Best Yoga Blocks

Standout Picks

Criteria Used for Evaluation
Yoga blocks come in many different styles and choosing the right one is crucial. When it comes down to it, you will need to assess the pros and cons of the following materials. Starting with foam, in specific EVA foam, this is arguably the most popular material that you will find. Part of the reason why is due to its inexpensive nature and also its lightweight nature. In addition, as you will soon find out, foam is very easy to maintain and is simple to clean. This is a good thing as the foam will tend to get dirtier than other materials. Also, it will wear down quicker than others.
Next up, there are also hollow wooden models. These can be made up of harder woods or softer woods such as maple, pine, balsa, birch, and bamboo (among others). But, beware, these models typically are much harder and heavier. Lastly, there are cork blocks. Outside of being eco-friendly, they weigh less than wood and are a bit softer. Additionally, they are very solid and exceptionally durable.
Most of the models you find on the market will be very easy to maintain and clean. But, once again, it does come back to the materials that are at play. For example, for cork, this type of material tends to absorb sweat and odor instead of resisting them. Then, as they wear, they will begin to crumble and give off a funky odor. While this can also happen with a material such as foam, they sometimes will be designed to be moisture-proof which will help control the odors. Then again, foam is quite easy to clean even when it begins to emit a potent odor.
Speaking of odors, you need to be aware that sometimes certain models will come with a chemical odor. Now, sometimes this odor will merely dissipate but other times, it will persist. If this is going to become an issue, especially if you perform yoga exercises in a non-ventilated environment, you may want to avoid models like this.
Choosing the right material is also essential when it comes to finding optimal support and stability. There are really two vital characteristics to keep in mind here. The first is that you want to achieve an optimal grip if you are resting your hands on the block. But, at the same time, there should be an adequate amount of slip-resistance to prevent serious injury. Even though yoga is not exactly a vigorous workout that will get your blood flowing in seconds, it still takes a lot of effort and your body can sweat as a result. Well, without optimal slip-resistance and non-slip design, this moisture can cause slippage which can subsequently cause injury. This is where hollow wooden models can be problematic as when your hands get sweaty, they can become slippery.
As for the support, this also brings what was just claimed back to the fold but also something else. You see, the blocks themselves should not be too soft to the point where there is no give (which can be a problem with foam). At the same time, if they are too firm, they can be ridiculously uncomfortable. The key is to find a happy medium which would be firmness while also being a bit soft.
This is going to feel like déjà vu and while it may seem this section is simply going to reiterate what was already claimed previously, it actually comes into play significantly for this section. You see, when talking about the design of a yoga block, the support and comfortability are basically tied together for life. The reason for this is while you need the support for optimal performance, you also need the comfortability to keep from straining during your workout.
But, there are also a couple of other factors that come into play. First off, how about the size? Even though this will be documented in-depth in a minute, for poses where you need to physically sit on the block, you need it to be large enough. Also, a common engineering method that is often integrated is that the edges will be rounded. This is done to enhance the comfort and though simple, it is effective.
Would it surprise you to learn that the size of a block can actually play a pivotal role? Even though they are typically not engineered in very many sizes, picking the correct one is vital. Typically, while the depth is going to vary, the length and width will be nine inches by six inches (although other exceptions are present). But, the depth is a different ball game and typically will either come in three inches or four inches. However, what is the difference and which one should you choose?
For the most part, it really all comes down to your frame. Here is the deal; if you have a smaller frame then you should probably opt for a three-inch depth. The reason for this is four inches can be too wide for some people and this makes for a more awkward experience. Yet, a four-inch depth can be considered the universal depth as it is the staple for most studios and practitioners.
Top Ten Yoga Blocks
1. Clever Yoga

Just a simple glance on Amazon will have you understanding the acclaim of this next model. As with the last one, it is comprised of EVA foam and is also odor-free for your convenience.
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Indeed, this is made of EVA foam and on top of being high-density, it is also non-toxic. Again, this is all for your convenience as a consumer.
Grip and Stability
Even during the sweatiest of workouts, this is not going to slip during so. At the same time, it also offers an ideal amount of support.
In addition to being made of eco-friendly EVO foam that is odor-free, this is easy to clean and can be done with a mixture of soap and water. To dry, simply use a towel.
One of the main reasons why Clever Yoga engineered their model with beveled edges was to enhance the comfort. It is safe to say that this mission was accomplished.
Take note that the four-inch depth is a substantial difference if you are used to three inches. The length and the width, at six inches and nine inches, remain the same, though.
On top of being one of the most convenient models, in regard to maintaining it, this is also designed for advanced yoga sessions due to its stability and comfortability.

2. Gaiam Latex-Free

Speaking of highly popular models, how about this one from Gaiam? However, in spite of this, it remains lower on this list due to its lack of stability and overly lightweight core.
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Even though this may be too lightweight, the supportive foam is still durable in its own right. A little more weight would have been good in this case, however.
Grip and Stability
Okay, so the grip is nice thanks to the non-slip surface and beveled edges. Yet, this is almost too soft as the stability is sacrificed when you rest your weight on it in certain positions.
Per the recommendation of Gaiam, when the time comes, you can care for this with a mild detergent and water. To dry, you can allow it to air dry or merely wipe it off with a towel.
Could this be a little too comfortable? Well, the reality is the extra-soft core is nice for comfort but gives a little too much as was mentioned earlier.
At nine inches by six inches by four inches, as with most other models, this is a suitable size even if you want to physically sit on it.
Did you just see the same yoga block twice? It almost seems that way due to the similarities of the last two and just as before, some users will deem this just a little too soft.

3. Reehut Eva Foam

The popularity of Reehut’s model can’t be ignored and when several consumers commend one particular product, it begins to turn your head. But, be wary, this will give a little during exercising.
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Reehut designed their attempt at a successful yoga block with high-density EVA foam that they dub Reehut foam. This is an excellent combination of support and softness.
Grip and Stability
Perhaps a stiffer material would have been superior in this case as these pack of two will give out a little during use. But, they are slip-resistant which is a huge plus.
Reehut ensured that their consumers would have little to nothing to worry about in regard to maintenance. This is thanks to the moisture-proof and odor-free design.
The main composition of the Reehut foam is the secret to the firm yet comfortable makeup of this model.
As you have been accustomed to by now, you receive two models and each of them measures nine inches by six inches by four inches.
Reehut shows that sometimes, softness can be the enemy. It is worth pointing out, though, that the comfort provided by this model is nearly unmatched and it is available in eight stunning colors.

4. Manduka

Finally, a model not made out of cork makes an appearance. Manduka breaks the trend with yet another popular material, foam. One of the benefits of this is its ease of cleaning, among other things.
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Indeed, this is made of foam. However, it is not any old foam as it is 50 percent recycled EVA foam.
Grip and Stability
Due to the slip-resistant and high-density design, this is going to be suitable on virtually any surface and still provide stability (including hardwood, cement, and carpet).
When this piece of foam begins to have a potent odor, you can merely wash it with soap and rinse it with water. From there, a simple air dry will cap off the process.
Despite the firm nature and increased weight of this model, the radius edges and overall composition enhance the comfort for satisfying sessions.
At nine inches by six inches by four inches, this is without a doubt suitable to sit on for certain yoga poses and exercises.
On top of offering a great deal of firmness and support, this specific yoga block is also lightweight. To be honest, it is hard to find a better combination in regard to this technology.

5. HemingWeigh

A lot of what was just documented could be copied and pasted here. That is how similar this model is to the last one and considering that is our top model, that is a pretty good compliment.
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Being made up of 100 percent natural eco-friendly cork material, the surface on this model is non-stick. As compared to foam models, this is much firmer and does not feature any toxic chemicals.
Grip and Stability
Each product you receive is designed with a non-slip bottom to provide much-needed stability. In addition, the texture adds traction and is also slip-resistant.
Even after long and sweaty sessions, these set of two blocks will not have too bad of a stench. Most of the time, very little maintenance will be required.
The material itself offers adequate comfort but what also helps is the size as this can easily be sat on comfortably.
As Hemingweight designed their models to measure nine inches by six inches by four inches, they are more than suitable for activities in which you need to sit on them.
Once again, weight can be a slight issue here. However, once again, that issue is overshadowed by other spectacular features such as excellent stability and comfortability.

6. Spoga Premium

Truth be told, there is one primary reason why this specific entry is not higher on this list. As many users have expressed, a chemical smell is emitted and can be very offsetting. But, everything else is all but golden.
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The supportive foam that comprises these models is both of studio quality and also high-density.
Grip and Stability
All of the characteristics you would look for in a typical model, such as a non-stick surface, and slip-resistance, are integrated into these “premium” blocks.
Yeah, let’s just say that too many consumers have commented on the chemical odor to make it irrelevant. You may want to try cleaning them thoroughly.
At the same time, these are both firm and forgiving to ensure comfort. In addition to this, they are large enough to sit on comfortably for certain poses.
If the four-inch depth is too substantial for you, there is also an option for a three-inch model. Either way, you go, they will be nine inches long by six inches wide.
In spite of the putrid chemical odor that has been alluded to by several, this set of two is designed to be firm yet forgiving and with an optimal, non-stick surface.

7. JBM International

This is yet another model that is made of eco-friendly natural cork material. However, the thing about these bad boys from JBM is that they are really firm. In fact, perhaps too much for some users.
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Are you starting to get the idea that cork constructions are popular? JBM is another designer to implement this material into their model and once again, it works tremendously.
Grip and Stability
When you press your body onto these, they have very little give and provide terrific support and stability. Oh yeah, and the entire design is slip-resistant, as well.
Due to the fact that these are both moisture-proof and non-absorbent, odor is not going to be an issue most of the time and neither will bacteria, as a result.
Okay, so here is the deal here. As was mentioned, the firmness is pretty intense here. JBM probably should have not gone to this extreme but for some users, it will be just what the doctor ordered.
Both of the models that you receive measure nine by six by four inches (width by height by depth). This size is large enough to be sat on comfortably.
This is the third straight model to implement cork material. While this one is going to be too firm for several of you, for others, it will offer the support you are craving.

8. Peace Yoga

As a forewarning for this next entry, as good as it is, one buyer claimed that the size is off. In reality, expect this to be around 10 percent narrower than the claimed size.
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Thanks to the composition of the high-density cork material, this is going to be long-lasting and very durable.
Grip and Stability
One user noted that they tried all surfaces, including wet grass, carpet, and wood, and this still did not slip during use. Plus, the wood composition is a bit sturdier than foam.
As a few buyers have noted, there is no chemical or unpleasant smell associated with these blocks (which can be an issue with other models).
According to one buyer, these blocks can actually be uncomfortable when performing a restorative pose. When it is right against your back, it may not be comfortable enough.
It is claimed that both of these wood pieces are nine inches by six inches by four inches. Per the experience of one consumer, though, they may be narrower than what is claimed.
For the most part, it is not difficult to see why this is one of the best models in the world. Then again, some users may not enjoy the discomfort in certain poses.

9. Bean Products

Ironically, this next model exemplifies two of the biggest potential issues with a cork construction. But, it secured a spot on this list thanks to its durability and ease of maintenance.
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Bean Products outfitted their yoga block with renewable cork and this provides a firm, stable and durable base.
Grip and Stability
To provide an ideal balance of comfort and stability, even though it is on the stiffer side, the cork is solid (and durable) but also slightly porous. Plus, with the texture, the grip is not an issue.
Even after years of use, one reviewer noted how these remained clean and pretty much unblemished. In other words, little to no maintenance will be required.
It is time to address the two issues that hold this back. First off, each one you get weighs around two pounds which is quite heavy. Secondly, some users describe them as “hard as a rock”.
As per usual, in regard to the other versions in the world, this comes in two sizes. Both of which are nine inches by six inches but you can choose the depth (either three or four inches).
If you believe that the excess weight and stiffness warrants a pass, then that is fair. But, know this, the durability and solid performance at least warrant a consideration.

10. Hugger Mugger Cork

In terms of offering the best support, no model outperforms this one from Hugger Mugger. Of course, you will have to deal with the extra weight for traveling but all things considered, that is not a bad compromise.
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While Hugger Mugger designed their entry with a renewable cork construction, it is a bit lighter than standard coarse-grain cork.
Grip and Stability
Indeed, the stability and support that is provided here is the stuff of legends. What is also nice, in addition, is the easy-to-grip, non-slip surface on top.
Thanks to the fully harvesting process that was integrated here, the natural fiber provides no off-gassing. The only thing you will need to be cautious of is sweat.
Though this offers great support, it is also soft enough to not be too hard on your body. Additionally, the corners have been rounded to create a more comfortable surface area.
While other models on this list will either be three or four inches in depth, this one is actually 3.5 inches. As for the width and height, this measures nine inches and 5.5 inches, respectively.
Part of the reason why these types of yoga blocks are so popular is their support and provided grip. But, remember, when traveling, you will need to deal with some extra weight.