will not lose its potency over time. This cleaner will also help dissolve any kind of dirt, grime, lime deposits or any other kind of foreign object you have within your reel or between your reel and pole.
Read moreYou can apply this cleaner confidently to your reel, as it contains some corrosion and rust protection, meaning it will allow your reel to be long-lasting and durable. Lastly, you don’t need to have a cloth or cotton swabs if you don’t want, as it is self-drying and will not leave marks along your reel or pole.

4. Ardent Fishing

It includes the Ardent Reel Kleen Degreaser, which is available in a 2-ounce bottle. You’ll also get some Butter Oil and Butter Grease, both of which are in a 1-ounce bottle. The kit also comes with a screwdriver, which actually works like a multi-tool screwdriver so you can do more with it.
Read moreIn addition to all of this, you will receive a cloth that is treated in silicone, so it is easy to use and won’t scratch or mark up your reel or line. To go along with the cloth, you’ll receive some cotton swabs which will help you reach into the hard to reach places with your reel. Lastly, you’ll receive a brush and a case for your kit, so you can ensure you have the proper tools to clean your reel and a convenient place to store it all.

5. Hoope’s No. 9

Rather than providing an entire kit for your reel cleaning needs, Hoope’s offers up their lubricating oil which will make sure that your reel is cleaned thoroughly. This particular lubricating oil will never expire, nor will it gum up or harden on your reel, even under the most intense pressure.
Read moreThe oil is refined using a special process, allowing it to be high on the viscosity level. The bottle has a precision tip on it, meaning you can apply just the right amount of the oil to precisely the right location.

6. Berkley BAOGK

This combo kit from Berkley gives you two .5 ounce bottles of oil and grease to help ensure you can protect your reel and fishing pole as you need. The oil bottle comes with a precision tip, allowing you to only use the amount you need in the area where you need it.
Read moreThe grease comes with a screw on cap, so you can ensure it stays protected while not in use and allows you to scoop you as much as you need for any cleaning. The properties within both the oil and grease have a corrosion inhibitor, allowing you to feel confident that your reel will not rust or waste away over time.

7. 4 Reel Cleaner

Available to you with a push button spray tip, this 8-ounce bottle of Reel Cleaner is made from a solution which will clean, prolong and maintain the life of your reel. This solution is a heavy-duty option and will eliminate certain elements in and around your reel. These include grime, mold, algae, stains and salt and lime buildups which occur in and around your reel.
Read moreWith the spray tip, you can just spray this solution onto your reel without having to take it apart. The solution will help dissolve any foreign elements, while also self-drying.

8. Penn Reel Oil

Made specifically for Anglers, this oil and Lube pack from Penn can be used along with a variety of different applications as well. There are two bottles which come in this combo pack. The first bottle is your oil bottle, which is .5 ounces and is comprised of synthetic oil.
Read moreThis oil is refined in a way which will help protect your equipment against rust and corrosion, making it ideal for those who fish in salt water environments. The second bottle is a 1-ounce bottle of grease. This grease provides you with the ability to not crack or wither underweight pressure and holds up extremely well in water.

9. Clenzoil Marine

This bottle of Marine and Tackle cleaner comes with a precision tip, allowing you to use as much or as little as you need to clean any specific area. You can use this cleaner for any application in and around the reels, as well as any other applications which might have some moving parts.
Read moreThis oil works perfectly within any salt water or fresh water environment, so you can feel confident it will help protect your reel from any hard environment. This bottle is unique in that it offers you both an oil and grease option within one bottle, and this two-in-one solution means you don’t need to have two separate steps to fully clean and protect your reel.

10. South Bend

Within this cleaning kit from South Bend, you will receive all of the products you need in order to fully clean your fishing reel. You will receive packets of oil and grease which can be used to on your reel to ensure they are fully cleaned and lubricated for any future use. Along with this, you’ll receive a cleaning cloth so you can properly both apply the oil and grease as needed, as well as help clean off any excess material.
Read moreThe carrying case is made from a durable plastic, so you can be confident in knowing it will not crack or break over the long-term. The Oil and Grease products within this kit have PTFE in them, which will help prevent your reel from rusting or corroding and will help reduce any friction which might occur from any foreign materials.